Status: just waiting for Trevor-kun to write a chapter...

No Title

The Days Go On and On

Through out that school year, we were inseparable. We were always next to each other and always tried to see each other any way possible we could, at school. Then, when the school year was coming to an end, we noticed that we couldn’t see each other over the summer. Yes we could text but we couldn’t call each other, if fear of my mom tracking his number.

When the day came, I was walking down the hall to get to my bus and I saw him, playing “Schools Out Forever!” on his iPod speakers. We had our laugh and walked to my bus. We stopped behind my bus and looked at each others eyes. We didn’t need to say anything to know we would miss each other. We had our good bye kiss, more of a face sucking fest. Then I walked to my buss slowly, letting out hands have the last contact for the summer.

The summer went by slow but I always looked forward to the wake up text he sends me every morning. Then, I got a call from my sister, wanting to know if I wanted to go to the International Festival at Down Town. it’s a big festival for about a week, that sells, plays music, and has food of different countries and religions. I told Trevor about it and he said he never heard of it. I asked my sister if it would be alright to meet Trevor there and she said she wanted to meet him first.

See, I told my sister about Trevor because she had been through the same thing. Plus, she’s my fricken older sister! How can you not tell your older siblings about this!?

When my sister, Lacey, and I got there, he was walking our way. I introduced him to Lacey, and her him, and they shook hands. Then, he had to pass the test of Lacey’s friends test. Clair did her little psychic thing, and said he passed with a great aura. We walked around, admiring things that caught our eyes. Rings, swords, instruments, quill and ink bottles, gypsy dresses, and so much more.

i had bought his a lion ring and me an Aztec looking ring. Then, his grandmother called and said she was coming pick him up. We walked onto he street where she would be and said our good byes. We kissed and didn’t want to let go. We hadn’t seen each other in about two months and wanted to be together again. But, the three fates had bigger and badder ideas.

That memory is forever stuck in my head still to this day.

Then, school will start. I would be a sophomore and he, unfortunately failed, would be a junior again. We met at our spot, right by the elevator, and I glomped him and never wanted to let go again.

“I missed you,” he said into my ear.

“I missed you too,” I said happily.



New school year, a new title, but still the same worries. Will this ever end?
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Aishitaru means I love you in japanese and Aishitarumo means I love you too. comments please.