See Jack Run

Chapter 18

Gerard was going home. He didn't tell Mom or Jackie or Mikey. He wanted to surprise them.
"Bitch, you're gonna fucking die!" Mikey screamed, unaware that within a matter of hours, he would never rule over his sister again.
Jack had really done it. She had gone to the school dance. He had told her not to go. he had warned her. She had been such a tool recently, too. She had started saying that he couldn't control her. She had even gone so far as to tell him to stop giving her the punishment that she had earned.
He wouldn't stand for that. He had been fairly lenient. A cold look or a small slap, and she would slink away.
But now? She had passed the point of no return, no mercy.
"Mikey, stop! Your orders will not define my actions!" She screamed at him.
"You are in MY power!" Mikey yelled back. He was triumphant. She was almost cornered. They were in the kitchen, and she was between the table and the wall. Mikey grabbed a glass from the cabinet and smashed it against the counter, sending sparkling shards everywhere.
"Run Jack run." he taunted. Now she understood his power. Now she was afraid. She was so foolish. Thinking that he couldn't or didn't rule her. If she had only taken his earlier warnings, he might not have to go. Mikey almost felt like stopping and explaining to hber why he had to do this, but anger had fevered his mind and she would recieve her punishment first. Explanantions for his actions later, if at all.
Jack managed to squeeze out from behind the table, but she still had to get past him.
"Mikey........" She gasped, unable to finish.
An animal growl past his lips, and suddenly she knew that there was no point in trying to reason the beast in the body of a boy. He brandished the broken glass, and Jack's life flashed before her eyes.
Meanwhile, Gerard was about an hour away from home. There was a lot of traffic, so he wasn't sure when he would arrive. He almost picked up his cellphone to call, but then he hesitated. Why not surprise them?
By some miracle, eveen with her memories blinding her, Jack was able to rush past Mikey. Unfortunately, miracles never lasted very long, and this was no exception. With his energy fueled by his anger, Mikey was able to rush past her, and he pushed her against the wall. His hand was pressed so hard against her chest that she could barely breathe, and being mortally afraid didn't help the situation at all. With the glass in his hand, he brushed her face, and reality mixed with a pain induced stupor as she felt the glass pierce her skin.
"Jack! I wanna play Batman!"
"You're a princess, baby. You're a princess if you want to be."
"Don't worry, Jackie. Daddy will be okay."
"Come on, don't cry. You know I love you."
"Mikey, why do you do this to me?"
She touched her blood, felt it go down her neck, felt it in her clothes.
"Mikey." She whispered. There was a part of her that screamed to forgive him, a part of her that screamed not to. The part of her that screamed the most, though, was the part of her that felt physical and emotional pain.
Lights, now. Sounds. Jack was floating. Where she was, she didn't know. It didn't matter very much. Jack felt herself float further and further away from wherever it was that she started. Voices, like hands, fingering her thoughts, her mind, her memories........................
Somebody calling her name. Somebody touching her face. She wasn't floating now, no, she was falling. She felt herself pick up speed, unable to scream, unable to stop. A part of her said the name of the person who she thought was calling her name: Mikey.

Gerard walked into the house. It was silent. He hadn't seen mom's car in the driveway. The absence of her car made him feel guilty. She had to work even longer hours to put him through college.
Where was Mikey, though? And where was Jackie? They must have heard him come in. He had announced that he was home very loudly.
"Hello? Mikey? Jackie?"
He walked through the living room, through the kitchen. An eerie silence had thickened the air, and discomfort was so heavy that he could smell it. Or was it something else he was smelling?
Into the hallway. The lights were off, and it was fairly dark. But he couldn't miss her.
"Jackie! Jackie? Oh God!"
He turned on the lights and there she was, lying in a pool of her own blood. He could barely make out her features for all the blood on her face.
"Jackie, oh God." He felt for a pulse. There was a faint one. Her chest was barely going up and down, though.
His first thought, which seemed for more reasonable than the real cause of her wounds: Suicide attempt. It seemed logical. Jack had always seemed somewhat troubled. Besides, not even in his wildest dreams would Gerard ever think that Mikey was morally capable of doing something so horrible to her.
Sometimes, when the real cause of her wounds was discovered, Gerard deeply and guiltily wished that it had been a suicide attempt.