Status: Completed



My stomach growled as I waited in the long catering line the next day. There was some hold up because of a shortage of cheese or something, and I was getting impatient.

"It's going to be a little while," I texted Pete.

I shifted my weight from one foot to another and checked the text that popped up on my phone, "They seriously need to figure out their cheese situation."

I laughed and put the phone into my back pocket, gazing behind me at the huge line that had now formed. It was just past noon, and that meant lunch (or breakfast) to the majority of the Warped Tour.

"Jack's dating some chick, I guess," My head snapped back toward the girls in front of me, hearing my boyfriend's name mentioned.

"Oh yeah! Emma or something?" The shortest one scrunched up her nose.

My stomach dropped and I clenched my jaw. There were 4 of them, forming a clique-y circle, just like the ones I'd avoided in high school. I had seen them clinging onto and selling merch for some metal band on tour. They'd never given me the time of day, and I'd never tried to make them.

"She's just another dumb blond," A girl who looked Mexican piped up, "No offense Sammy."

All the girls laughed as the dirty blond rolled her eyes, "Luckily I'm actually attractive."

"Oh, come on," The shortest brunette piped up, "She's alright."

"Maryjoe, you're kidding, right?" The tallest girl snorted, crossing her arms over her perfectly plump chest.

She was their "leader" and I knew it. If I ever saw them all walking around, they'd be scurrying along in her wake. Pete had mentioned her before with a roll of his eyes, calling her "Taylor the Terrible".

The girl named Maryjoe widened her eyes, "Of course I was kidding!"

"You're so annoying," Sammy rolled her eyes and looked to Taylor for approval.

"But anyway," Taylor ignored their comments, "It's totally pathetic. Didn't you say she won't even sleep with him, Misa?"

I held my hands in fists at my sides, tears burning in my eyes. I thought I'd graduated and left this bullshit int he past. But here is was, smacking me in the face. I thought ridicule for our relationship had been confined to the internet, but I was so wrong.

The Mexican looked up from her cell phone, "Yeah, that's what I've heard. Probably thinks the whole hard to get act is cute or something."

The girls all laughed. Only Taylor was taller than me, but I knew how much of a bitch she could be.

The queen bee spoke up again, flipping her hair, "Jack still totally has a thing for me, anyway. He's probably just trying to make me jealous."

"Haven't you guys not hooked up in like a year?" Maryjoe asked timidly.

"Seriously, Maryjoe? I'm about to kick your ass back to Texas," Taylor spat venomously at the small girl.

Sammy jumped in to defend Taylor, "Besides, he texts her all the time."

Taylor smirked, "Yep. I finally kicked Gaskarth to the curb, so I don't have to worry about that shit anymore."

I wouldn't let myself believe that she'd hooked up with Alex. He didn't always seem 100% committed to Lisa, but I'd gotten to know him and I wanted to believe he wouldn't cheat on a girl as sweet as her.

"What are we going to do about this Emma bitch?" Sammy asked, looking at Taylor.

Misa spoke up, "Why do we have to do anything to her?"

"Because she's nothing but a little bitch who thinks she can come onto this tour and take all the good guys," Taylor told her impatiently, "I guess John O'Callaghan is dating her ginger friend."

"Oh, I thought she was really pretty!' Maryjoe told the group.

"You're so fucking stupid!" Taylor nearly yelled, then regained her composure, "These girls are not pretty, they're not cool, and they're officially our enemies."

Sammy smiled, "I thought we needed someone new to hate."

"Who better than an ugly prude?" Taylor laughed, and the other girls tentatively joined in.

Tears stung my eyes. More girls hating me who didn't know a single thing about me. I turned on my heel, far too afraid to say anything to the group of girls, and felt the hot tears start to stream down my flushed face as I walked away.

Why was it a huge deal that Jack and I hadn't slept together? We'd barely known each other for a few weeks. I broke into a jog as I made my way toward the bus lot. This was all beginning to be too much.

"Emily!" I stopped when I heard the familiar voice, trying to tidy up my makeup and calm my breathing before turning around.

Jack jogged up to me with a worried look on his face, "I've been calling your name for the last few minutes. What's going on?"

"Nothing," I tried to force a smile, making his expression deepen.

"You've been crying?" He asked, reaching a hand up to my cheek.

I shook his hand away, "I was just so excited about lunch!"

"Now that's bullshit," He shook his head and smiled a little, "You ran away from the catering tent."

"Thought I needed something different," I shrugged.

"Emily, be serious with me for two seconds, please," He put his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

I sighed, "We're the talk of Warped Tour, Jack."

"Why's that a bad thing?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not in a good way. In the "what were they thinking" way," I shook my head and he dropped his hands.

"You're not listening to that shit, right?" He looked around.

"It's hard not to hear it when it's not only being said online, but right in front of me when I'm just trying to get a fucking sandwich," I told him, frustrated.

"Oh, God," He ran a hand through his hair, "Please don't tell me you've been reading the stuff they've said online."

I nodded, "Someone sent me a link to some site and I couldn't stop myself."

"Emily, that's just stupid," He shook his head and pulled me against his chest, "If you're going to be in this relationship, you've got to know that people are going to talk. I've got some weird fans."

"You're telling me," I mumbled into his shirt.

"But as long as me and you are fine, their opinions couldn't mean less," He stroked my hair and I pulled back to look up at him.

"Do you ever talk to a chick named Taylor?"

"Taylor the Terrible?" He laughed, "I do my best not to. She tried for the longest time to get into Alex's pants and now she's working on me."

"She was the one talking shit in line," I looked past him at the catering tent I'd bolted from.

"Anything that comes out of her mouth is either bitchy or bullshit. Don't listen to anything her and her little followers say," He took my hand, "Now let's go get you that sandwich."

I smiled, "Aw, Barakat. You really know the way to my heart."

We strolled back to the catering tent. The line had started moving quickly, so it wasn't long until we were headed back to the merch tent with sandwiches in hand and smiles on our faces.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soooo... Today has been so shitty. Some stuff happened back home to someone I know while he was in the line of duty. If you pray, please pray for him. If not, please just keep him in your thoughts.
I'm amazed I even wrote this, even though I know it's probably really terrible.

If you haven't yet, follow me on Tumblr!

I have to do a bunch of reading for class, so that'll take up the rest of my night. Hopefully things improve by then.

PLEASE COMMENT. <3 Thank you to those who already have.