Sugar in the Engine

Day With Casey

They met Spencer and Jeph in the park. Casey knew as well as Adelade what would be awaiting her when they caught up, but they also knew it had to be done. Sooner than later. Casey told Adelade that it was for the best-that if she wanted to keep Spencer as a friend, she was going to have to confront her. Spencer was Adelade's only real friend.

"You, Ms. Marks, are never going to forget this!" Spencer vowed. Adelade knew that when Spencer-Stacey called her Ms. Marks, she meant what she was saying. Adelade looked at the ground and sighed.

"I know Spence. I'm really sorry for what I did, and I take all the blame if your parents punished you," she said. Casey placed a hand on her shoulder, and Adelade had to force herself from turning around and looking at him. She had to remember that she was the only one Casey could contact, and that could contact Casey in return.

"You bet I'm blaming you! My parents are furious that there were drugs at the party! And I know better than to think that you of all people would willingly have sex with Jason Martin! I know you, and you've never even talked to Jason outside of that circle!" she yelled.

Adelade didn't tell Spencer to hush. She didn't say anything. She felt horrible for doing those things, and for giving her virginity to Jason. Jeph stood behind Spencer, looking out at the playground, trying to stay out of the girl's business. "Spencer, I regret everything. I wasn't going to stay with that circle, and I don't know what possessed me to sit down!"

Spencer-Stacey didn't know what else to say. Looking into Adelade's sorrow-filled eyes kept her rage to a minimum. She couldn't stay mad at her best friend for too long. She loved Adelade like a sister, almost to the point that they were sisters. She sighed and wrapped Adelade in her arms. "Don't do it again."

Adelade smiled and nearly crushed Spencer in her thin arms. "I love you, Spencer," Adelade said. There was obvious desperation in her voice, and tears sprung from her eyes. Casey sighed, but only Adelade heard. She knew he felt at least a little sad for her.

"Love you too, Addie," Spencer said. The girls shared a few seconds of friendly intimacy before pulling away and sighing again. "But that doesn't mean I won't kick your ass if it happens again."

Adelade giggled, knowing Spencer was back to her best-friend self. "I know. I won't give you reason to kick my ass," she replied.


Monday was hard for Adelade. Casey shook her out of bed, picked out her outfit, pushed her into the bathroom, then practically drove her to school. Something was wrong with Adelade, and her body was screaming for a joint. Her mind was almost in melt-down mode from a whole weekend without whatever was in that soda.

Spencer noticed the attitude change in her friend first. "Tell me you're not going through withdraw?" Adelade sighed and shrugged.

"I'm not going through-"

"Addie, don't lie to me! You can't touch any more drugs! Promise me?" Spencer asked. Right then, weights were placed on Adelade's shoulders. Heavy weights. She couldn't feel her arms anymore.

If she promised Spencer, she knew she'd eventually break it. If she didn't make the promise, she'd put her friendship in jeopardy. "I promise," she decided. Eventually, that would also come back to bite her in the ass.

All day, Casey followed Adelade through her classes. When she got to French, Jason took the seat next to her. "Don't talk to him, Adders," Casey said. But Jason was working against the Guardian Angel.

"Babe, some of my friends and I are having a party this weekend. I know you like the feeling you had on Friday, so I wanted to know if you wanted to come.....with me," he said. Adelade know what would be at that party. Sex, drugs, colors, alcohol. She secretly loved the idea, but Casey seemed to share a brain with her.

"Don't accept it! Adders, this guy is total trash!" he warned. But Adelade wanted to feel beautiful again. She wanted to be part of the colors again. "Adelade!" Casey yelled. Adelade lowered her eyes, but smiled at Jason.

"I'd love to." Little did she know, that was the biggest mistake of her life.
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I almost thought of naming Jason, Jason Mraz!