Sugar in the Engine

Try, try again.

Adelade had Casey follow her to school again. She wanted him with her, so that she would be able to reject Jason this time. He'd help her know what to say to him, and she felt safe knowing her guardian angel would be present. However, confronting Spencer and Jeph would be a different story than Jason would be.

"Adelade Marks, you are in so much trouble!" Spencer yelled. Just about the whole school watched as Jeph lost hold on his girlfriend. Spencer ran, dropping her things along the way, stopped four inches from Adelade, and slapped her.

Had Adelade not deserved that, she would have screamed. However, she knew just what the previous weekend's events would get her, and she accepted the slap gracefully. She knew that Spencer-Stacey would forgive her, as long as she fessed up to what she'd done, and promised to never do it again.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Miss Marks? I trusted you to leave that shit alone, and you went behind my back and did it! Oh god, you have no fucking clue how mad I am at you! I'm going to castrate Jason if it's the last thing I do! But first, I'm taking care of the girl I used to think was my best friend!" Spencer yelled.

Adelade knew that was coming. Spencer had a tendency to overreact, telling Adelade that she wasn't her friend all the time. However, she wasn't so sure how serious Spencer was about castrating Jason. Now that she'd like to see!

"Spencer, I'm sorry I lied. I....I haven't been myself lately, but I'm trying my hardest to make up for the things I've done recently," Adelade said. Her soft voice had people leaning in to hear. She sighed, starring deep into Spencer's eyes, letting her friend know that she was only speaking to her. "I'm getting help, and I'd really appreciate it if you would calm down and help me through this."

Spencer started fuming. Both Adelade and Jeph weren't sure why, but Spencer was turning red. "I'm worried fucking sick about my best friend all weekend while she's out partying and getting high with some duche, and then she wants me to feel sorry for her and help her!? I'm thinking that there needs to be some ass-kissing before I can help you, Adelade!" Spencer yelled.

Adelade cringed. She vowed that she'd never converse with Jason again. Because if she hadn't in the first place, Spencer would have not blown up in her face like that. Don't blame it on Jason, she thought. It's your fault you accepted the spot in that circle.

Adelade wasn't going to cry in front of all those people. She would cry in her car, or cry in the bathroom, but she wouldn't cry right there. Spencer would know she won....what battle, Adelade wasn't sure. She held her head low,

"Look Spence, I'm ashamed of myself and what I've done. I can't go anywhere but up from now, and there isn't much else I could say to you about it! Now you can help me or not, but don't let my life out to the public," she said, before storming off to her first class.

Casey was following Adelade with a sad look on his face. "Adders, she's your friend. She has a right to be mad at you, not the other way around," he said. Adelade turned around and sighed. She was glad no one else was roaming the halls just yet.

"I know, Casey. I do, but right now, I have to concentrate on my school work. Spencer will get her apology, her ass-kissing, and anything else her little heart desires once first period is over."
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Still kinda short.
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