Status: Completed



Jack stayed the rest of the day with me, letting me sleep a couple hours before gently shaking me awake. Then he would have me sip Gatorade and eat cereal while trying to keep a conversation going. My head was still spinning, though.

So he'd lay me softly back into my bunk and stay with me until I fell asleep again. A little while later the process would be repeated. He always kept his voice a little bit above a whisper, and I knew he was doing his best to not make me hurt any more.

"You should probably call your parents," He told me around 8 that night.

The boys were on the bus, but they were politely keeping their distance and trying their best to be quiet. I appreciated it, but I wanted more than anything to just be alone.

"I know," I whined, grappling around my bunk for my phone until my hand finally landed on it.

"Just be calm and they'll be calm," He reassured me.

"You make it sound so easy," I rolled my eyes and slowly crawled from the bunk.

He took my hand and led me to the empty front lounge. I sat down on the couch and dialed my mother's number.

"Hi sweetie!" She exclaimed when she picked up.

I brought my ear away from the phone in pain, "Hi Mom."

"What's up?" She asked, obviously a little distracted.

"Just hanging out on the bus. What're you doing?" I asked quietly.

"Oh, I'm just baking for a meeting I've got tomorrow afternoon. Thought I'd whip up some cookies and cupcakes," She sounded chipper.

This was usual for my mother, really. She was always an energetic woman, but when you gave her something to do, she went into overdrive.

"Sounds good, Mom," I stalled.

I could see Jack's facial expression, and I knew it was time to get to the point.

"So did you call about anything inparticular?" She asked.

"Well, yeah actually," I bit my lip, "I had a little... incident earlier."

"What do you mean 'incident'?" She had changed to her skeptical voice.

I took a deep breath and rattled the details off to her, "Um, it was really stormy today and the grounds were totally torn up and I was trying to get back to the tent to help Pete pack up and I slipped and hit my head."

I took a deep breath and my mother paused, "Did you get hurt?"

"I got a concussion," I admitted.

"And did you go to the hospital?" She asked, sounding stern.

"I went to the medical tent."

"And how are you feeling now?"

"I hurt, but I'm okay," I told her, "But Jack's been taking really good care of me."

I smiled at the boy sitting across from me. I'd mentioned him in passing to my mother, but hadn't told her how serious we'd gotten.

"And this Jack knows what he's doing?" She sounded relieved, but still sharp.

"The medics told him exactly what he needed to do," I nodded.

"That's good," She took a breath, "But why is he so eager to help?"

I paused, before going head-on into the truth, "Because he's my boyfriend."

My mother sighed, and to be honest I wasn't surprised, "Your father's not going to be happy about this, you know."

"I know, mom," I sighed as well.

"I'll tell him, but I can't guarantee he won't call."

"Thank you," A slight smile played on my lips.

My father was overprotective, but my mother somehow always understood me. She was my ally when it came to anything involving boys or clothes I wanted to wear.

"I'll call you tomorrow to check up on you. And tell Jack thank you for taking care of my baby."

"I will, mom. Love you," I let out a breath of relief.

"I love you, too," She told me before the line went dead.

I looked up at Jack who had a smile plastered to his face, "You finally told her!"

"I did," I smiled, standing up and walking over to him, sitting on his lap and fixing my head into the crook of his neck.

Jack stayed with me that night, waking me up in the same fashion he had during the day. He would kiss me softly on the cheek each time I laid back down, and I would fall back asleep with a smile on my face.

"Grandma's always been a cool lady," Juliet smiled.

"Yeah, she really has been," I agreed.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is sort of a filler, but it needed to be done. Keep commenting and subscribing! I love you all for doing that sooooo much!

ALSO!!! I started a new story (: We Felt Alive starring Kennedy Brock of the Maine!
So check that out and tell your friends and all that good stuff!
AND I just wrote a Zack Merrick one-shot if you're in the mood!