
Tick, Tock.

Flashes of light and frequency on the news.

A man with his face torn off by a bear.
An aborted baby, run over at least twice on the road, discovered in a plastic bag only when it has erupted into a mesh of organs and gore.
A busload of people, blown up by some terrorist attack near the town central.

A sip of too-hot coffee, and his taste buds numbed.
He downs the rest of it in one gulp.

Dinner is takeout, a plate of dumplings and fried rice topped with teriyaki sauce, and orange juice in a cup, warmed to room temperature. Dinner is takeout, and untouched.

The phone rings.
He stands up.

He put the phone to his ear.
He listens.

He doesn't sigh, not anymore.
He speaks.

"I'll be there."

He pats his chest and waist, to make sure that his badge and holster was in place.

You can't be too careful, these days.
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