Finding Humanity

Finding Humanity
By: Violetshadows01


Matt Sanders and his four comrades are vigalanties during dark times. Although barely eighteen, Matt and his friends are the top five soldiers. Using a normal, teenage appearence of high school boys, the five have come to destroy the organization known to use people for special experiments- experiments to create the perfect soldiers, weapons, assassins, whatever they needed to over throw the reigning peace on Earth.

During a mission, Matt Sanders and his friends come upon one of the experiments, and they wish to save it.

But how do you save something that has nothing to lose?

Disclaimer: I do not own a7x.

Original Characters:

Jayde- 17
Lauren- 16
Katie- 17
Chris- 20


Matt, Zacky, Brian- 18
Jimmy- 19
Johnny- 16

Prologue- As We Say Good-bye

Matt Sanders sighed as the priest lowered the casket into the ground, his hazel eyes tortured with guilt, the sobs and tears around him all but a faint buzz in the back of his mind. He couldn't pull his eyes away. Was this his fault?

He glanced around at the others attending the funeral, watching as one of his best friends held a hysterical brunette, who continued to beg that this wasn't happening. Glancing around his other friends, each also saddened at the turn of events, he found someone missing.

His trained mind looked over, catching sight of a figure hidden in the shadows casted by a nearby tree, their empty gaze staring as the priest said his final words. Their eyes met with his and without a word, he watched the figure turn and walk away.

Was this his fault?