Status: Completed


Fracâ‹…ture [frak-cher]
Noun, verb.
The act of breaking; state of being broken.

Seventeen years ago, Emily's life was turned upside down. Now her daughter is asking questions, and she has no choice but to delve back into the summer she discovered love and the boy who caused it all.
  1. one.
    secrets worth telling
  2. two.
    where it all began
  3. three.
    meeting boys in bands
  4. four.
    risky business
  5. five.
    walking without shame
  6. six.
    main stage possibilities
  7. seven.
    plans and airports
  8. eight.
    time on the sand
  9. nine.
    playing the game
  10. ten.
    liquid courage
  11. eleven.
    cure for a hangover
  12. twelve.
    setting off fireworks
  13. thirteen.
    boys, boys, boys
  14. fourteen.
    a question of love
  15. fifteen.
  16. sixteen.
    shit talking
  17. seventeen.
    underneath the stars
  18. eighteen.
    stormy days
  19. nineteen.
    telling the parents
  20. twenty.
    getting there
  21. twenty-one.
    family time
  22. twenty-two.
    no worries
  23. twenty-three.
    pure happiness
  24. twenty-four.
    clearing up rumors
  25. twenty-five.
    first fight
  26. twenty-six.
  27. twenty-seven.
    walking away
  28. twenty-eight.
    due dates
  29. twenty-nine.
    deciding the future
  30. thirty.
    going home
  31. thirty-one.
    making the call
  32. thirty-two.
    into the world
  33. thirty-three.
    a box of photographs
  34. thirty-four.
    a lunch date
  35. thirty-five.
    keeping in touch
  36. thirty-six.
    truth on the table
  37. thirty-seven.
    an unknown destination
  38. thirty-eight.
  39. thirty-nine.
    a father and a mother
  40. forty.