Aisuru Sketch

Kiri Kitano. 17 Years Old. Failure at Life.

A wise Manga Artist Once said "As soon as a girl is born, she is someone's princess".
I've read a lot of touching one liner's in Shoujo Manga before, but that one really made me smile. I guess I'm a sucker for a good love story now and then. Unfortunately I have yet to have my own...
To be someone's Princess...It's the kind of thing you only see in a Manga. Real life isn't so full of 'Kira Kira' and 'Doki Doki'.

My name is Kiri Kitano. Up until two years ago, I lived with my Mum and Dad, and Older brother, Rico. I'm of half heritage, but unlike most "halfies" I'm pretty much average. My hair is a kind of reddish colour, and hangs in very annoying ringlets. My eyes are blue, and my skin is pale white, and on top of that I have freckles which like to show up in the summer. At school I mostly hang around with girls. I'm always considered the cute one, one friend of mine calls me a Lolita, because I look younger than I actually am. Well, I'm currently 17 but I look more like a 12 year old, and I fit the bracket of Pettanko to put the icing on the cake. My own head teacher mistook me for a first year when I started in the Upper school. *sweatdrop*

Like I said, I'm totally average. I'm so average, that if there was an Olympic event for being average, I'd win the gold for sure. Boys don't pay much attention to me. I guess if they did they'd have to have a Lolita Complex...Even the one's in my year don't seem very bothered by me, but I'm supposedly Cute! Heh, I guess guys don't fall for the cute chibi girl like they do in Manga.

Well, like most girls I have a dream...well two actually. I want a prince charming Bishie to sweep me off my feet and call me his princess. BAH! back to reality. I just want a fairly charming Asian guy to be my man bitch. I've never had a boyfriend in my life. I see it everywhere on TV and in manga and anime. Damn couples all lovey dovey with eachother "I love you~" "I love you too~" Gah! Makes my breakfast churn. Damn them all.

The only way I can escape the harsh truth that is reality...Manga! My other dream is to become a Manga artist. Well, actually, becoming a Manga Artist comes before finding my 'Prince'. If ever an oppotunity to become a manga artist came up, I'd forget about any good looking guy and go for it. In fact, if I did become one, I wouldn't even care if I spent the rest of my life in an apartment as a Spinster surrounded by cats. Heck, I love Cats!

I guess I just prefer dreaming the perfect love story. Living it is just too complicated. In manga, everything turns out the way you want it, and even when things seems hopeless true love prevails! In reality it's not like that at all. If it were so simple, Mum and Dad would still be married.

They divorced two years ago. Me and my older brother have always been close as siblings, so we looked out for each other while the rocky divorce process was going on. Now we just live with our Dad. I'm sure Dad was very much in love with Mum...He really hasn't been the same since they spilt. Rico says it will be okay...Dad's always been popular with the ladies. Apparently there's this one woman at work who seems to have an eye on him,or so I've heard.

Well, I'm currently in my sixth year of High School. I live in London if you were wondering. Rico is a University student, studying Business and Sociology. He says he's going to open a publishing business and publish all my manga! Rico's great. The best big brother. Sure we have our fights, but He'll always be my Onii-chan!

And then there's Makani...Black Hair, black eyes, slightly tanned...Well, he's no's not like the girls in my school are falling over themselves to eat the dirt he walks on. But he's the only guy I've met that makes my heart beat just that little bit faster. He's a cutie to be blunt. We share some lessons the same, and some study lessons. We talk to each other, but not so much that it makes us look like a couple (which is what I may be aiming for *sweatdrop*) We're more like acquaintances than friends. Sometimes I share my food with him, sometimes he makes me listen to his mp3 (yeah not lets, MAKES. He basically shoves it at me) And he has these weird little quirks that make him even more adorable. And we both like manga! Well, I don't think he's into Shoujo like I am,but we do like some of the same titles! He complements my drawings sometimes too. I like that. Hence the reason I may just purposely start drawing while he's around...
Yeah, desperado you may be thinking. There have been some times when I've told my self to just give up. It's not happening. But every time I think I'm over him....BAM! There he is again doing something a-dork-able.

He's far from prince charming...But he'd be good enough for me.

"Hey! Lazy slob of a brother!"
I picked up the heaviest book I could find and hurled it right in my dearest brother's direction. He'd been sitting there playing the Play Station for the last 5 hours. God damn him! I wanted to play Naruto so badly and he was hogging the whole thing!

The big, heavy sociology textbook barely missed the back of his head and went hurtling into the wall, making the whole apartment shake. Rico stared at the book for a while, possibly contemplating the fact that it could have knocked him out cold...either that or he was wondering where this magical flying text book had descended from. I sauntered over and jumped front first onto his lap, making him wobble. How anyone could wobble while they were sitting was beyond me.

"It's my turn," I said, prying the controller from his hands, and reaching for the disc eject button on the console. I was fortunate enough to receive a whack over the head for my troubles.

"Get lost Kiri! I work all day at Uni, I deserve a little me time," He said gruffly, rolling me off his lap, like a pig in a blanket and plopping me on the floor.

"You don't deserve sympathy or me time when you live at home," I replied sticking my tongue out and taking the opportunity to quickly whisk open the disc drawer. Rico made some kind of manly grunting noise as he gave in and shifted aside to let me play.

"You always ruin my fun, "He whined. "And don't you have some kind of essay to do?" He reminded me. I turned my head to him and stared blankley, as if saying 'Shut Up and Get Out', But sadly he was right...I DID have a god-damn essay to do. I stared longingly at the Ultimate Ninja start screen. Only a button press away was the fun and joys of pitting the Naruto characters against each other. Not only that, but me and Sasuke had a score to settle with Neji...Oh yes...revenge.

"I'll do it later" I said, smiling serenely as I hit the wonderful start button, on the wonderful silver controller. Ah yes, me and my wonderful silver PlayStation, how I love you Station-chama. You complete me.

"Yeah well you better. I won't have you failing at school AND life" Rico said teasingly as he pulled himself up off the floor and gathered his textbooks. I grunted and waved him out of the room. There was no talking to me when I was in game mode. I heard him sigh as he left, which prompted me to turn my head, just catching his back as he walked out into the corridor.

Rico was always worried about me. I wasn't exactly the hardest worker, and it wouldn't be an overstatement to say I may have failed my GCSE's. I'm doing a whole lot better in year 12 to be fair. But my grades have never been that good, and my parents weren't exactly thrilled when they found out about my spectacular failure. Well, they decided I didn't care about my future. Of course I care! It's not my fault I'm lazy and apathetic! Rico seems to be the only one who actually understands that. I lack motivation, but when I know I have to work hard, then I can. The only thing that I can never get bored of is Manga. My parents think that the amount of time I spend 'wasting my life with useless drawings' should have been used studying, and the whole reason I failed was because I like to draw. Well, I'm sorry if the only thing I'm good at it useless. Not everyone can be good at math and science. Not everyone can be a perfect A star student.

Wanting to be a Manga artist seems unrealistic to people who don't understand how amazing manga is. They don't even understand why I and dozens of other people waste their time and money on some 'Japanese franchise'. There's no explaining it to them. But it's like, when reading and drawing Manga, you get tossed into a whole other world. It's better than being stuck in reality where everything is hard and complicated. It's an escape.
Okay, so maybe that sounds stupid. I dunno, maybe I'm the only one out there dumb enough to get so absorbed by something that isn't real. Living in a fairytale land won't get me very far in the long run. But I love to draw. I love creating stories and characters. It's the only place I feel like I'm actually in control, and the only time when I don't feel completely stupid and useless. Yeah I'm sounding pretty dramatic. But to be honest, that's how I feel most of the time. You'd feel that way too, if you failed your exams and your parents made you feel like the biggest failure who ever lived.

Kinda makes you wonder why I don't buckle down and study my butt off these days. Well, I didn't say I was lazy and apathetic for nothing ya know? Some things won't change. I'm the kind of person who won't change herself, no matter what happens. So, even after failing exams, I still remained as unmotivated and lazy as ever. Nothing seems to be enough to make me want to change who I am.

It's fine too. I don't want to change for anything or anyone.

I really don't.
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I hope that wasn't too boring/complicated/stupid/ghay/ whatever other word you can think of XP
I just wanted to introduce the character as best as I could without ruining the rest of the story ^^ Be nice! DX The next one will be better! XD