I Never Said They'd Be Places You Wanted To Go

Chapter One.

Jane Harper didn't think she was crazy. Unusual, perhaps, maybe eccentric or sick, but not crazy, not insane. She didn't belong in the Hellish white cell they had put her in, dressed in a hideous orange jumpsuit.

Now, her cellmate, Denise Bippus, was crazy. She had slaughtered her family in cold blood simply because her mother suggested that she might have some anger issues. Jane Harper kept her distance as best she could.

Denise "Denny" Bippus had tanned skin and deep, beady brown eyes. Her long, pitch black, greasy hair made her pale urine yellow teeth seem whiter than they actually were. Jane was quite different, with ice blue eyes diluted with specks of navy. She had platinum blond curls spilling over her shoulders and her skin had an ominous pallor. Her lips were pale pink, plump, and soft, in contrast with Denny's thin, dark, chapped ones.

Jane was still a mystery. To everyone. She buried her secrets deep and carefully, thought about every word coming from her mouth. Her thoughts were black and hidden, a confusing maze of sins.

The door clanged open loudly, in stepping Denny and Jane's ominous doctor. Denny was infatuated with him; Jane was absolutely repulsed by him. Doctor Jonathan Crane.

He, much like Jane, kept everything about his life a secret. Especially with his patients. He was bitter and condescending, some of the many reasons Jane disliked him. She found him... creepy, at best.

He had piercing, fierce, ice blue eyes, with somewhat of a teal tint. They were hidden behind thin-rimmed glasses that he pushed further up the bridge of his nose when he was upset. He had defined cheekbones and dark pink lips that hid near-perfect teeth. His dark brown hair was always perfectly brushed back, adding to the dignified look that he already wore with his pinstriped or pure black suits, starched white dress shirts, and oddly chic ties.

"Jane, Denise." He looked at each in turn as he coldly greeted them.

Jane felt her body go limp. She sat down on her bunk. There was something different about him today. He was frightening her today. Jane couldn't remember the last time she had been frightened, especially by Dr. Crane. He had creeped her out, maybe, but never frightened her before. She licked her teeth behind her lips. She inhaled strongly and shot an icy glare at the psychiatrist. He glared back. The two locked into intense eye contact.

He was the first to break the linked eyes, turning to look at Denise. "Your session will be directly after Ms. Harper's." He informed her calmly.

Fuck, Jane thought, I hate him.
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Who can imagine Cillian Murphy as batman? It's lulzworthy!
He was gonna be Batman until Christian Bale auditioned, but they liked him so much, they made him Dr. Crane.
I just can't imagine my darling Cillian as Batman! XD