

"If I jump... do you think it'll be interesting?"

I didn't even roll my eyes, so used was I to him. "No, I think you'd be dead."

His gaze was fixated beyond, below the glass, unmoving.

"I know that. But will it be interesting?"

I inserted a bookmark into the slit of the page. "Why would it be?"

"I mean, 'coz it'll be different, from, say... a building."

"What if it was the same height as a building?"

He shrugged, tracing invisible smudges on the smooth, clear surface. "That defeats the purpose."

"The purpose of what?

"Of an interesting fall. The high altitude, the pressure blowing out your ears, and the wind and clouds like confetti around you. Only you're the one falling." He paused, as if he'd forgotten something. "And there'd be no parachute, of course."

My response was killed before I even tried to speak it; a jolting turbulence rocked the entire craft. The pocketbook dropped from my lap and went further into the aisle.

His eyes caught my wilder ones.

"Looks like you're about to get your wish."
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