Half Bitten

New Student

There was the slightest bit of buzz, a drone. It hummed steadily at my ear as if to admit what it happened to be; yet I remained clueless.
“She had an anxiety attack.” Nevertheless, another unfamiliar voice whispered through the air, yards away. However, I was upset that it wasn’t Lowlii’s.
The pale white walls of the room caused me to squint only after playfully frying my eyes. I didn’t know where I was but I recognized the smell, and noticed that the buzzing was from a monitor hooked up to my heart.
“Something scared her, or at least frightened her enough to cause her chest to lock.”
“Well, how soon can I get her out of here?” My father’s voice was weary, yet still stable. “The last time she was in a hospital, it wasn’t good.”
“I understand.” The doctor responded affectionately. “You could go in now and I’ll prep the paperwork.”
The door slowly swayed open and my father’s head poked into the environment.
“Dad?” I peeped, slightly tired. “What am I doing here?”
He seemed relieved to hear the sound of my voice. “You fainted after having an anxiety attack.”
“Where is everyone else?”
“They called it a night three hours ago.”
I sighed with a groan. “I’m so sorry, dad. It must be one in the morning.”
“Awah!” he shook his head and swatted a hand out as if to disregard my comment. “You’re my daughter. This is my job. I’m just glad we found you in time.” He let his voice trail off as he managed to raise his gaze to mine. “Jackie, what really happened?”
I blinked dumbly. “You just told me what happened, didn’t you?”
“No,” my father chuckled, with slight hesitance. “What scared you?”
“Maybe it was the smell of the dumpster,” I shrugged coyly.
“The trash was taken out that morning.” My father mentioned in opposition.
I tried not to blurt out the truth as my mind denied every minute of it. “I just saw something in the shadows, than. Maybe like a rat?”
My father raised a brow and skeptically lowered his voice. “I don’t have rats in my shop, and if I did the books wouldn’t stand a chance.”
I glanced down from him to my hands, which were placed nervously on my lap. I watched my fingers as they intertwined with each other.
“Jackie.” My father’s voice was now stern. “I know that you know what really happened.”
I bit my lip in an attempt to stop myself from speaking.
“Jackie, if you don’t tell me, I’m sending you to live with your mother.”
I felt hurt—broken. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and was slowly being tattered away. I thought he loved me being here. What kind of a father would throw his daughter a party for no reason and still argue that he didn’t love her.
“That’s really…. Unfair.” I stated with little feeling.
“Well, what am I supposed to do?” my father threw his hands in the air. “There is obviously something bothering you and how am I supposed to keep you happy if I don’t know what it is?”
After an interval of awkward silence, the guilt washed over me. I knew it was coming, and I knew how crazy I was going to sound but I had no choice. I didn’t want to live with my superficial mom with her stupid Italian boyfriend. “It was Lowlii.” I muttered swiftly.
At first my father looked confused, as if he could not fathom how or why I uttered the words I did.
“I know, it sounds crazy.” I mentioned. “But it was him. It was Lowlii.”
“Don’t say it again.” my father cautioned me acidly, as he let his mind wander off and when he managed to form an argument, he spoke it. “No. He’s dead.”
I found the courage to allow my eyes to his. “That’s not what Ms. Rolands said.”
“That’s different.” My father raised his finger up sternly. “She didn’t just see him.”
I didn’t bother to listen to his challenge. “Look, dad. It’s obvious we’ve been keeping secrets and telling lies, but that stops today.”
“Jackie,” he sighed, trying to calm himself down. “I admit that I have been keeping secrets from you, but I trust Kassie when she said that she foresaw him.”
“Foresaw? What do you mean? Like—had a premonition?”
My father gulped noisily. “Yes, and he was dead. Someone was killed him.”
I searched his eyes for the answer to my unspoken question but couldn’t penetrate the expression that laminated them. “So he’s not dead, yet.”
“No, he could be.” My father stated with much effort. “Kassie’s premonitions have no expiration date—whatever she is seeing could happen an hour after, or a week after.”
I tried not to let the tears fall. “How long ago did she see him?”
“Three weeks.” My father uttered with no feeling.
I had no doubt that he wasn’t alive, but couldn’t stop myself from prying. “If he’s dead, then why were you planning to keep close eyes on me?”
“Exactly how much of that conversation did you hear?” my father asked in an annoyed manner.
“Just enough, dad.” I answered then went on to the next troubling subject. “How much did Ms. Rolands tell you about herself?”
“What exactly do you mean?” my father questioned.
I knew I couldn’t carelessly blurt out what I wanted. “Did she tell you why her and her sons hate The Whites so much?”
“Yeah.” He spoke, recalling a moment in past time. “It was because of a fight over property.”
I was surprised. How could he be with Ms. Rolands for so long and not know?
Knocking on the door seemed to cease our heated conversation. “Excuse me, Mr. Brown. The doctor says he has the paperwork ready.”

There was something about the Port Angles night air that I overlooked for the past couple of months. I failed to sense the fact that the atmosphere at night was much different than the morning. I fell in and out of consciousness as the car glided through the quiet streets, but I could still notice my father’s glances.
“What did I do now?” I groaned, caught in the middle of letting a tear trickle down my cheek.
“Hmm, nothing.” My father answered back swiftly. “I’m just trying to ready myself for your emotional break down.”
“Break down?” I tried to conceal a sniffle. “I’m fine.”
He nodded as the car eased itself near the house. “I’m surprised. You’re taking Cole’s death very well.”
This time, I managed to postpone my shock enough to disagree. If he was dead, then who did I manage see? Granted that it was dark, and I was on the verge of ripping something into pieces, I was not upset enough to fabricate someone, even Lowlii. He felt so real, and he still was to me. I could still feel his warmth on my fingers as I recalled seeing him. But if he was so real, where was he now?
“Jackie?” My father’s voice trailed to my ears. I blinked dully and found that he was holding the car door open for me. “We’re home.”
Easing myself out of the car, I landed in a puddle of mud and slush. The back door creaked as if to greet us happily. My father dragged himself to the living room and crashed down onto the couch. He was obviously tired, and I soon felt guilty.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” He mumbled into the couch, too lazy to pick his head up. “No funny business when you get upstairs, okay?”
The stairs seemed to be quieter than usual, which caused me to pay attention to the sleepy drones I encountered at the top of them.
Outside my bedroom door, Rufus, Darby, and Alec laid. Rufus was stretched out on the ground; face down, as if it was a bed. Darby had his head on Rufus’s back as he extended his legs out, across the width of the hall, onto Alec’s lap. Alec snored heavily, suspending his upper body against the wall, as he tried to keep Darby from kicking him in the face. If I weren’t so upset, I would’ve laughed in amusement.
In my room, after I managed to sneak past the vampires, of course, I found it harder to breathe. The color of the wall singed me with memories. My room was the only room that Lowlii grew to love which only resulted in him being here almost all the time. There was a part of me that wanted to open my window and allow the cold air of the night to come in so that he would accompany it.
I knew it was safe enough to let the tears flow and so they did. The pitter-patter sound of them landing on my shirt was shocking. They weren’t sliding down my face rather than falling downward.
I was sick of this life. A few moments passed and my whimpering filled the air. Now, I lay on my bed, trying to cry myself to sleep. The shirt I was wearing managed to become wet so I threw it off and covered myself with the blanket.
“I used to like that shirt.” A voice mentioned with a chuckle.
My eyes shot open and straight to the window. It was closed, and the lock was still doing its duty. I allowed my ears to listen closely as my eyes strained themselves in the dark. If there was no one else here, where did the voice come from?
“White looks pretty on you. I don’t know why you don’t wear it as much.” It continued in conversation. “You also need a dress—I’m sure you’re sick and tired of wearing pants.” I heard some of the empty clothes hangers chime as they knocked against each other.
I didn’t know how fast or quietly I moved, but I tried hard enough to do it successfully. Coming to my closet, I felt the shocking absence.
“Come on, Shotgun. You and I both know you’re just as clumsy in the dark.” Click! The light at my desk shot on, or at least that’s what I heard.
In return I closed my eyes, begging my stupidity to stop fabricating voices.
“What would you say if I bought you a dress?” the warm voice was close enough that I could hear breathing.
“I’d say that you’re not real.” I peeped.
Chuckling answered. “Okay, I’ll play along.”
“Go away, whoever you are.” I urged.
The voice answered back in shock. “You’ve never talked to me with that tone of voice before.” After a slight pause, more words flowed. “Guess I’m just going to have to remind you on why you used to call me Lowlii.”
I could feel warmth trail up the back of my arm. Forcing my eyelids to stay shut, I tried to breathe deeply.
“This is not real. Jackie, stop it.” I urged myself.
This time, laughter answered. “I see you’ve been listening to the town talk.”
The warm sensation traveled to the top of my shoulder, as if a hand was cupping around it. I didn’t want to turn but there was another force that managed to control my body.
All I could think of was stumbling backwards and, caught in the action of doing so, I lost my balance. Somehow, I was happy that the ground caught me; that my body attacked it, as if it was supposed to cave in and mold to make me comfortable.
“You still smell the same,” the voice remarked as I felt cool air at my neck followed by a warm breath. “Considering how much time you’ve been spending with The Rolands.”
The Rolands. Three of them were just outside my door. Breathing in deeply, I found it hard to swallow the fact that I was going to hold conversation with a voice my mind boiled. “How’d you get passed them…” after hesitating, I breathed in again. “Lowlii.”
“Well,” another warm breath sent itself down my neck. “I could answer your question, but I know that you already know what I’m about to say.”
After two seconds of awkward silence, the voice uttered in a shocked tone. “You’ve grown speechless haven’t you? I suppose three months alone could do that to a person.”
Clenching my jaw, I tried to speak through my teeth, “five months.”
“A little bit of a temper too, huh?” the voice presumed. “That’s nothing a couple of kisses can’t fix.”
My nerves allowed themselves to hold me in a clasp. “Just how are you going to do that when you’re actually not here, Lowlii?”
“Jackie?” the voice chuckled. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Go away.” Bringing my hands to my ears, I urged.
“Jackie, open your eyes. I’m right here.”
“No, you’re not.” I hissed, my voice growing a little impatient.
Warmth wrapped around my hands. “Jackie, I’m here. Look at me.”
“Go away!” I allowed my voice to grow enough as if to emphasize a scream. “Go away! For all I know you’re dead! Go away!”
Hearing a door swing open, my eyes flashed open. I was sitting near the edge of my bed, hugging my legs.
After taking a bite of his red apple, Alec stepped in while letting his eyes study my face. “What’s wrong, Jackie? Why aren’t you ready? School is going to start in half an hour.”
I blinked more than enough times to realize that the sun, not the stars, cast the silver tone in the sky.
“He was here.” I mumbled, suspending my head back down onto my knees.
As soon as I finished my sentence, two extra pairs of feet raided my room.
“Who was here, Jackie?” Rufus’s voice called to me from the window. “The lock is still on, and the window doesn’t look like it’s been messed with.”
Cold arms wrapped around me as Darby’s voice whispered into my ear. “Baby, I’m here for you,” he said happily.
I glared at him with enough violence so as to cause him a flinch. “Why didn’t you come sooner? You could’ve saved me.”
“I can’t pick up a scent.” Rufus mumbled to Alec. “Should we tell her father, or just wait it out?”
Alec glanced to me one last time. “Get up and get ready. My mom will be here shortly.”
Within a blink, I was alone in my room. The faint light my lamp was exuding only made it harder to see.
If The Rolands couldn’t pick up a scent, it was obvious that Lowlii was never here.
I didn’t know whether to congratulate myself for the logical thinking, or scold myself at the fact that I was growing to be crazy. When I managed to calm my nerves enough, I walked down the stairs fully dressed and ready for another day of school.
“I just don’t know what to do.” Rufus’s voice whispered quietly as he stood near the door accompanied by Alec. “Maybe you could shake it out of her.”
“No, no.” Alec cautioned. “I’ve been trying for the last month. You and I both know that I have no patients for this. If she’s so fixated by him, I can’t do anything about it. She’s not in love with me, now is she?”
“Well, surely there’s something we could do.” Darby intruded, “talk to a gypsy or two?”
I didn’t know why they hadn’t stopped talking about me because I was clearly in the same room.
“Oh, Good morning Jackie.” While subtly nudging Rufus to stop talking, Darby turned to me with a smile.
“Don’t act like nothing’s going on.” I remarked. “I heard the whole conversation.”

Most of the ride to school involved worried glances thrown my way, and Ms. Rolands asking if I managed to need anything.
“Are you sure?” She asked melodically, while throwing her eyes towards the rear view mirror. “We still have half an hour before school starts.”
Good, maybe then you could pound Alec hard enough that he’ll have to tell you what’s going on. The intriguing voice intruded with a bit of a snicker.
“Stop it, mom. She’s not a baby.” Alec took a momentary halt from glancing off towards the front windshield.
Sighing, I resented being the only person sitting in the back seat. On other days, Alec would make it his obligation to accompany me. I glanced towards him with observant eyes, and after he noticed, he glared and shifted his head back towards the front windshield. Trying to think of what I did wrong, I concluded that I did exactly nothing, and he was the one being delusional.
The car eased into the front high school parking lot and as soon as it stopped, I wished Ms. Rolands a good day and jumped out with no second look.
“Exactly!” Alec yelled to me, his voice growing agitated. “That’s just like you, Jackie! Running away from everything.”
I swung my body around. “What the hell is your problem?” after noticing that the front parking lot was rather very empty, it wasn’t hard to make eye contact with Alec.
His eyes widened as he hitched his bag over his shoulder. “You’re kidding right?”
“I know I do that a lot, but this time I have no clue.” Flailing my hands in the air, I let my voice grow. “Spare me of my ignorance!”
“Please, Jackie.” Alec titled his head to the side and let his eyes become stern. “I’m not a miracle worker.”
Scoffing, I turned around and started walking towards the front of the school.
“Where are you going, Jackie!” snickering answered to my action.
“Look, it’s obvious that you want me to leave you alone. So, that’s exactly what I’ll do.”
“Well, how could you do that when you’re in love with me, Jackie?”
My feet stopped moving as the anger inside me boiled to the brim. I swerved my body around once more and marched straight to Alec. “Listen here, bub!” I lifted my finger in the air and started to swing. Alec allowed his eyes to read the expression of anger on my face. “Lowlii is the only person I am in love with and you can’t do anything to change that. I don’t care if he’s dead—I don’t even care if he’s alive and hiding from me, I will always remain in love with him! I am not in love with you.” after a pause, I took a step back.
Alec took in a shallow breath, as his face attained a shocked expression. “Thanks for the encouragement, but what did I do to deserve that pep talk?”
The angry tone on my face dropped. “You claimed that I was in love with you.”
“No,” Alec took a second to recall this very conversation. “I don’t think so.”
“That’s right.” Another voice answered off to the side. “Because I did.”
I turned my head slowly only to witness Kindle’s blue pick up truck standing proudly in its parking spot. It was just as I remembered, only much more intriguing. However the miraculous truck wasn’t the most surprising, as Lowlii swung himself out of the front driver’s seat window, and allowed his body to crash onto the hood of the vehicle. After making eye contact with me, he flashed his charming smile and tugged on the black beanie he was wearing.
“Hiya, babe!” he remarked, as his blue eyes caught a sparkle.
I didn’t know how to respond; in fact, I was completely speechless.
Alec rolled his eyes and laughed sarcastically. “What? Now you’re going to pretend that I’m not here?” he swung his hand in front of my face to catch my attention. “Hello! Earth to Jackie!”
“Lowlii.” I whispered under my breath, but I knew he could hear.
Alec turned his head to see exactly what I was looking at. “What are you talking about? I don’t see Lowlii.”
I shook my head in denial. “No, no. He’s right there.”
“You bet I am.” Lowlii titled his head to the side charmingly. “Waiting for you.”
“All I see is a blue pick up and some random dude.” Alec remarked, letting his eyes swing back to me. “Jackie, we’ve talked about this. Lowlii is dead—he’s been dead.”
“Oh, well that’s not rude at all.” Lowlii snickered back while smiling his smile.
“No, Alec. He’s right there--- he’s even talking to you.”
Alec rolled his eyes and handed me his bag. “Hold this.”
Within a blink, he glided off towards the blue pickup truck and I was faced with trying to hold the bag without collapsing.
“Dude, what’s your name?” Alec asked, while turning to Lowlii.
Lowlii extended his hand out, “Colton, I’m new.” His voice was different, coated with an Italian accent.
“Oh, that’s cool.” Alec smiled back after shaking his hand. “Well, I’m Alec Rolands, and if you need help around campus,” his head turned towards me. “Jackie Brown is known as the welcoming committee.”
Lowlii allowed his blue eyes to match mine, while his tongue rolled weirdly. “I might have to take you up on that offer.”

I had to admit; the line of insanity was crossed. Colton did look like Lowlii--- he was Lowlii, and whatever game Lowlii was playing, he was going to be punished.
“Ms. Mod will be with you shortly.” The assistant counselor looked up from her desk and smiled. “Have a seat.”
So I did. I took the seat closest to Ms. Mod’s office door. But, the next problem came to mind; how was I supposed to plead my case in a practical manner? My dead boyfriend has come back as a new student named Colton, and is now haunting my every move?
Yeah, that seems very sensible.
If she didn’t talk to my father last time, this time was for sure.
The office door swung open as Ms. Mod walked out. “Jackie?” Her eyes widened as soon as she recognized me.
I took the obligation of lifting myself up. “Look—I need your help.”
In response to my words, she swallowed in hesitation as if her mind was telling her not to trust my words.
“I am really sorry about the last time I was here.” I looked up to her sincerely.
After sighing, she beckoned me upon her office. I took the seat I was in last time, and she did the same, sitting across from me. Her feathery pen was in her hand, while her eyes watched me kindly.
The room seemed the same as it was before, and I had to admit that it grew inviting.
“How have you been?” Ms. Mod broke the silence with a simple question, a question in which I was too confused to answer.
“I was fine…. until two days ago.”
Her head tilted in wonderment as if to silently ask for an elaboration.
“What if I say that I’m seeing someone I shouldn’t?” I peeped.
“Well,” she took a moment to choose her words carefully. “How long have you been dating your teacher?”
It was obvious that she was confused about the situation. “No, no. It’s not like that. What if I’m actually seeing someone I shouldn’t be?”
She took a moment to study my face. “Well, sometimes when a relationship ends, there are still harbored feelings.” After a slight pause, her voice turned sincere. “ And those harbored feelings could come out at any time, if triggered.”
“Like if I see someone that looks like Lowlii?” I asked.
“Yes, certain characteristics can bring out these feelings. You could think that you’re seeing Lowlii, but it’s only someone that resembles him.”
While my mind filtered her words, I looked down the ground.
“Jackie.” She called out to me one last time. “You’re going to be fine. I’ll tell you exactly what you should do.”
But I already knew what to do for this problem to disappear. I was going to ignore “Colton.” It was obvious that Lowlii was trying to pull something and, the more I reacted, the more I intrigued him. The reason, however, on why he was trying to make me suffer was still unknown and I intend to find this out.
When I was allowed to walk out of the counselor’s office, I managed to arrive to class on time after rushing through the halls. I must’ve looked crazy, but I was on a mission. My life was not going to stop. Not now, at least.
“Okay, class!” The tech teacher laughed happily as we all took our seats. “One more day to prepare your final, then you could do whatever you want till the end of spring break.”
The students around me clapped their hands and cheered for a small interval.
“Okay—okay. Before we get to work, however, there is someone that needs to be introduced.”
As if on cue, the door of the classroom was pulled open. “Class, I’d like you to welcome Colton.”
I didn’t have to look to realize what was going on. I glared at my computer screen violently, trying to calm myself down. How was I supposed to ignore “Colton” if I was stuck with him in class?
After he arrived to the front of the classroom, everyone fell silent, as if they were in a trance.
“Wow, he’s pretty sexy.” A female voice remarked sheepishly.
“Don’t I know it?” I muttered back.
“Okay—so, start working.” The teacher spoke to the class then directed his attention to Lowlii. “So, Colton. It’s a little late to start on your final, so I’m just going to ask you to hang around a bit until I could get you some alternate assignments. Would you like to sit next to anyone?”
I scrunched down in my seat involuntarily, hoping that his magical eyes would not locate me, but it was a feeble attempt because a chair was pulled right by me, and Lowlii took his seat.
“Hiya, Babe.” He smiled lightly, as his mouth let out his phony Italian accent.
I sighed lightly, and faced the computer screen. “How are you…Colton?”
Laughter exited his body as he leaned in closer. “Psst, it’s really me, Lowlii.”
I rolled my eyes then sighed, with no intention of replying.
“What’s wrong, babe?”
I tired not to grow angry. “Please don’t call me babe, Colton.”
“Jackie,” he called me, only after a slight pause. “ I sense that you’re angry.”
“How could you possibly know that? You just met me.” I stated.
After another pause, he sighed with a light chuckle. “Jackie, you’re really not doing this, right?”
Finding the energy to turn my head, I dropped my gaze to his. For a second, I felt something at the pit of my stomach. I wouldn’t have realized what it was if it wasn’t for Lowlii in the room. The warmth—the feeling I hadn’t felt for a while, came back and it burned more rapidly than ever. I tried to blink, in order to break the grasp he had on my heart.
“Doing what, Colton?”
He rolled his eyes. “Are we really going to start this?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I smirked lightly.
Lowlii raised a brow. “What do you want?”
I thought carefully for a few moments, and then turned to him one more time. “Why doesn’t anyone else see that you’re Lowlii?”
The corner of his lips angled up as his blue eyes caught a spark. “Would you rather them know I’m here? I figured after four months, you’d want me all to yourself.”

I watched slowly as Lowlii climbed through my bedroom window. He flashed his silver eyes towards me, while his lips smirked. “So, what do you want to know about the last four months?”
Raising myself off the bed, I walked towards him with my own smile. The warmth in my stomach was erupting and flowing through my veins with every breath he took. I let my fingers graze across his warm chest once more as he let his hands grab onto my hips.
“Let’s just get one thing straight.” I whispered as he found the urge to pick me up.
“Mmm…” He answered back while puckering his lips against the skin on my neck.
The amount of heat evaporating from his body made it harder and harder to breathe. “I’m still mad at you.” I tried to sound stern however nothing came out but a faint whisper.
He let his soft moan churn onto a chuckle. “ I’m counting on that.”
Soon his warm lips found mine. They were, at first, stern as if he was angry, then turned soft. Soft enough to make me feel loved once more.
♠ ♠ ♠
i'm so0o sorry it took me so0o long.

Thank you all so much =]