Status: Hiatus

Captive by Desire


Rev and his team rode through the night with very few stops. Every few hours they would rest their horses and allow them water before they took off once again. During the trip I spoke with no one and kept to myself. Several times Christ tried to make conversation while we were stopped but I refused to speak with him. My mind was filled with questions that seemed to have no answer as I wondered just who this man was. Rev lead his team with dignity and grace, as though he was a born leader. He cared for his men and understood that if they were not happy then something needed to be done. Never had I met someone so poised for leadership who holds such a hatred for leaders.

My father had done him and his friends a great wrong when he hurt Shadows. However, it feels as though Rev’s hatred for my father goes much farther than that. Something in his past has caused him to hate my father with such a vengeance that he seeks nothing other than my father’s pain. This sort of man my father warned me about, as he has many enemies. This sort of man would seek me harm in order to gain a reaction from my father. However, Rev has made no true move to harm me since I tried to escape his grasp. If he meant me ill he would have killed me once Synyster delivered me to him, but he spared me. This was not a man of ill spirit. This was a man of justice who seeks my father’s pain not the pain of others.

"What are you thinking about?" Christ asked as he came over with Shadows behind him.

I stared at the two men without responding to his question before I turned my gaze back to the sand beneath me. Christ sighed and sat down beside me as Shadows sat down in front of me. My eyes looked over the man that my father had beaten and tears filled my eyes. I don't know what this man had done but I couldn't imagine anything being worth a beating like that. Shadows stared back at me and I could see the anger in his eyes. His shifted his weight and I jumped back landing against a hard chest. Arms wrapped around my waist before I could escape these people.

"Where you going kitten?" Rev's voice whispered in my ear as he pulled me into his lap and sat beside Christ.

Shadows continued to gaze at me with angered eyes and I tried not to cower away from him. He was highly intimidating, being as big as he was. Out of all of them he is the one that scares me the most and I do not feel comfortable around him. There's just something that I can't describe about him that sends the hairs on the back of my neck up.

"She hasn't spoken to anyone," Christ said. "And I think she's afraid of Matt."

"Well with all his glaring he's not giving her any reason not to be," Rev stated harshly.

"Matt, knock it off," Christ said as he looked towards his friend.

"You try being locked in a dungeon and beaten by a man. Now I hold his daughter in my hands. Why shouldn't I seek revenge?" Matt growled out.

I shrunk back into Rev's hard chest trying to escape the man in front of me. Rev's arms tightened around my waist as he pulled out his sword and set it down beside him as a warning. For some reason Rev was willing to protect me, though I was unsure as to why. He must hate me just as much as these men he's with yet for some reason he's still protecting me from them.

"You will not harm her. She's under my care and in my protection. If anyone is going to lay a hand on her it will be me and me alone, do you understand?" Rev growled towards his friend.

"Her father caused me months of pain as I was left to rot in that cell," Matt growled back.

"She is not her father," Rev started.

"She is his daughter meaning that he will feel pain when she does," Matt said. "If I can't get to her father then she will take his place."

"She is under my care," Rev growled. "I will decide what is to be done with her. You should know that she is the one who showed us where you were otherwise you would probably still be in that cell so I suggest you start thinking more clearly."

Shadows fell into silence as he backed away from us and rested just a few feet away. Christ went over and tried to look at a few of Shadows injuries but was pushed away. Shadows clearly didn't want anyone around him at this point in time. After everything that had happened to him I can see why he would be annoyed with people. This was not a man to mess with yet everyone seems to be doing just that. Personally I do not seek death so I do not tempt a viper when one comes near.

"Guys," Vengeance said as he walked over and joined our group. "I think something is wrong with Brian."

"Why do you say that?" Christ questioned his friend.

"Because he's been acting strangely ever since that girl came into the picture," Vengeance stated. "I don't think this is a good idea to leave her with him."

"Well, she's not being left with you or Shadows," Rev stated. "You'd both kill her before the sun rose."

"I'm just saying that something is going on there," Vengeance said holding his hands up in a defensive manner.

"You aren't getting her so pipe down," Christ said.

The two friends continued their argument totally oblivious to everything else around them. Shadow quickly grew tired of them and retreated to his own tent for the night just as Synyster exited from his. My body tensed as Synyster came towards us with an expressionless face. He knelt down beside Rev and whispered something to him. Though I was sitting in Rev's lap I could not hear what they were adamantly discussing.

Soon Synyster turned back and headed towards his tent. I watched as Vengeance got up and followed him. Christ turned back to us with a sigh as he watched Vengeance and Synyster get into an argument. Vengeance seems to like to pick fights with everyone. As long as I steer clear of him and his wrath I should make it our of here alive. Aset, of course, must come with me.

"Come on Iboni," Rev said as he stood, pulling me up with him. "We need a few hours rest before we head off tomorrow. We won't be stopping again until we reach our destination."

Once again I did not respond to him as he lead me over to the tent I was forced to share with him. There was nothing about this trip that was putting me at ease. Every day something worse seemed to happen and I was barely able to keep my sanity. Shadows was ready to kill me and Vengeance would be right behind him. The only one that showed me any kindness was Christ and he only did when few people were around.

"Iboni," Rev called as he laid down and pulled me into his warm arms.

I turned my head towards him and looked him in the eyes but chose not to respond to him. I was unsure as to what this man wanted and why he was keeping us with him but I knew that it would not be anything good.

"Iboni, why are you suddenly afraid?" Rev whispered as he brushed the hair from my face gently. "Before you were standing up for yourself and seemed to fear nothing. Now suddenly you are afraid of everyone who comes near you. What happened?"

I got confused and scared. Though you can not understand my thoughts you should know by my actions and the actions of those around me. One of your men wants to kill me for something my father did. I know that Rev hates my father just as much as Shadows so what's stopping Rev from putting a sword through my heart and end my life. My father had clearly done something to these men though I may never find out what. They all seek revenge and I have a feeling that they will be able to acquire it in their own manner. A manner that I do not wish to see, though I know that I am involved me. Ra help me.
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comments please :D

oh and I started another story...if you did not already know...and I would love your opinion on it. So if you would hop on over to my profile it's the story that only has 2 chapters so far but I think you will enjoy it if you enjoy this one. :D
