Status: Hiatus

Captive by Desire

Thick and Thin

Iboni’s POV

Rev, who was now insisting that I call him Jimmy, was very concerned that I wanted to go to dinner with the rest of them. Ever since the attack he’d been keeping very close tabs on me and it was starting to get annoying to say the least. He finally agreed to let me attend dinner with everyone but I had to say within arms reach of him at all times. One would think he was a concerned husband rather than a vicious kidnapper. Of course, he had never actually done anything to hurt me. No, no I can’t be thinking this way. That’s how he wants me to think. He wants me to think that he’s protecting me when really he’s only hurting me. Ra, I cannot allow myself to fall for this man.

“Are you ready Iboni?” Jimmy asked as he entered what had become our room.

“I am,” I whispered as I gently took the hand he held out to me.

“We shall join the others then,” Jimmy said as he guided me from the room and into the dinning area.

Everyone was seated in their usual spots, though Brian and Aset were missing. I had been told that she was attacked a few days before I was but I had not been able to see her. Jimmy was not letting me out of his sight for very long and he said that if we girls were together that’d make us a bigger target. He didn’t trust his thieves anymore. They all had reasons to want revenge against my father and sought to get that revenge through us girls. Though Aset wasn’t related to my father, none of the thieves knew that. As far as I know no one besides us knew that, unless Aset told Brian.

“How are you feeling Iboni?”

I looked over at Johnny who had a soft smile on his face. Out of all of the guys he was the one that I knew best and felt the most comfortable with. Jimmy didn’t seem very happy about that fact but I knew Johnny wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. I was utterly confused as to why Jimmy didn’t like me being close to Johnny anyways. Not like he’s going to let me escape.

“I’m doing much better, thanks for asking,” I told him with a smile as Jimmy grunted next to me.

Before I could question Jimmy, Brian and Aset made their way into the room. I smiled as I saw that she was in good health though she appeared a bit nervous. Not that it was bad to be nervous, I was a bit nervous myself. Aset and Brian sat and we all started eating. Everyone seemed to break off into their own conversations, minus Shadows who never really spoke with anyone. He seemed to be the more watchful one.

“If you’re going to stare at Shadows he’s going to think you like him,” Jimmy whispered as he started eating.

“I never mentioned anything of the sort,” I protested. “He would know better.”

“Not with the look you were giving him,” Jimmy smirked.

“I wasn’t giving him any certain look,” I told Jimmy. “I was just wondering why he is so quite all the time.”

“Torture does that to a man,” Jimmy replied as he looked back at his food.

“Right,” I sighed.

“I’m sorry Iboni, I shouldn’t have spoken that,” Jimmy said.

“You merely speak the truth,” I replied becoming a bit stony.

“No, I aimed my anger towards your father at you. That was wrong of me,” Jimmy said.

“You earned that right, as does Shadows,” I told him.

“Iboni look at me,” Jimmy said as he turned my face towards him. “You are not your father. Therefore no one should take their anger towards your father out on you.”

“Why did you take us then?” I questioned. “If not to get back at my father?”

“I took you for selfish reasons that I have corrected. I am keeping you for different reasons,” Jimmy stated. “I will not discuss them with you either. Don’t you worry you’re pretty little head over them. I won’t let any harm come to you.”

For some reason I believed him when he said this. He hadn’t made any move to harm me since I have been with him and he helped me when one of his own had harmed me.

Movement caught my eye and I looked over as Brian and Aset got up. Everyone was finished with dinner now and were all getting ready to go their separate ways. Just as I was about to get up I heard shouting coming from outside the room. Jimmy stood up beside me and started yelling at everyone in the room. I was pulled up and thrust back towards the door. However, someone stepped in and blocked my way. I was jerked back against a hard chest that I recognized as Jimmy's while this new man stepped into the room.

"Hello James," the man sneered.

"Chad," Jimmy growled. "Get out out of my house."

"Were you not able to bare parting with your family, that you chose to stay here?" the man laughed. "How sad."

Jimmy suddenly had a sword in his hand and was using it to protect me. Jimmy's grip tightened on me as Chad stepped forward with a smirk on his face. Men were screaming all around us yet I was focused on the threat directly in front of me.

"She's my favorite on here, thanks for bringing her to me," Chad grinned.

"Asshole," Jimmy snapped as he pushed me behind him. "Why can't you ever fight like a man instead of hiding behind a woman?"

"How dare you?" Chad growled as he pulled out his sword and stepped forward.

"Jimmy," I breathed as I watched the men circle each other.

Someone grabbed me from behind and I started to fight. Jimmy's attention was taken from the fight as he looked over at me. A scream left my mouth as Chad lunged at him. I was drug across the room as I watched Jimmy to get into a fight for his life. I fought against the steel grip as I was dragged out of the room and into the hallway. I managed to spot Zack's hair as I was pushed into a room.

"Zack please," I begged as he pushed me into the room.

"Jimmy will have my ass if you're hurt in any way," Zack said. "Stay here."

"He needs my help," I protested as I ran towards him before he could shut the door.

"He needs you away so he can focus," Zack said before he pushed me back and slammed the door shut.

"Zack," I screamed as I pounded on the door. "Zack you can't do this. Let me out."

My calls went unheeded as I was left alone in the cold room. Tears filled my eyes as I thought about the scene I saw just moments ago. Jimmy was a breath away from death and for all I know he could be dead now. Curse Zack for not letting me help. Jimmy needs my help.
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sorry about the delay :( forgive me?