Half Bitten

Rain Check

“Come on! Lets go!” the coach blew her whistle as Nathan passed the ball to Lowlii. He shot it out onto the field at a speed only he and Ian seemed to share. Without a second Lowlii tossed the ball to an open area on the field and Nathan, like a speeding bullet, retrieved it. Kicking it towards the goal while Lowlii was already center field.
Quinn flailed his arms up in the air as Coco cheered loudly.
“Whoo!” the rest of the team shouted from the sidelines as they ran towards Nathan and Lowlii. They quickly toppled over each other laughing and grunting. Lowlii couldn’t help but stare out onto the field smiling wildly, his eyes taking everything in as if he didn’t want to ever forget the moment.
For 20 minutes I dared myself to watch Lowlii. Trying to pick up on any flaws that allowed me to hate him. Maybe it was his smile? The way he ruled the field effortlessly?
But there were no flaws. Dare I say, he was flawless. Completely and utterly flawless. Every time he would smile the girls around me would sigh happily. So, why did I hate him so much?
“Do you want anything?” a petite, black haired girl stood next to me with a pad and an ink pen. She let her autumn brown eyes stare patiently.
“Just two hot chocolates.” Steph pulled her ear bud down. Her eyes met the gaze of the petite girl and they seemed to share a mental message I was left out of.
“It’ll be here shortly.” A tone that seemed rushed, the petite girl glided towards the back of the café to fill the order. Kindle giggled loudly from the corner, placing herself on Nathan’s lap, while Amber played happily with Lowlii’s godly hair.
“They’re on brink of breaking up,” Steph calmly picked up a straw and played with it, “ well that’s what it seems like, anyway.”
“Mhm” I hummed, still keeping eyes on Lowlii.
Steph sighed, “Please don’t tell me he’s affected you too.”
I blinked twice, “affected? No way!”
She rolled her eyes and with no hint of doubt, “he has.”
She glanced towards him, “god! I’m just waiting for the day where he manages to disgust a girl.”
“So you’re saying he’s popular with the girls?” I dumbly asked.
“You wouldn’t believe what they think of him. Popular is an understatement.”
I shook my head in disbelief. There was something wrong with me.
Cling, cling. Inkpad Girl placed our drinks down.
“Excuse me!” Amber burst, “we need our order!”
“Amber seems to be more crabby then usual.” Steph took a sip of her hot chocolate, “looks like there is some good in having you around, shotgun.”
I glanced back at amber. Her intentions were focused on lashing out on Inkpad girl, “are you kidding! We’ve all had long days!”
Maybe the warmth I had felt on the field was a fluke; something I wanted to notice that wasn’t really there. I darted my gaze toward Lowlii. His eyes seemed to look me into mine with the slightest of ease.
Warmth filled the pit of my stomach.
Lulled by a trance I didn’t want to blink. Blinking meant that the warmth would be gone. Leaving the pit of my stomach cold and my heart longing for him once again. Amber tossed herself into his lap and he turned his head to glare violently at her.
“Stop staring. You’ll burn a hole.” Steph remarked, too bad I didn’t have that power.
“If looks could kill…” my eyes fell towards Amber, as she seemed to be staring back at me with a pleased smirk.
“If looks could kill.” Steph agreed in a whisper.
“So, what are we doing tonight?” Nathan spoke out loud to the group. I looked at my watch feeling guilt. Not one phone call to my dad, what kind of a daughter was I?
“We need to get shotgun home before her father freaks.” Steph stated as she caught my action.
“I’ll be happy to drive her!” amber perked up as Kindle steered her attention towards the conversation and away from Nathan’s body.
Lowlii rolled his eyes, as Nathan seemed to finish his sentence, “the guys drive. No questions.”

Nights in Port Angeles seemed to get colder as the darkness-lurked in. the cold wind blew from Lowlii’s window. I couldn’t help but notice the scent of Vanilla in the air as the car started to slow down. I hated vanilla.
Amber had been sitting closest by the door while Kindle was right by her side. They had both whipped their cell phones out, sharing funny pictures and texts.
“I can’t believe we’re stuck in the back seat with them.” Steph mumbled softly. The car turned onto a dirt path pulling up to a plain white house.
“Whose going to drive Shotgun home?” Steph brought the question into the air.
“We will!” Kindle and Amber seemed eager to volunteer.
Nathan laughed, “not this night girls. You’d probably drop her into the woods somewhere.”
Steph smirked, “I’ll drive her.”
“No!” kindle objected loudly as amber slouched into her seat looking as if her super plan was ruined.
“Then it’s done.” I shrugged, “I’ll walk.” I lifted my body up towards the door.
Lowlii scrunched his face, “do you know how long that would take?”
“Well, it’ll be faster then this.” I stated with confidence.
“No you’re not.” Lowlii lifted himself towards the drivers seat in objection to my statement. Nathan groaned as he pinched his arm, “ow!”
“Get up! I’m driving her home!”
Nathan pinched back, “why can’t I go?”
“This is my sisters car.” Nathan rolled his eyes, darting out of the vehicle. Turning towards the back passenger seat, he stuck his face through the window patiently.
“So? Who’s sleeping over?”
Kindle and Amber rolled their eyes. Steph sighed lazily, “it’s better then breathing Amber’s air.” The door flew open as she walked towards the house.
“Kindle? Amber?” Reluctantly they both groaned and slide towards the door. I exited the car thinking the time would pass by quicker if I weren’t in the way.
“You owe me.” Nathan turned to Lowlii.
Lowlii smirked as he faced forward, “I know.”
Nathan turned towards the house winking at me, “good luck.”
I looked back at Lowlii as he was still facing the windshield, “shotgun, Shotgun.” His voice seemed to have power over me. I anxiously walked around and shifted into the passenger seat.
“Strap in.” the engine started to rev quietly.
I scoffed, “you’re not strapped in.”
He grinned lightly, “touché.”
The trees slowly started to conceal us as the car swerved away from the house. We sat in a moment of silence. I tapped my foot slightly and sighed,
“You drive like your sister.” I hinted with humor but he didn’t seem to be amused. His eyes just focused on the road ahead. I swallowed and scratched my head. There were too many things pushing me away. Why was I even trying?
“I meant to ask you earlier.” He sighed, “How are you feeling?” I darted my gaze towards him bewildered by his attempt for small talk.
He snickered quietly, “I’ll take that as an okay?” I blinked twice focusing on the silhouette of his warm face. The car angled out onto the right lane of the highway, “don’t you need directions?” I asked humbly.
He shook his head, letting it hang lazily, “I wanna use the excuse that we made a wrong turn.” What was that supposed to mean? Why did he want to spend time alone with me?
“I’ll have you home in an hour.” He brushed his hand over his chin, letting his eyes catch a spark of light.
I bit my lip slightly questioning myself on whether to bring up the subject or not, “Amber and Kindle finally getting on your nerves?”
“Don’t even get me started. Kindle is my sister; I’m allowed to hate her. But amber…” he let his voice trail off.
I looked down at my hand, it was clear he was unsure of what he thought of her. That left room for any type of feeling to grow, whether it be hatred or love.
“Speaking of them. They’re not very fond of you.”
I rolled my eyes, “lucky me.”
He smirked lightly, flicking one hand up in the air and continuing in a high-pitched voice, “Stop it! You’ll make me blush!” I smiled back, “You speak like your sister too.”
This time he laughed and I couldn’t help but join in.
Our voices intertwined, seeping through the open windows and echoing through the trees, as the car exited the highway. To my surprise, the situation wasn’t going as bad as I thought it would. He bobbed his head back to the side as the silence trailed in. I dared myself to look away but my eyes defied.
Lights from the passing cars fell on him. Letting his aqua blue eyes shine back. Filled with passion, just observing the environment, waiting for something worthwhile to take place. I wanted so much to reach my hand over and feel the warmth of his bronze skin.
He seemed flawless. So flawless that he almost didn’t seem human but more of an angelic creature blessing me with it’s presence.
It bothered me how much he was too perfect.
“We could grab a bite to eat.” He squinted his eyes lightly, “I think I know a place that might still be open.”
I had the sudden urge to say yes. My mind trailed off, predicting what would happen next. We would go eat, occasionally share a coke, and our lives would be tied together until the end of time. Falling hopelessly in love with each other, we’d spend the rest of our lives together.
This wasn’t a fairytale. Things never worked out that way. Shaking my head I inched myself into the seat, “rain check would be better.”
He popped up in suspicion, “come on. You’ve been spending all day with us.” He reached his hand over to tickle my arm, “you must be craving something.”
I laughed, “You caught me.”
He seemed to hum a chuckle, “rain check, than.”
I inched away from his hand slightly trying to see how he would react. He laughed in surprise, “So, we’re going to play it that way huh?”
He waited into the car came across a stop sign to lean in more, tickling me with both his hands. I giggled like a helpless child and he seemed to inch closer. I grabbed his hand to push away but instead held on.
“Stop!” I gasped for air.
He pulled away slightly, “ if you can’t handle that, how are you gonna handle being around my sister?”
SCREECH! The black mustang behind us seemed to come to a sudden halt.
“Uh-oh.” Lowlii darted his eyes to the rear view mirror. Sharp and alert, his eyes seemed to be observing again. Only not as calm, as before, they were coated with a hint of defense.
BEEEEP! The driver of the mustang seemed to loose his temper. Lowlii gripped the steering wheel tensely, breathing faster then usual. I turned my head back trying to see through the tinted windows of the mustang.
“Do you know him?” I inquired.
“Better then anyone else.” Lowlii’s voice was low and angered.
“Maybe he wants to talk to you.” I protested.
Lowlii didn’t respond. He inched the car over to the side as the mustang darted from behind us impatiently.
The windows of the mustang were rolled down enough so that anyone looking would happen to catch the eyes of person sitting by it.
The same golden brown eyes were etched into my mind.
“Stupid mustang.” Lowlii muttered carelessly, with a hint of jealousy he continued. “As if no one would notice you in that…”
“Who was that?” I tried to make my voice sound soothing
“Alec.” Lowlii pressed onto the gas pedal once again, with more force then usual.
“Did you know that he likes to run at night?” I dumbly added.
Lowlii nodded his head, “he’s not supposed to be anywhere near our land.” Land? Did he mean Hopi Land? The only people not allowed on Hopi reservation were the Rolands.
Lowlii’s grip on the steering wheel hadn’t loosened as he spoke to me. His eyes moved from side to side as if he was fighting his own thoughts. The question wasn’t on what his thoughts were about but rather why he was having thoughts worth fighting himself on. What would he have against a guy named Alec, riding in a mustang?
“I should get you home. Your father’s probably freaking out and my father wont let me hear the end of it, if you trespass curfew.”
Curfew? Just moments ago he wanted to grab a bite to eat, not caring how late it was. His whiplash made me dread being in the car with him.
For five minutes I let my mind wander. Every action he would take made me angrier, yet I still didn’t want to be away from him. I tried to open my mouth but the awkward silence in the air demanded me not to speak.
“Just on time,” he stated, tapping his finger on the clock attached to the dashboard. The front lights on the porch flickered on as a sign of welcome by my dad. I didn’t want to leave the car. Granted that I still wanted to figure out why his mood had changed so quickly; why my mood had changed with him, I fumbled with my fingers.
The door of the house swung open slightly as my dad reached for his boots. I quickly fumbled, trying to grab the handle of the car door. Lowlii leaned over and pushed the door open, tilting his head towards me. Without a second I fell back into a trance. The warmth burst, making my heart beat faster. I tried to force myself to remember all the things that could go horribly wrong, all the things that had pushed me away from him.
“I’ll take you up on the rain check.” He curled his lips into a smile.
My mind seemed to recognize that he was speaking syllables directed towards me. I blinked twice trying not to let words escape my mind.
His astounding blue eyes held in a fix with mine, “I’ll take that as an, okay.”
“Honey?” my dad yelled out from the door.
“Good night,” his warm breath seemed to attract me, he leaned in closer to my ear to whisper.
“ Sweet dreams, Jackie.”