Status: Completed



I watched Juliet retreat into her bedroom after a promise to continue the next day The clock mounted on the wall told me that it was past 2 in the morning. I walked to my own room and sat down on the bed.

I scanned my eyes over the pictures on the dresser and wondered if there should have been someone else in them all along. My stomach filled with guilt when I thought how he would never have a picture holding Juliet as a baby, a toddler.

He never had the chance to drop her off at her first day of school or to give new boyfriends a stern talking to. He wouldn't see her graduate, or be able to take her to college. Would he even get to walk her down the aisle?

I slept fitfully that night, and woke up early the next morning. Juliet was still in bed as I looked through her baby book and eventually picked up my phone.

Natalie picked up after a few rings, sounding chipper, "Hello?"

"I told Juliet about Jack," I sighed.

She paused, "When?"

"Last night," I bit my lip and sat at the dining room table, still wrapped in my robe, "She asked about him and I couldn't keep it from her anymore."

"Well do you think it was the right decision to tell her?"

I sighed, "I haven't gotten to the end of the story yet..."

"Hold on a second, Kyla just woke up," Natalie told me.

I could hear her walking into her daughter's room, opening the door and cooing at the infant.

"How about you and Jules come over here in like an hour? I'll make breakfast and we'll help you tell her the rest," Natalie offered, and I could hear the baby fussing in the background.

"That would actually be really nice," I smiled at her offer.

"Alright, I'll let the men of the house know you're coming," Natalie chuckled.

"Sounds good," I laughed, "We'll see you in a little while."

I hung up my cell phone and walked to Juliet's door, knocking lightly before pushing it open. To my surprise, she was already sitting cross-legged on her bed, fully awake. She had pictures spread across her bed.

"Hi mom," She smiled softly when she looked up.

I made my way over to her and peered down at the photographs, "What're you doing, sweetheart?"

"Just thinking about dad," She shrugged.

I reached out and smoothed her messy hair, "It's hard not to, isn't it?"

"Yeah," She nodded.

"Aunt Nat invited us over for breakfast," I told her, "If you're up for it."

Juliet glanced over at me and smiled, "That sounds good."

"Alright," I stood up and made my way to the door, "Be ready in about 45 minutes and we'll head over."

"Hey mom?" Juliet asked as I stepped out of her room.

I turned around, "Yes?"

"You're going to finish the rest of the story, right?" She bit her lip, exactly like I always did.

I smiled, "I promised, didn't I?"

She nodded and I reassured her that her aunt and uncle would help, too.


I opened the front door of Natalie's home, just like always, and Juliet and I walked in.

"Aunt Naaaaatalie," She called.

Natalie appeared around the corner with a smile on her face, "Hey girls!"

An apron was tied around her waist and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail that hung down her back. She walked up and hugged both of us, and we all walked back into the kitchen with her.

"Juliet!" Natalie's 5-year-old son sprung off of the bar stool he was sitting on and sprinted at Juliet, jumping into her arms.

"Hi, John," She smiled and held onto the small boy with shaggy hair like his father's.

"Mommy said you were coming over," He leaned back and grinned, his arms wrapped around her neck.

"And here I am," Juliet smiled at John and put him back on the ground.

"Daddy promised me that you'd play space fighter with me," He pulled her hand toward the living room.

"John, let Juliet do what she wants," Natalie called after her son.

"He's looking more and more like his father every day," I smiled, sitting down on the stool that John had vacated.

"I hope that's a good thing," A voice from behind me laughed.

I turned around to see John O'Callaghan walking into the kitchen with Kyla in his arms. He looked down at his baby girl, beaming.

"Hey, you," I smiled and he kissed me on the top of my head, passing Kyla into my arms.

I looked down at the baby. She had Natalie's hair and John's eyes. The two of them truly made beautiful children. John made his way to Natalie and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled and continued preparing everything on the stove.

He leaned against the island and turned to me, "Nat said you started telling Juliet about Jack."

"Have you made it into August yet?" John asked, one eyebrow raised.

"No, haven't gotten there," I bit my lip and looked at Natalie.

Her eyes were sympathetic, but she gave me a smile anyhow, "We're here to help you with that one."
♠ ♠ ♠
Thought I'd give Warped flashbacks a little break for now. How'd you like that? (:

BTW, I wrote a Zack Merrick one-shot. Not sure if I like it, or if I should continue writing one-shots. So if all my subscribers and readers went over and told me what you thought, I'd really appreciate it. (:

Alsooooo, please comment and subscribe! :D

And if you haven't checked out my new Kennedy Brock story, you should do that, too.