Status: Hiatus

Captive by Desire

And All Things Will End

All of Egypt was in fear on this night. My father doubled the guard around the palace but I knew it would do little good. When these men wanted in, they would get in. My father was not willing to tell me what they are seeking but he says it's something very valuable and he does not wish to lose it. My mother is being just as tight lipped about this as my father is. They both have formed an unspoken agreement that they shall keep me out of any and all trouble. Though they both know how impossible that is, after all I am the trouble maker of the family.

My brother, the heir to the thrown, is the perfect child. He stands proud with my fathers name, Intef III. Father has been training him since the day he was born and out of all my siblings he's the one I like the least. Though tonight was a feast in honor of his birth. Being his sister I am being forced to attend, though I dislike him so very much. Father ordered me to be there and I am not allowed to disobey the Pharaoh.

"Iboni honey, are you ready?" my mother asked coming into my room.

"Of course mother," I said soothing my dress and adjusting my necklace.

"Come on then dear."

My mother escorted me to the feast hall where the festival had started. My brother, Inny as I refer to him much to his dismay, was seated beside father in the thrown seats. Gypsy's were dancing in a whirl of color as a small band of priests played their instruments. Calmly I walked over and greeted my father who practically ignored me. We did not have a strong relationship as he was more proud of his son than he was of his daughters. Girls were only around to carry the mans child and raise them until they were old enough to learn the trade of their fathers.

"Good evening Iboni," my younger sister Sheriti greeted as she joined me in the seats behind father and Inny.

"Good evening Sheriti," I greeted back. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"About as much as you are," she replied knowing how much I disliked these events.

"Well I pray to Ra you enjoy yourself more than I," I stated looking out over the event.

"Girls, your father requests your presence," our mother said coming over to us. "He is about to make an announcement and would like his family to join him."

"Of course mother," my sister replied as we stood gracefully and joined our father.

Silently we stood behind the Pharaoh as he showed his son off to the world. Clearly he was the pride of Egypt, the pride of the Pharaoh. Nothing either of us girls did would ever please father.

"This day we celebrate the birth of our future Pharaoh," my father said to the crowd who watched him in awe. "In the shortcoming years he will take his rightful place and I will step aside. Until then he is going to stay beside me as my right hand. You are to treat him as you would me for one day he will be your Pharaoh."

My father really could be a sap and he was terrible when it came to speaking to the people. Inny wasn't any better since he followed everything his father did. Slowly I slipped away from the room while father ambled on about his precious son. Personally I was tired of hearing the same speech at every gathering.

Silently I walked down the hall towards my room. Just as I turned the corner I bumped into someone. As I stumbled back I saw a flash of bright color kneel to the ground. Once I gained my balance I peered down to see one of the gypsy's kneeling before me. Silently I sighed not wanting this attention.

"My apologies princess," the gypsy whispered. "I should have been more careful."

"Stand please," I told the young girl.

Slowly the girl stood and I found myself facing someone close to my age. Her outfit was made to show off her fit body and a see through covering held her hair in place. Her face was still downcast though so I could not get a decent look at her.

"You did no harm," I informed the girl.

"Thank you," the girl whispered.

"What's your name?" I questioned.

"Aset, Aset Nefer princess," the girl replied.

"Nice to meet you Aset, I'm Iboni and prefer to be called that," I said.

"Of course Miss Iboni," Aset replied.

"Please Aset, just Iboni," I replied. "Don't treat me like royalty."

"But you are," the girl stated.

"And most days I wish I wasn't," I replied. "Where were you heading in such a hurry."

"Oh miss, I am to preform for the Pharaoh and his son," Aset replied. "They requested it."

"Ah, pray to Ra you do well," I whispered.

"Pardon?" Aset questioned.

"Is there no one else they can send?" I asked.

"They asked for me specifically," Aset said.

"Well, run back to your leader and tell them I have requested your presence," I told her. "Inform my father and he will select another."

"Miss, why do you not want me to do this?" Aset questioned.

"I know how my brother views women," I replied.

Aset quickly followed my advice and ran back to her leader. I stayed in my spot until the leader came back dragging Aset behind him. At my presence he quickly released the girl and spoke his apologies. Aset was allowed to follow me as I continued towards my room. Once in my room I changed into more comfortable clothing. Aset took notice of all the little trinkets I had though they really held no meaning. With a sigh I stared out my window longing for an adventure. Just one time I want to be the one in charge of my life, not having to be a shadow in the background. Little did I know, my adventure was coming sooner than I prayed.
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1st chapter test :D

please comment and let me know what you think of all of this.