Status: Completed



"How about this one?" I asked Natalie, holding the navy top in front of my torso.

"I told you I liked the red one," Natalie dismissed the option with a wave of her hand.

She's sitting in the lounge at the table, painting her fingernails carefully. She's already dressed in a denim mini-skirt and a white The Maine t-shirt that John bestowed upon her after we'd watched their set.

"You haven't even tried and you look amazing!" I whined, throwing myself onto the couch after changing my shirt.

And she did. Her red hair was wavy and down, her bangs lightly brushing her beautifully fair skin.

"You think I haven't tried?" She looks up at me.

"Well..." I mumbled into the cold leather, "I didn't even see you fretting over what you're going to wear."

"That's the biggest compliment anyone's ever given me!" Natalie yells and lunges on top of me, being careful to keep her wet nails in the air.

"Gi off of ee," I try to tell her, my face smushed against the couch.

"Fine, but you have to tell yourself that you're hot," She sits on just my back and I'm able to crane my neck to look at her.

"You've got to be kidding me," I roll my eyes.

"No, I'm not," Natalie shakes her head, blowing on the nail polish, "You need to be feeling totally confident before you can make sure the tables are turned and you're in charge."

I sighed, knowing she was right, "I'm hot."

"That was so half-assed it's not even funny," Natalie rolled her eyes as she stood up, "Go into the bathroom."

"What?" I looked up at her with questioning eyes.

She pointed toward the open door, "Go into the bathroom, look into the mirror, and tell yourself that you're the hottest chick on the entire Warped Tour."

"That's ridiculous," I told her, though I stood up anyway.

"No it's not!" She placed her hands on my waist and started pushing me toward the bathroom.

"Fine, fine!" I surrendered, opting to walk of my own free will.

"Good," She smiled once we were both standing in front of the sink, looking into the somewhat dirty mirror, "Now do it."

I looked at myself in the mirror, "I am hot."

"You can do better than that!" Natalie urged me on.

"I don't know, Nat," I looked at her skeptically.

"Oh, don't even," Natalie rolled her emerald eyes, "This is coming from the girl who was an all-state athlete for three years straight in every sport she played. This is coming from the girl who turned down the supposedly hottest guy in school, because he was actually a huge asshole. This is coming from the girl who was voted "best personality" and "most athletic" for senior hall of fame. This is from the girl who was the only reason I got over Travis cheating on me sophomore year. I could go on and on about you, and I'll leave out the part that I don't think any guy in the world could even begin to deserve my beautiful, amazing best friend."

I smiled at the girl who had been my rock for over 6 years, "Thanks, Nat."

"No problem," She turned me back toward the mirror, "Now tell yourself how fucking hot you are, dammit. Say 'I am Emily Rae Reed, and I am one hot bitch!'"

I smirked and looked up at my own eyes in the mirror, "My name is Emily Rae Reed, and I am one hot motherfucking bitch!"

"Atta girl!" Natalie grinned.

The funny thing was, I was actually starting to believe it.


"Who's ready to goooo?" John yelled as he took the stairs to the bus two at a time.

"Meeee!" Natalie yelled back, grinning.

Jack was following behind John with his hands stuck into his black skinny jeans.

"You two look great," John smiled, looking at the two of us and pulling Natalie into a hug.

"Aw, what a gentleman," Natalie teased as she pulled away.

"Well, I try," He shrugged with a smirk.

Jack had been silent the whole time, but smiling nonetheless. I tried not to think about what was on his mind.

"Let's get out of here!" I smiled, making my way off the bus.

"Who's this party for, anyway?" Natalie asked.

Her and John were following behind Jack and me, and I couldn't help but laugh at the two of them when I realized they were holding hands. I had to admit they looked cute together, though.

"It's for the lead singer of some band," Jack told her over his shoulder, making it the first time he'd talked the whole time.

"And it's not weird that people who don't know him are just showing up?" I raised an eyebrow and looked sideways at Jack.

He smiled, returning my gaze, "That's just how Warped Tour works. If you don't know someone, you get to know them."

John chimed in, "Besides, everyone respects each other in the partying sense. It's kind of an unspoken fact that Warped is a party tour."

"Someone once told me, 'the alcohol runs freely and the girls come easy'," Jack continued.

I looked at him with eyebrows raised, "And how easily do the girls come to you, Barakat?"

He laughed and shook his head, "I plead the fifth."

I didn't think I really wanted to know, but the fact that his hands were still shoved into those stupid jeans was starting to piss me off. The only thing he'd talked about this whole time was the party and easy girls. I needed to be in control.

We approached the already raging party and the guys led us to the drink table.

"How about a shot to start off the night?" John asked, laying out 4 red cups and pouring a small amount of vodka in each.

"Here's to Warped Tour," Natalie smiled as we threw back the alcohol.

"I want you to meet some people," John told Natalie, taking her hand. As he pulled her away she made eye contact with me and mouthed 'sorry'.

Jack grabbed a beer and I poured myself a rum and coke. My tough facade was already beginning to leave me, I could feel it. I had never been a big drinker, but had always heard the phrase 'liquid courage'. Maybe it was just what I needed.

Jack raised his eyebrows when he saw what I was pouring, "Starting with the strong stuff?"

I shrugged and raised the cup to my lips, doing my best not to scrunch up my nose at the shitty taste.

"Needs more soda?" Jack laughed.

"Nope, tastes just fine," I smirked and walked past him.

He followed, just like I hoped he would. But the problem was, I had no idea where I was headed. I trusted my gut and kept walking, eventually finding my way to speakers pumping out the latest radio hits.

"Want to dance?" I turned around and looked at him.

"I'm not the best dancer," He told me, taking a long drink of the bottle in his hand.

"And that matters, because....?" I shook my head and grabbed his free hand, "You sure didn't seem to have a problem that one night we found you dancing to Lady Gaga."

"I had lost my inhibitions," He smirked, but didn't resist me pulling him closer.

I balanced my cup in one hand and placed the other against Jack's chest. He looked warily at the other people dancing around us.

"Oh, what the hell," He smiled, placing his hand on my waist.

As our bodies started to move together, I felt an electrifying feeling from head to toe. Being this close to Jack was unlike it had been with any guy in high school. I continued taking sips from the rum and coke until I had polished it off.

"I think I need another," I told Jack as I stared down at the empty cup.

I felt light and carefree already. Damn me being a lightweight. I pulled him along behind me as I searched for the table lined with liquor.

"Where is it?" I mumbled aloud, dropping Jack's hand.

"You sure you need another?" He asked tentatively from behind me.

I spun around to look at him, "Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you're already kind of slurring," Jack told me with a sheepish look.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready to be done," I glared, turning back around and finally spotting the table.

I poured myself a RedBull and vodka, downing half the contents before I'd even turned around.

"Take it easy, Emily," Jack looked concerned as he looked down at me.

"What are you, my mother?" I rolled my eyes and took a few more hearty gulps.

Okay, so maybe I was being a little bit of a bitch. And maybe I was drinking a little more than I intended. But I was finally feeling like I didn't need to impress Jack, and I was relieved that he wasn't trying to lay down cheesy lines.

He shook his head, defeated. "No, I'm not. Do what you want."

I nodded appreciatively as I finished the drink and turned to pour myself another.

"Let's take a walk," I declared, sipping the new concoction in my hand.

"Where to?" Jack mumbled, following my lead.

"Who knows!"

I felt my legs going a little weak, but I ignored it as I made my way further away from the blaring music and sweaty people. There was a view to die for just up ahead. I leaned on the railing overlooking the lake below.

"This place is beautiful!" I declared.

"Yeah, it's pretty great," Jack's eyes were glued to me, but I refused to look back, instead opting to stare at the shore.

I kept taking gulps of the bubbly drink in my hand, wincing less and less each time it burned my throat. I was surprised when the cup was yet again empty.

I tossed it onto the ground and turned to Jack, "You're so confusing."

"I am, huh?" He took a small sip of his beer and kept looking at me.

"Yeah, yeah you are!" I declared, "And it's really starting to frustrate me."

"I didn't mean to frustrate you," He told me sincerely.

I huffed and tried to walk away from the view, but stumbled instead. Jack's arms were the only thing that kept me from hitting the ground. He pulled me up and righted me back onto my feet.

"Maybe you should go back to the bus," He offered, his arm still around my waist.

"No, I don't think so," I shook my head, trying still to walk away.

"Just hold on a second," Jack told me firmly.

I spun around, looking up into his dark eyes, "You can't tell me what to do."

"I'm completely aware," He shook his head and looked intently into my eyes.

"If you want to kiss me, maybe you should just do it," I told him, the words harder to get out than before.

He stared into my eyes a little while longer before telling me, "Not now. Not when you're like this."

"What? Am I too ugly for you or something? How much easier can it get?" I squirmed out of his grasp and stumbled away.

"Emily wait!" Jack grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him.

"Just let me go," I tried to push him away again, but he was stronger and my strength was leaving me.

"You're not ugly. Nowhere close. If anything, you're way too pretty for me, among many other things," He tried to catch my gaze.

I rolled my eyes, "You just keep coming with the lines, don't you?"

He took a deep breath, "These aren't lines, Emily. And I like you because you're not easy. You're worth something; there's a chase. It makes it so much more interesting."

I shook my head, not looking him in the eye. My stomach has started to bubble.

"Fine, if you don't believe me, I don't know what else to tell you," He sighed.

"No, that's not it," I slapped my hands over my mouth and ran back to the railing, hurling the contents of my stomach over the ledge as Jack jogged up and pulled my hair back.

I felt weaker than before as I finished, and I leaned my weight onto the railing as Jack pulled his phone from his pocket.

"John?" Jack hurriedly said into the phone after a few seconds, "Can I talk to Natalie? Hey, I need you to come to the overlook. It's Emily, I need to get her back to the bus."

A few minutes later Natalie and John jogged up. I had taken a seat on the grass and had my knees pulled up to my chest.

"Em, what's wrong?" Natalie kneeled next to me, her brow furrowed.

I shook my head yet again, afraid that if I opened my mouth I would continue getting sick.

"A little too much to drink," Jack told her as he leaned down and scooped me up into his arms bridal style.

"I can walk," I mumbled into his chest.

"It's just faster this way," Jack told me and started the walk back to the bus lot, John and Natalie in tow.

"This isn't how I wanted the night to end," I said quietly.

I swore I heard Jack whisper "me either" as I was lulled into a light sleep as he continued his quick stride.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm surprised at how much I wrote, but I'm hoping you like it! (:

Let me know either way, I'm always up for comments and constructive criticism!

The beautiful new banner was created by exodus. over at!