Status: Hiatus

Captive by Desire

Breaking Their Hold

Aset ran towards me as four men stepped out of the shadows of my room. All of the men were fairly big and wearing various smirks on their faces. Aset clutched to me, gripping my hand tightly as the tallest of the men stepped forward. Mockingly, he bowed before me and grabbed my hand kissing it gently. The whole time I watched him just waiting for him to make his move.

"Your highness," the man said mockingly. "Allow me to introduce you to the men who are delaying your plans."

"You would have no need for introductions if you would allow us to leave peacefully," I protested. "We have done nothing to you that would provoke any hostile actions from you."

"You may not have, but your father has," the man said glaring at me with hatred. "An eye for an eye, right?"

"Pardon?" I questioned.

"You're father has one of my men in his custody," the man said stepping closer. "I figure that we make an even trade, the life his daughter for the freedom of my man. Even trade, don't you think?"

"Sir, you would be wise to just leave now before the magi arrive," I told him.

"Princess, your father is afraid of us," the man smirked as he stepped right up to me. "It would be wise of you to follow in your father's footsteps."

"You will come to find that my father and I are two very different people," I growled standing tall though I was still very much shorter than this man.

"Brave little kitten huh?" the man mocked. "Well, guess we will have to do this the hard way then. I never can get you royalty to just listen, everything would work so much smoother if you did."


"I am the thief known only as The Rev," the man interrupted me.

"The Rev?" I questioned. "What sort of name is that?"

"I needn't explain myself to you kitten," Rev hissed.

"Please, just leave us alone. If you tell me who it is you seek perhaps I can get them released for you," I told the man.

"You expect me to believe that?" Rev growled. "The second we leave you will run to your father and inform him of everything."

"You have my word, as an Egyptian Princess," I stated with authority.

"Ha! Your word means nothing to me," Rev smirked. "No, it's much better if you join us on a little journey."

The other three men suddenly lunged towards us. Aset pushed me out of the way just as one of the men were about to grab me. Instead the man locked his arms around Aset and clamed his hand over her mouth. I wanted to go and help her but knew that I needed to escape these men before I would be of any assistance to her. However, three against one were not good odds to my favor.

"Princess it would be much easier if you would just follow us quietly," Rev said. "Come now, Vengeance is holding your sister so I believe it's time you followed like a good little kitten."

"Vengeance?" I questioned.

"Yes, and he has earned his name so I would not test him little kitten," Rev stated as he walked over to me and before I could move grabbed my arm tightly in his grasp.

"Unhand me," I protested.

"Ah kitten, clearly this is going to cause us troubles," Rev said as he reached around and lifted me off of the floor while clamping his hand tightly against my mouth. "There, come on guys we need to head out before Pharaoh remembers to check on his daughter."

Aset and I were pulled from my room roughly. The two men that were without a hostage were checking for guards around every corner. Once they determined it safe Aset and I were drug towards the back of the palace. Just as we were about to leave the palace a guard stepped our from behind a pillar. The man holding me quickly stepped back pulling me with him. Rev and the other man stepped forwards and fought with the guard. I closed my eyes when Rev drew his sword and thrust it into the mans chest. The sound of a falling body will haunt me for the rest of my life.

“Let’s go,” Rev called as I was once again drug out of the palace and over to four horses.

“Wait,” one of the men said.

“What’s your deal Christ?” Rev snapped at the man holding me.

“She knows where the prisoners are kept,” Christ said. “She can lead us to them and we can get Shadows.”

“I knew there was a reason we kept him,” the man called Vengeance said. “I’ll stay here with this one.”

“Alright,” Rev said, “Lead the way kitten.”

Christ loosened his grip on me yet still held a strong hand over my mouth. Slowly I lead them towards the prison area of the palace and they entered without fault. Rev killed both guards that were there and walked down the cells searching for his man, Shadows. Christ kept me out in the main area with the two dead guards while Rev was looking around. Soon enough he came back supporting a huge man. This man was probably the biggest of them all yet he could barely walk from the beating the guards had given him. Rev glared at me as though it was my fault that he was in this condition before walking out ahead of us. I was drug back to the horses as Rev and the other man, who’s name I did not yet know, helped Shadows onto a horse. Honestly I would be surprised if Shadows could ride alone but I know they wouldn’t dare to put another weight on the horse if they expect to make a quick escape.

“I’ll take her,” Rev said reaching for me.

Panic spread through me as I was picked up and placed on a strong steed. Rev climbed up behind me as Aset was placed on a horse with Vengeance. Rev placed a strong arm around me and pulled me back into his chest. I heard a deep chuckle emit from him as I leaned forward so that we were not touching. He and the other men took off into the night with Aset and I as their treasures. I was confused as to why he was taking us now that he had his man back. To my horror no good situations came to mind in the events that we had just been taken hostage for another reason entirely. I only pray he does not seek to punish us for the pain inflicted on Shadows.
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comments please :D is this still going well?