Sugar in the Engine


Adelade sighed. The party had only just begun, and already there was chaos. She couldn't find Spencer anywhere, and Jeph was just as invisible as his girlfriend was. There were too many people in Spencer's house.

Adelade fell onto the couch in the grand living room, cocky guys running after stick-like girls around the glass table. Spencer's family was going to hate having parties after tonight; their house was going to be trashed.

The lonely, perfect girl that usually had people falling over her was sad. Her elbows were resting on her knees, and her head was placed on her palms. She sighed again, looking down at the carpet.

She smelt a joint, knowing Spencer wasn't in the room. If Spencer-Stacey was in the same room as pot, cocaine, heroine, or any other drug, she'd kick whoever was part of the drug circle out for good. Like, she'd never talk to them again. They'd be done for.

But Adelade was different. She looked up at the group passing the pot and sighed again. She felt a small part of her want to be part of that circle, though most of her was screaming that she get out of the house pronto. That's what she did.

But then, suddenly, she smelt more than just pot. It was a mix of things the group were lighting on fire, though most of the drugs they had couldn't be ingested through a pipe. She knew this, and she kept her nose in the air as she passed the circle.

"Hey! Adelade, sit down and relax!" someone shouted from their spot in the circle. She turned her eyeballs slightly to see everyone that was already stoned starring at her. Where is Spencer, she thought. Then she heard the floor above her shake, and she knew.

All ten of the kids in the circle were now starring at her. She only knew three of them by name, and only one of them was considered a friend to her. But she smelt the drugs in the air and sighed. If she gave in, she knew it would kick her in the ass the next morning. She should just walk out of the house and wait for Spencer to come find her.

"Adelade, you know you want to!" someone else in the circle said. She knew she wanted to. But Spencer would hate her, and she'd get in a hell of a load of trouble at home. She figured Spencer never had to find out, and she'd just say that the kids at the party were doing drugs right next to her, so she was basically second-handing.

She gave in. Her legs lost their balance as she collapsed on the ground next to one guy that was in her French class, then a girl that was in her chemistry class. The whole group smiled, as the joint was passed to her. She'd never had one of these, so she didn't know what to do.

The people in the circle all put their pointer finger and thumb up to their lips, showing Adelade that she had to smoke the joint. She brought it up to her lips and puffed, knowing that inhaling the pot would send her into a coughing fit.

She passed the joint again, as a line was passed to her. She knew she had to snort that, but she decided the pot was bad enough. She passed the line, just as a cup of soda was passed to her. She smelt the drink, finding there was nothing to seem wrong about it. Then she took a sip, just as the join came back around.

Within minutes, her mind was full of color, and the people around her were part of a rainbow. She felt like she was part of a beautiful painting, and she loved being part of everyone around her. She turned to the guy next to her, leaning over to lay her head in his lap.

The colors around her swirled until her head hurt, and even then she felt amazingly beautiful. She felt like a psychadellic version of the Mona Lisa. The guy she was leaning on told her, "I'm Jason." She smiled and, completely stoned, sat up enough to kiss him. She knew he'd know her name.

Jason smiled and, completely stoned, shakily stood up, pulling Adelade with him. The two of them continued to kiss in the middle of the party, then headed into the nearest closet. The lock was, fortunately, on the inside of the small, dark room, so Jason locked it before turning on the light.

Adelade was so caught up in the colors behind her eye lids to notice Jason's cold, stuttering hands lifting her shirt up over her head. Or his. She was so amazed at the affect of the feelings she was going through to notice her pants being pulled off. In fact, she felt herself more comfortable with her legs wrapped around Jason's waist.

Adelade was too stoned to notice her naked body against Jason's. She barely felt Jason sucking on her nipples through her stone-ness. The only thing that made her feel better was her orgasm, when she noticed she'd just given her virginity to Jason, some kid from her French class. She didn't care. She was so into the colors the drugs were creating.

"Oh, Addie," Jason moaned. She felt herself peaking again, because Jason was taking so long at coming. Her second orgasm was more powerful then her first, and Jason came down just at the same time. Then she heard the voice in her head.

"Adelade, what did you do? What have you started? Why this scumbag?" She opened her eyes and saw no one but Jason, kissing her skin and holding her against the wall. Jason can't be a scumbag, he's so good at this, she thought.

"Adelade, you're amazing," Jason said. He let go of her legs and finally pulled himself out of her, pulling his boxers and jeans back on. Adelade smiled and slowly pulled her clothes back on, hoping to get a peek at Jason's erection if he saw her body.

She was still stoned when she walked out of the closet. The drug circle was gone, but she didn't need anything anyway. She found Spencer and Jeph on the couch then, and she walked over to sit with them. "You? And Jason? In my closet?!" Spencer asked.

Adelade just shrugged, and she knew she'd get hell in the morning.
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That was....interesting for me to write.
I'll update if I get one comment here, because people seem to be liking this all of the sudden.