I Never Said They'd Be Places You Wanted To Go

"Look at what your drugs did to my customers."

"Buyer beware. I told you my compound would take you places. I never said they'd be places you wanted to go."

"My business... repeat customers..."

"If you don't like what I have to offer, you can buy from someone else. Assuming Batman left anyone to buy from."


Jane Harper loves to count.
Numbers run through her head subconsciously, even when she's not purposely counting, she's counting.
She can do math in her head insanely quickly.
Thus why she was one of the multiple accountants working for Wayne Industries.
Until she came into work one day, a machine gun in either hand, shooting both directions without even looking, heading for the window.
When she reached the window, she turned around, shooting until she ran out of ammunition.
She dropped the guns, closed her eyes and feel backwards through the glass, falling from the 15th floor.
Two strange things happened that day:
Nobody died, and...
She never landed. There was no body on the ground, no blood or spilled guts...
She had disappeared.
Nobody knew how.
She was found 5 days later, sitting on the sidewalk, disoriented, with only vague memories of anything.
She was, of course, taken in.
During her trial, when her name was stated, everything rushed back.
She broke out laughing, catching the attention of a man sitting, observing the case: Dr. Jonathan Crane.
And Dr. Crane had her carted off to Arkham Asylum.

Jane Harper is replaced by a young woman.
Named Johnette "Johnny" Knight...
Who instantly hits it off with Mr. Bruce Wayne himself.
Upon meeting Alfred Pennyworth, the two become friendly.
Often meeting up to play golf.
Needless to say, she's one of the many girls to fall for the Bruce Wayne...
Whose butler she's golf buddies with...
Making her a regular guest at Wayne Manor.
Rushing to his house one day, she eyes the well.
She feels a strange aura, looking at it.
She ignores it.
But it haunts her.
  1. Welcome.
  2. Chapter One.
  3. Chapter Two.
    Deds to Emily. ♥