Sugar in the Engine

Talk Of the Town

Spencer and Adelade were trying hard too keep the party a secret. They decided that the invitations would be handed out through text messages, and that people could only invite one guest with themselves. However, some people at the school already knew. The two girls didn't know how they knew, but didn't, quite frankly, care.

They wanted news to get out, just so that the people that weren't invited could be jealous. Spencer loved when people looked at her with green pupils; she loved being looked at period. Adelade always shrugged off the envious looks she would get, because she was always getting them.

"Damn, everyone wants go get in! Do you know how many notes and people asking me to send them the invite! Even people I've never even seen before!" Spencer-Stacey sighed, walking into her last class with Adelade.

Adelade nodded, taking her seat next to Spencer. "Yes. Everyone keeps telling me that same thing! It's like....they expect to be invited, just because I'm helping with the party planning!" she said. No one in the room seemed to hear her, but she knew it was all a cover so they could find out more about where it was and at what time.

Jeph walked through the door and smiled at Spencer before taking his seat next to her. "Ladies ready for this test?" he asked. Adelade smiled and nodded.

"Addie, you're always ready for a test. And even if you're not, you always pass!" Spencer said. Adelade smiled and shrugged, while Jeph just chuckled. The bell rang and the teacher handed out the French Exam paper.

The teacher smiled down at Adelade, knowing would be receiving the highest grade in the class, fair and square. As the clock ticked, a few students finished their tests, and when Adelade finally did, she turned it in and returned to her desk. That particular teacher allowed his students to do as they wished after tests, so long as noise doesn't disturb everyone else.

Adelade pulled her iPod out, clicking the center button until she came to Hawthorne Heights. She had pre-ordered their new cd, and it came with some extra stuff from the band. She could barely bring herself to listen to Sugar In The Engine, but she decided it was the right time, right there in her French class.

Sher felt like crying at the lyrics. She felt how the band felt when they found Casey every time she listened to the song. She thought how awesomely weird it was to have a whole Hawthorne Heights album without Casey's screams. She loved it all the while missing the hardcore part of the band.

"There's sugar in the engine
I feel the friction and tension here
Sprinkle salt on the injured
It's been such a controversial year
We're such a conservation piece

Look closely
Life isn't what it seems sometimes
Act lonely
And just hope one day you'll feel alive

There's smoke all around the ceiling
I get the feeling that no one's safe
Let's concentrate on our healing
Gather 'round you know it's worth the wait

Look closely
Life isn't what it seems sometimes
Act lonely
And just hope one day you'll feel alive

Close your eyes and make a wish
You'll need more than a crucifix to survive
I know I'll never make your list
I just hope one day I'll feel alive

One day I'll feel alive

Look closely
Life isn't what it seems sometimes
Act lonely
And just hope one day you'll feel alive

Close your eyes and make a wish
You'll need more than a crucifix to survive
I know I'll never make your list
I just hope one day I'll feel alive

On November 24th, I woke up
Just like any other day
The beginning of another tour
Just another city I've already seen before
If I only knew, last night was the last time
I would ever see you again

I would've said goodnight
I would've said I love you
I would've said goodbye

[Singing in the background]
The city won't be the same
Without you here
We take the stage

And I am so afraid
This fragile future
My soul to take

The bell rang when the song ended, and Adelade gathered her stuff together. I'm so glad I didn't cry. I'm getting stronger, she thought. Spencer smiled and hugged her friend before heading out with Jason, who was her ride home.

Adelade slowly made her way to her car, got in, and drove home by herself.
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Lyrics credited to Hawthorne Heights.
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