Half Bitten


His arms entwined around my rested body like playful fingers reaching out to the falling petals of a white rose.
Every breath of his scent would take me higher into the sky. But in fear of loosing him, of loosing myself, I never went far. Effortlessly, his body tilted forward, reaching softly for my hand. Instantaneously our fingers touched and our bodies took flight. We fell to each other. I fell to him as he fell to me.
The grass below swayed happily with the wind, as the trees above seemed to let their leaves whisper a tune. Dewdrops fell, the earth illuminated with the speckles of dreams that dared to be noticed.
His arms entwined around my rested body like playful fingers reaching out to the falling petals of a white rose.

My eyes slowly took in the dim light that inched through my window as my dream faded away. The silver light was a disappointing comparison to the lively green meadow that captured my mind only seconds ago. My arm reached out to where Lowlii would be. After feeling the dent of where his body lied, I opened my eyes wider. It looked as if I was the only person in the room but my mind knew better than to accept that as an answer. I let my ears listen to the silence. Waiting for an interval, a drone that would interrupt what made it so deafening.
A drone—A sleepy drone.
A snore.
I inched my way across the bed to his side and looked to the carpet. His body lied unorganized and overstretched. Judging by how heavy his snores were, what happened wasn’t hard to figure out.
He fell off.
Despite the adoring laugh that exited my body, a part of me was still bewildered. Shocked, even. Shocked at the fact that someone like Lowlii would even acknowledge that I was around. I watched happily as he breathed in and out, wondering if he would notice if I inched myself next to him. As soon as he shifted his body I made my way to the ground. Within seconds his arms wrapped around me once again. I snickered lightly as he continued to snore.
“Go to sleep.” Lowlii whispered after hearing me. “We have a full week off of a school. This should be illegal.”
I bit my lip, “I’m sorry.”
He smiled lightly, “no you shouldn’t be. The floor’s actually pretty comfortable.”
I shifted my body up so I could set my lips on his but he held me still. “Did you enjoy your birthday?”
I squinted my eyes shut in shame. “I can’t believe I forgot my stupid birthday.”
“Well, lucky for you I remembered.”
I smiled happily, “ which only means I’m throwing you the best birthday party ever.”
“Oh really?” he chuckled. “What if I told you I was born on leap year?”
I lulled over his words. “Than I’ll hire someone that has a Barney costume. How old are you now? Six?”
He chuckled, “more like seventeen.” After sighing, he titled his body to the side and pulled me closer. “Which only means I’m eight and a half.”
My mind tried to filter in his words.
Lowlii chuckled again after the three seconds of silence I allowed to slip through. “Every two years, I age one year.”
I tried not to laugh. “Like in dog years?”
He opened his eyes and pressed his lips into a fine line. “More or less. But I don’t catch with my mouth, I could tell you that.”
I laughed more loudly then intended. He hushed me gently by pecking my lips. “Go to sleep.”
I shook my head, “no. It’s almost Christmas anyway. We’ll be spending even more time together. We could sleep then.”
Lowlii sighed, wrapping his arms around me once again. “I wish I could agree.”
“What do you mean?” I tried not to frown.
He brought his warm palm to my face. “Christmas isn’t a good time to be around each other.”
I tried to think of the last time we were pulled apart. My face scrunched up once again, only this time in sadness. “That isn’t fair. Its Christmas for god’s sake!”
He let his blue eyes look down into mine, “if I had a choice, believe me, I’d spend the rest of my life with you. Every second of every day.”
Although he said the words, my mind was still fixed on the fact that it would never be possible.
I held my hand to his. “Fine. If you’re going to leave the least we could do is spend as much time together until than.”
He let his eyebrows arch down with concern as he held me closer. “Oh Jackie, no one else knows what happened between us. We have to tell them at the best time. Imprinting is a big deal in my family. They’ll get suspicious. Besides, Bird doesn’t exactly like the idea of us being together.”
“That’s stupid!” I grumbled to myself. “Doesn’t he know by now? Those attacks have nothing to do with me. There’s no way I could be the girl from the legend.”
He smiled in relief. “That’s what I told Bird. That’s what I told everyone. But they don’t want to let the theory go.”
“Than why don’t they all run away from me?” I asked hopelessly.
“Well I’m sure they would, if you asked them to.” His soft chuckle made my face light up in happiness.
“Speaking of everyone,” Lowlii sighed reluctantly. “I have to get back home. Kindle can only keep her mouth shut for so long.”
I groaned, tightening my grip on his hand. “Don’t go. Please.”
He closed his eyes and set his puckered lips onto my forehead. “You know I don’t want to go. Every time we say good-bye it hurts. I don’t know how I lived my life without you.”
Before I could cling onto him, Lowlii’s warm arms set me down onto the bed. His warm lips touched mine once more, kissing with pure innocence.
“I’ll try to be back soon. Before the new moon.”
I watched as he made his way to the window and lifted it open solemnly.
Say it! Say you love him! The intriguing voice hissed. It’s now or never! This could be the last time you’ll ever see him!
My mouth dropped open as I turned back to him. But as usual Lowlii was long gone. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to preserve the warmth that made my life so effortless.
Was it always going to be like this? Would Lowlii parade in and out of my life just like usual? Even so, I’m grateful that we have the time we have. But how long will that last? Bird wasn’t the type of person to remain oblivious for too long. I gathered myself and progressed towards my bedroom door hoping that a chance of scenery would ht I help settle my mind.
If there were some way to convince Bird that I wasn’t the girl from the legend, it would solve all our problems. If Bird didn’t protest against our love, which I’m sure he wouldn’t after I made him certain that I am just a normal girl, my dad wouldn’t protest either. It was clear that everyone else knew what was going on and no one seemed to be against Lowlii and I being a couple. The hard part was breaking the news to Bird, and most of all, my dad. I needed to do it somewhere public. Around people my dad would hate being around so my news would seem feeble to the annoyance he would be pestered with.
“You seem to be up early.” My dad’s voice found its way to my ears. He set the spoon down in his cereal bowl and leaned back in his chair lazily. “Happy almost Christmas. Hope you didn’t get me a present.”
Don’t worry. The thought hadn’t crossed my mind.
I sighed as I took one look around the bland kitchen. “Dad, what are you doing?”
He blinked in confusion. “Digesting?”
I exhaled sharply. “It’s the day before Christmas and there is not one spec of Christmas spirit in the house. What happened to the old days? Where’s the Christmas tree you’d always make me decorate?”
My dad blinked once more in confusion. “It’s Christmas eve. Who would have an extra Christmas tree?”

I popped up happily after hearing the doorbell ring. My dad glared at me as he fussed with the cuffs on his old Christmas sweater. “How did you make me wear this? For god sakes I’m older than you!”
I arched my eyebrows down in concern as I set my anxious hand on the doorknob. “Okay, dad. I promise. I owe you one.”
“Damn right you owe me one.” He grumbled under his breath as he shifted out of his seat. When the door swung open Chase greeted me with a loving smile and a cardboard box in his hands.
“Sorry it took so long. Amber didn’t want to drive here.”
“Well, don’t tell her that.” She protested stepping away from behind Chase with a box to match.
I smiled, “thank you for coming. Where’s the tree?”
Chase winked slyly. “Do you really think we were the only people dying to come?”
“Oh great.” My dad snorted sarcastically. I didn’t know how to react. Usually he would be ecstatic to have Bird’s family members over. What had changed?
“Move out of the way!” Bird’s voice strained as the Christmas tree made its way up the front porch. Chase threw me the box in his hands as Amber and I stood beside the door, waiting for the tree to make it in successfully.
“Push it further!” Lowlii demanded.
“I’m trying!” Bird answered back.
“Sam! You’re always hopeless!” my dad retorted after bending down to the ground and extending his hands out to hold onto the tree.
“One more push!” Chase urged. “On three, okay?”
My dad’s patience ran out. With one tug he budged the tree half an inch then screamed in agony. “My back!”
I raced to the ground with intentions of helping my dad up. Bird seemed to be caught in a state of hysteria as he laughed mockingly. “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks! You never followed the rules.”
“Shut up Sammy!” my dad grumbled as he tried to shift himself up unsteadily.
“Don’t move.” Chase warned. “I’ll call someone.”
“No.” my dad childishly protested. “Just take me to my chair, Jackie”.”
I nervously composed enough strength to drag my dad over to his recliner. Bird continued to pull the tree in with the help of Lowlii and Chase while Amber watched along, making sure that no one else would get hurt. I looked to my dad and tried not to let the guilt that had materialized in my body take over. Everything was going wrong because of my selfish need to see Lowlii once again.
“I don’t even think I could walk for the rest of the day.” My dad groaned again.
My face scrunched up in shame. “I’m sorry. Its all my fault.”
“Its not your fault.” Lowlii, now standing near me, protested.
“Ah!” Bird rolled his eyes after setting the tree down steadily onto its base. “He’ll be fine! So what if he can’t walk for the rest of the day? We’re all better off.”
“How would you know?” my dad retorted sourly. “For the past two months you’ve gone MIA!”
Lowlii rolled his eyes as they continued with their childish argument.
“Me? Oh no, Sonny! Don’t turn this on me! You’re the one who started living his life with the enemy!”
“Enough!” Chase intruded. “Besides, we’re the hormonal kids here. Not you. Can’t we all just get along? It’s almost Christmas.”
“Where’s the truck? I’ll drive Sonny to the hospital.”
“No.” my dad protested again. “It wont do any good finding the truck. It hasn’t been working for the past three days.”
“Another thing you screwed up.” Bird grumbled. “How’s life behind enemy lines?”
“Enemy? What Enemy?” I asked.
Lowlii chose to disregard my question. “Hey, where’s the hot chocolate you promised us?”
I glowered angrily. There was a part of me that wanted to challenge him but another part of me urged my body to swallow its pride. “It’ll be out in a couple of seconds.”

I sighed angrily as I picked up the kettle off the stove. I titled it to the side so that the steaming water would pour out into the last batch of hot chocolate. I watched intently allowing the coco brown powder mix with the water gradually.
Amber and Chase decided to leave right after the Christmas tree was furnished fairly with colorful decorations. Which only left my dad to bicker angrily to Bird as Lowlii headed out back to work on the truck. After a couple of hours we all grew hungry and the bell rang timely. Steph had heard from Amber about my dad’s back and dropped off painkillers. Zander showed up by her side with two pizzas. If I hadn’t been filled with so much glee that someone else was here to save me from the idiotic bickering and the insufficient need to grab Lowlii by the lips and not let go, I would’ve questioned her on the fact that she showed up with Zander at my door willingly.
However, as soon as the pizza was gone, Steph and Zander decided to do the same. No one seemed to stay put for too long which made my mind wonder about the piece of information I had overlooked. I glanced sideways to the living room. My dad hadn’t moved from his recliner. If anything it looked like it was titled back in a manner to allow the person sitting in it to doze off. Bird hummed to himself lightly while overlooking the Christmas tree. They used to be so close that their sudden change in attitude seemed odd. Out of place, sprung up by an old feud.
“You should butt-out.” Warm fingers wrapped around my hand. Before I could blink the kettle that was gripped to my hand was put down in the stove. “It’s none of our business what our fathers are going through.”
“Knowing your stubbornness,” I finally found the strength to breathe, “You wouldn’t be saying that unless you knew what was going on.”
Lowlii inhaled slowly letting his chin rest onto my shoulder. “What makes you think I know what’s going on?”
I glowered happily. “What makes you think I wont find out?”
He inhaled again, this time wrapping his arms around my hips. “Nothing. In fact I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
“Well, aren’t you going to tell me?” I asked impatiently.
“Nope.” He chuckled lightly. “Knowing your pride, it would be more efficient if you figured it out and then told me what I already know.”
“What if I took an early retirement from my sleuthing?”
He laughed lightly. “You and I both know that will never happen.”
I wiggled my way around so that our noses touched. “It would be easier if you just told me.”
Lowlii smirked childishly. “Persuade me.”
I lifted myself onto the counter so that we could see eye to eye. Subconsciously he leaned in more further than usual.
“Are you sure you’re ready for that?” I chuckled happily.
He brought his lips closer.
“Hey!” Bird exclaimed in revelation from the other room. “Hoo-ha! Those painkillers worked like a charm! He’s snoring like a dog!”
I laughed lightly. “Guess that means we should call it a night, huh?”
Lowlii shrugged, “or we could go take the truck out for a test drive. It’s only eight anyway.”
“Alright! So which one of you kids are going to get me some real food?” Bird questioned sternly.

“Where are we?” I asked as the truck beneath me came to a stop. Out of instinct my hands started to pick at the blindfold that shielded my eyes.
“No—no you don’t.” Lowlii advised as his fingers stopped mine. “This is supposed to be a special moment.”
I groaned as I leaned back restlessly in the car seat. “This isn’t fair!”
His warm arms pulled me closer to his lap while he laughed happily. “So, I guess you wont find this to your liking either.” Lowlii’s warm lips kissed the side of my neck lovingly. “Or this.” He continued as his puckered lips set themselves against the skin of my neck once again. The warmth in my stomach started to explode passionately.
I bit my lip fighting off the urge to shake.
Lowlii chuckled lightly then whispered into my ear. “I’ve been dying to do this since your birthday but Nathan told me to wait.” His fingers worked intently on loosening the ends of the blindfold.
“It should start soon.” Lowlii whispered again as my direction was turned to the flat screen standing tall before the car. I blinked in confusion.
“A drive-in movie theatre?”
He smiled proudly, “I remembered how much you hated the first movie we watched together so I decided to take you to one that I knew you’d like.”
I took another look around smiling with admiration. “This is amazing. Are you sure it’ll work though?”
“Its one a timer,” he shrugged, “and besides, if it doesn’t I still got you alone and out of the house now didn’t I?”
“Are we taking an early Christmas vacation?”
Lowlii wrapped his fingers between mine. “Even if it’s just for a couple of hours.”
Although Lowlii was sitting right next to me, I couldn’t help but frown. “I could barely go a minute without you around.”
He smiled in relief. “I could barely go half a second without you around.”
Despite the laugh that exited my body, I was still upset.
“What’s wrong?” he raised his loving hand to my cheek. “You know you could tell me anything, right?”
I tried not to look into his adoring blue eyes. “Why do you have to be gone for three days? Can’t I come with you?”
“Oh, Jackie.” His eyebrows arched down in concern. “Part of the reason why nobody wanted me around you was because they thought I would harm you.”
“But I know you wont hurt me.” I stated. “I know you would never do that.”
“Yeah. But do I know that?” Lowlii let his voice grow into a faint whisper. “I’m still learning. Anything can set me off. Anyone can set me off.”
I tilted my head down, trying to hide my tears.
“You’ll always be apart of me, Jackie.” He hummed in my ear. “ No matter what happens you have a part of me and I could only hope that I have a part of you.”
“You’ll always have a part of me.” I whispered back. “ You are me and I am you. That’s the way imprinting works, isn’t it?”
“It’s more than that Jackie.” He protested nervously. “Its more than a stupid imprint.”
I swallowed hard. “Do you regret liking me, then?”
Lowlii’s body tensed. “Oh no—god no. I don’t regret liking you. Its more than like.”
Say it! Say it you wuss! The intriguing voice screamed.
“Jackie—I,” he shifted in his seat uncomfortably as he bit his lip with uncertainty.
My heart wanted to drop. What if he never loved me the way I loved him? What if he really never wanted to imprint on me and I forced him into it?
“I—I.” He stuttered again.
My hands started to shake. “It’s fine. You don’t have to say it. I know exactly what you mean.”
“Really?” he sighed in relief. “Whoa, this imprinting stuff works better than I thought it would.” He let his now changing blue eyes flicker to mine. “So—do you feel the same way? Its not big deal, right?”
My calm body turned furious. “No big deal! Don’t you have any idea on how much you mean to me? How much my life revolves around you!”
Lowlii blinked in confusion. “What makes you think that you’re not the center of my world?”
“Oh!” I scoffed. “There we go again! Playing games with my heart! You’re pulling my strings! You’re pulling them!”
He scoffed back. “What are you talking about? Jackie—are you on something?”
I threw my arms up in the air dramatically. “No! But I wish I was!”
“I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing here.”
I rolled my eyes, as I broke free of his warm arms. “I don’t even care anymore!”
“Jackie. Wait. I really don’t think you’re thinking the same thing I’m thinking.”
“I could careless!” I threw the side door open and stomped out of the truck.
“Jackie!” He yelled back as he followed me. “ Maybe I need to re-phrase!”
I turned around in a huff. “Really? So you promise you’ll never leave me?”
I would’ve continued with my pathetic banter but his lips set themselves on mine steadily. The anger that filled my body turned into lust. I grabbed onto him as my blood vigorously boiled threw my veins.
“Whoa.” He pulled his head back as he gasped for air.
I bit my lip stepping back. “I—I’m sorry. That just made the breakup even worse, huh?”
Lowlii smiled lightly. “Break up? Now I know we’re not talking about the same thing. Jackie, I love you.”
“What the hell?” I blinked in confusion.
He laughed happily, “ ‘I love you too’ would’ve also been accepted.”
I pulled him into another kiss. “I love you too, Lowlii.”
♠ ♠ ♠
"that's why you don't do crack children"-- hahaha, My sister's words.

thank you to all my subscribers and readers!!!! =] i feel happy knowing that other people take time to respect me as an author......although i don't think i'm a very good one, i still thank you =]

new update--- not allowed to go onto this site until my grades go up.....lol.....but just hang on for a little while longer. i'm sure it wont take long for me to do it. =] and i've also decided to change Alec's face slightly...... i tried to go back and edit as much as i can. Alec now has green eyes instead of golden brown and instead of dark black hair, he has a slight shade of chocolate brown, which under dim light still seems to be black.

....tell me if you like the change.....tell me if i shouldn't add the change.