Funeral for a Friend

In the Grave Yard

There's not much to say about the scene: five boys in a grave yard.

It sounds so simple, yet complicated. How did we get here, that's another story. One could say it started when Frankie told Gerard he didn't love him anymore. But no. It all started years before, when Frankie told Gerard he loved him. Those two were what people could call 'soul mates'. Being four years younger, Frankie needed Gerard to take care of him. Being a drug addict, Gerard needed Frankie to take care of him. Even though the world attention landed on the group as a whole, the group attention landed on those two. If they were fine, everything was fine. All credits to Frankie for that. He knew how to keep Gerard calm, and most important, clean. None of the rest could ever tell Gerard what to do, but one single word from Frankie, and he had him eating from his hand. Funny thing, given that no one took Frankie seriously ever. And all of this was before Frankie told Gerard he loved him. Everyone knew that was meant to happen. There was no way they acted like that in front of everyone, and then each of them went home to live their lives separately. They were meant to be together.

Later on, and even though all the effort that Frankie put to keep Gerard clean, Gerard was never fully clean. All of us knew the reason: Gerard used to hang out with the wrong people. No matter how hard Frankie cried, no matter how hard Frankie begged, Gerard seemed to be immune to his tears. He seemed to care shit about how Frankie felt. We all hated him for that. It wasn't until Frankie tried to leave the band, when Gerard realized what he was doing and what he was about to lose. Only then, Gerard decided it was time to stay clean. There was no happier person than Frankie in the world. We wrote the most beautiful songs during that period of time. We gave the best shows of our lives during those months. It all seemed to go right again.

But there's a clear rule that states that for every action, there's a reaction. Gerard wasn't the same. His brain had sequels of all the drugs he had taken, and he acted like he did Frankie a favor when he came back to him. And, of course, Frankie had a pride to protect. The mood of the whole band was affected by every argument they had. We could only hope it wouldn't lead to a break up. Of us, I mean; they were already broken. And then one day, Frankie got tired of being mistreated. I know him, and I know all the pain he was feeling when they had that final argument at Mikey's house. Gerard said something on the lines of going out again with his old junky friends, and Frankie shook. Then, Gerard asked what would Frankie do to stop him, and Frankie said he would do nothing. Frankie said, as tears shed out of his eyes, that ot wasn't his problem, because he didn't love him anymore. I knew it wasn't true. Ray knew it wasn't true. Mikey knew it wasn't true. Gerard, and even Frankie knew it wasn't true. But Frankie needed to get out of the hell his life was turning in to. We could understand that, except Gerard. He expected Frankie to stay by his side no matter what, I guess. But we could never blame Frankie for what happened next. Gerard ran to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife he found, and holding it up in the air, he demanded Frankie to take back what he had said. Frankie didn't. I think he never thought Gerard would actually do it. Frankie stood there, motionless, and the blade traced an arch from above Gerard's head to his chest. We all screamed, including Frankie. He ran as fast as he could, considering that he was only 10 feet away from him, and kneeled on the floor, holding Gerard's head and pressing his left hand against his chest, in a poor and useless attempt of stopping the bleeding. Mikey ran to call an ambulance. Me and Ray cried like never before. Gerard… he just passed away.

There's not much to say about the scene: five boys in a grave yard.

Except, of course, that one of them is no longer alive.