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Serena: A Whole New Breed of Vampire

Chapter 2: Snooze Ville A.K.A. History Class

The entire class stared at you as you walked through the door with Rose on your right and Alice holding your hand on the left. “Why does everyone stare at me? I mean I know I’m new but so what” you whispered to Alice as you let go of her hand then walked to the front of the room. You handed the slip of paper that needed to be signed to the teacher. He was a fat old bald man with glasses who seemed like a grumpy person.

“Class this is Gertrude McGregor she is from Miami” he drawled in a rough monotone.

You cringed as he said your first name “Actually it is Serena” you said to the class.

The teacher just glared at you and then barked “Go sit by Mike in front of Alice”

“Fine” you skipped over to the table where a cute in a puppy dog kinda way blonde haired brown-eyed boy sat. You dropped you bag on the floor with a loud thud and sat backwards in the chair and looked at Alice. She smiled at you, but smirked as she noticed Mike staring at you eyes wide mouth slightly open.

“To answer your earlier question you are the new shiny toy, so you give these kids an excuse to act like first graders. Hopefully it will wear off soon.” She whispered as she lightly tapped your nose with her cold finger.

“Plus you hang out with us something no one else can say, but everyone wants to say.” Rose added as she joined the conversation.

“Ms. McGregor turn to the front of the room” Mr. Grumpy said. You sighed and kicked your leg over the chair so that you legs were in between yours and puppy boy’s chairs.

“Better?” you asked as you looked at Mr. Grumpy.

He sighed and nodded then turned back to the black board where he was writing about the depression you had already learned U.S history so this bored you immensely. You turned back to Alice, but kept your legs where they were, and made a face she and Rose both stifled giggles. You turned around to see Mr. Grumpy glaring at you. You smiled sweetly and said, “Yes sir”

“Ms. McGregor please tell me one of the main causes that helped to end the great depression.”

“World War II” you said without hesitation “Any more questions you have for me?” you asked as you cocked an eyebrow.

“No” Mr. grumpy said as the bell chimed. You got up grabbed your bag and walked to the door without even waiting for Rose and Alice they were fast you knew they would catch

“OMG SO FUNNY” Alice said in hysterics as her and Rose appeared from nowhere and each having her own giggle fit.

“You owned him it was so much fun to watch” Rose added. You three burst into another round of giggles as you walked through the lunchroom doors. All heads turned to see you three glided into the line still giggling you quickly grabbed a bag of chips, and apple and lemonade. You paid for your food then looked for Emmet and Jasper and saw them across the room sitting in the corner smiling at you and the girls as we walked over to them. Suddenly a girl popped out of nowhere in front of you. Rose and Alice just shrugged and walked around her you shot them a pleading look as they silently snickered at your situation. You growled in your head then turned back to the girl.

“I’m Jessica why don’t you sit with us?” she gestured to a table in the center of the room that was full of chatting kids including puppy boy. What was that kid's name Mason, Matt, …Mike I think who cares you thought. They were trying to make it seem like they weren’t staring you, but they definitely were.

“No thanks I’m going to it with Alice and Rose thank you though” you slunk between her and another table and practically ran to their table. “I hate you” you mumbled as you sat down next to Alice.

Edward's (first person it was easier sorry) POV:

I had just walked out of Calc Class if I was capable of sleep I would have slept through High school but I cant sleep so I’m stuck here. I walked down the hallway and scanned a few loud minds as I went there apparently was a new girl. She was pretty from what I could tell from others past visions, but you cant ever really tell what they truly look like until you see them with your own eyes. Many of the students didn’t know her name or hadn’t seen her, but then I caught my siblings’ thoughts as I neared the cafeteria. Rose couldn’t believe such a beautiful human girl existed, but what she couldn’t believe more was she really liked the girl and wanted to be good friends with her. Jasper and Emmet were trying to think of other things because this girl evoked very dirty thoughts from them. Alice was thinking of our shopping trip which now involved Serena, that was her name Serena I like that name. I pushed through the doors and saw my normal table across the lunchroom, but there was an unfamiliar head of long white blonde hair sitting at it as I got closer I noticed the pink streaks in Serena’s hair. Suddenly the heat kicked in and blew Serena’s scent towards me. It was intoxicating it made me so thirsty I felt like I was dying without her blood. This was the most intense blood craving I had ever had in my over 90 years of being a vampire. I stopped and every muscle in my body coiled ready to pounce on the unsuspecting girl. Then she turned around and looked eyes with me I could tell my eyes were black as the night right now with my thirst. I listened and tried to hear her thoughts, but there was nothing, not even a whisper of a thought coming from her. I stood and stared at her I realized why she was getting the reactions from my family and the school. She was the most beautiful creature that I had ever seen; her green eyes bore into my now black ones. She didn’t flinch from my gaze like a normal human would she stared straight back at me slightly cocked her head to the left and let a slight smirk play on her plump pink lips. Her body was another story her face was of an angel while she had the body of a goddess, she was curvy but lean; plump but toned; fair but not sickly; long legs but short stature she was like a dream. Everything abut her was perfect no matter how much I wanted her blood I couldn’t take that creature out of the world. If my soul weren’t already damned I would sure as hell damn myself to hell by taking that Girl no you couldn’t call her a girl she was woman from this world. I gave one more longing look towards Serena then turned on my heel and walked at a human pace out of the cafeteria then I walked out of the school and ran into the forest I needed to hunt and I needed to hunt NOW.
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short i know sry