The Deadliest Sin


Pride sat in the barren outskirts of a small town. He was in a diner. Before him lying on the table was a small cup of coffee. He lifted the cup to his lips “Happy birthday to me.” He said and took a sip of his coffee. It was bitter. The bitter taste in his mouth was familiar he knew this taste all too well. It was the taste of disappointment.
Today was Prides 17th birthday. He only remembered this because on his 10th birthday he got his powers and an unforgiving destiny. Who could forget a day like that? Since that day Pride had come to realize he doesn’t want this life the life of a sin.
A waitress walked up to him. “Can I get you anything?” she asked as she refreshed his coffee.
“No thank you.” Pride said adding creamer to it to alleviate the bitter taste of his coffee.
“Okay well call if you need anything Hun.” The waitress said walking away.
Pride leaned his head on his hand and stared out the window. He thought. Thinking was something Pride did a lot he always found it better for him to think then to talk. For one reason or another he felt safer leaving his thoughts in his head rather then blurt out anything that felt like saying.
Pride thought of what he knew about being a sin. It wasn’t much no one explained anything to him only through research did he realize where he got his power from. There were only three things he knew about what he was. One every sin has a unique power. Two there are seven sins. Three one day all the sins would fight a big battle one unlike any battle ever waged on earth. Knowing this terrified Pride. It terrified him more then anything or anyone ever could.
When the waitress returned to the table there was a five dollar bill on the table with some change. There was money but pride was gone. He had gone as swiftly as he had come.
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Okay well this is the first chapter in what I hope will be a continued series. Kudos goes out to friends Jackie and Teo who helped with story concept and charecter designs.