The Seldom Seen Kid


Mikey Way had always been stood behind his elder brother. Next to Gerard, he was invisible. Gerard had always stood out in one way or another, first as the target, the victim, the weird one and later as the beautiful one, the popular one, thet trend setter.

Some might have regarded Mikey as sheltered, protected. Gerard bore the weight of the fame. Gerard was chased around by paparazzi. Gerard took centre-stage. No; that wasn't fight. It hadn't been like that at all. No-one could have cared less about Mikey's opinion though.

No-one had noticed his own problems next to Gerard's, all magnificently reminiscent of Kurt Cobain, Ian Curtis and all those other tragic stars. The alcoholism; his dramatic breakup with Eliza. No-one could have cared less that little Mikey was inches away from taking his own life.

Mom, Dad and all of his friends started to see less and less of Mikey. They'd noticed a little, perhaps. Even Gerard in his state of fame induced delirium had noticed something. Too off his head to think what it meant, but he'd noticed. Then again, he'd always been hidden away from view; always been this seldom seen kid.

No-one could ever have had any idea how close he was to ending it all. No-one but Mikey would ever be able to conceive such a notion.

It felt like he'd been locked away in the dark with the things people wanted to keep hidden. Maybe it was the alcohol in his blood and the fumes in the air fuelling his overactive imagination, but suddenly it felt like he was worthless. No-one appreciated him. No-one cared about him. No-one needed him. He was just a waste of space and oxygen. He really was going to end it...

And then, there had been Alicia.

She'd burst into his life like an artist splashing paint on their black canvas. She'd wrapped her arms around him and all of his doubts had faded into nothingness. Most importantly of all, she'd sat and listened to him: all of his worries; all of his anger; all of his aches and pains and bruises that just wouldn't heal until she came along.

It didn't matter that the crowds didn't come to see him, or that his Mother had a favourite. Nothing mattered anymore but Alicia and him. Not one single thing; like being high without the mosters sneaking up behind you. Alicia wasn't there for Gerard, she was always there for Mikey.

Mikey thought she was an angel; a vision of perfection sent to him by someone pulling the strings. The touch of her lips against his sent him reeling backwards, like a punch to the jaw, but they felt so good. It was beautiful and more than enough to destract him from the depression.

Mikey didn't mind being the seldom seen kid. He wasn't in the dark anymore.