Status: Completed



I guided Jack's hand away from my belt and silently crawled out of the bunk. It was days later, and it was another night tangled with Jack in his bunk.

He followed quickly behind me, breathless, "Em, what'd I do?"

I shook my head and shoved my feet into my sneakers, "I'm just not ready for this right now."

"I told you that we can take it slow," He told me softly, smoothing his hand over my back, "It's not a big deal."

"I know, Jack," I laughed, "But it's a lot easier said than done."

He checked the time, then put on his own shoes, "I have to get to our signing."

"I should get back to the tent, anyhow," I told him softly, feeling suddenly out of place.

The truth was, Jack and I had been moving more quickly than I had with any other boyfriend. But it definitely wasn't all his fault. I had an indescribable pull to him, and I felt almost electric whenever he touched me.

Jack smiled and reached out his hand for me, "I'll walk you there."


I watched the Maine's set the next afternoon, laughing at Pat's expressions as he drummed and John's intensity with each song. They were definitely a sight to behold. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I smiled.

"Already done with the signing?" I turned around in Jack's arms.

"Yeah, some kid threw up in line, so we rescheduled another one for later," He laughed.

"Adorable," I cringed.

"Not as adorable as yoooou!" Jack grinned, looking very proud of himself.

"I'm really happy that you just compared me to vomit, babe," I rolled my eyes.

"I am the king of flattery!" He raised his arms in the air triumphantly.

I laughed and turned back to the boys onstage, Jack standing beside me and taking my hand in his. I couldn't help but smile when he stroked my hand with his thumb. I didn't think of anything of our small PDAs sidestage, because the people around us had become used to it quickly.

I didn't even think about the people in the crowd caring at all about the two of us. About our relationship. About the fact that I could finally call him my own. But they cared more than I could ever fathom.


"I really don't think it's a good idea to be looking at this," Natalie told me.

I sighed and switched the phone to my other ear, scrolling further down the page.

"I know, but for some reason it completely baffles me that these people are being so mean," I replied softly.

A friend had sent me the link to an All Time Low fansite where they obsessed over every aspect of the boys' lives. And suddenly, Jack and I were the center of their gossip. Someone in the crowd had snapped pictures of us throughout the Maine's set, and now comment after comment was being added.

"Look, Em," Her voice was stern, "They're a bunch of jealous, bitchy little girls. They don't know shit about you."

"That's why this hurts even more. They don't know a single thing about me, but they're sitting around making up lies and judging everything about me."

Just another Warped Tour whore. It'll be over by September. Or sooner.

She looks so fake, it makes me sick. Really, Jack?

Wonder how much she pays for her fake blond hair and that gross tan.

Heard she blew him within hours of meeting him. SLUT.

She's so fucking ugly. Thought he had better taste.

Natalie sighed, "I know, babe. But they're all completely insecure and overly obsessed with him. He's your boyfriend and you're the only two who matter in your relationship."

I smiled when she referred to him as my boyfriend. Jack and I had discussed it lightly, but I avoided the labels. This site made me think twice, though. Maybe it was time to take things to the next level. Everything on Warped Tour seemed to move lightning fast, and going with the flow seemed alright to me.

"You still there?" Natalie asked.

"Yeah, just thinking about some stuff," I told her, more sure of myself than before.

I exited out of the page and closed my laptop, sitting it beside me.

"Just forget about that bullshit," Natalie said, "And I didn't tell you this, but the same shit's going on with John and me."

"They have pictures of you two?" I asked, tucking my legs under me.

"We took pictures on his Mac before I left and I think he posted one on his blog or something, because they're talking shit about me, too."

"You're right, they're fucking ridiculous," I shook my head.

"Let's just make a pact that we'll stop looking at stupid sites," She offered.

"I think that's a really good idea," I let out a breath and smiled.

"I can't wait to see you, though!" Natalie changed the subject.

"Me either! It's only a few weeks, now!" I smiled at the idea of being reunited with my other half, "But I know you're more excited to see John."

"Don't even!" She scoffed, "You're the only one for me, girlfriend!"

I laughed, "We should probably keep our relationship a secret for now. Don't want to break any hearts."

John sauntered into the lounge, "Break whose heart?"

"Natalie, I think I should tell him," I cracked up, "John, Natalie and I are in an exclusive relationship."

He put his hand over his heart, "I would be heartbroken, except you two are terrible at keeping that shit a secret."

"I'll call you later, Nat. I have to beat the shit out of your lover," I told her, standing up.

"Okay! Just don't hit him in the face. He's too pretty!" She laughed and hung up.

Jack ran onto the bus, smiling, "Emily, you won't believe who just called me."

"President Obama?" I asked.

"Jack! Emily's about to beat me up!" John interrupted.

"She loves you too much for that," Jack shook his head, "Plus, you've got about a foot on her."

"You really underestimate me, Jack," I smiled and stood on my tiptoes.

"You're a little fireball, I know," Jack smiled some more, "But really, my Mom just called me."

"Your Mom?" I raised my eyebrows, "And what did she have to say?"

"It's good, I swear," He laughed, sitting on the couch and pulling me into his lap.

"I'll leave you two alone," John smiled and yelled into the back lounge, "Jared! We have a signing in 15 minutes!"

We watched the boys walk off the bus and Jack looked up at me, "I guess there's pictures of us on the internet or something, because she called asking if I had a girlfriend and how the girl I was with was... how'd she put it.. out of my league?"

I laughed, "Out of your league, huh?"

He nodded, "I'm going to have to agree with her on that one."

"I'm not out of your league, Jack," I shook my head and ruffled his hair, "Maybe a little more mature, if anything."

"You're both, I think," He grinned.

God, he was so cute when he smiled. I leaned down and kissed him, placing my hand on his shoulder and shuddering when he ran his hand up and down my back.

He pulled away and looked at me seriously, "But about this whole girlfriend thing..."

I bit my lip, suddenly nervous. Was he going to say he didn't want a girlfriend? That he wasn't looking for anything serious?

"What about it?" I asked quietly.

He shrugged, "I'd really like it if I could officially call you that."

I was washed with relief as I looked down at this face. He seemed nervous, somehow. I smiled and lightly kissed his lips again.

"I'd like that, too," I told him, and a smile spread across his face.

"Hell yes!" He grinned.

I couldn't stop the thoughts racing through my head as we kissed again. What would the next couple of months hold? The future? What would people say? I pushed the questions aside and focused on the kiss. Jack Barakat was my boyfriend. Mine. The mean girls on those websites could go fuck themselves.
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I'm going to need two subscribers who want to be parts of the story. I'll be using your name, but not necessarily your personality. If you do want to be a character (it'll be a short romp, but pivotal in the story), then message me with: your name, your appearance, and the reason you read the story. I'll be choosing for probably the next chapter.

Jump on it! (: