Status: Completed



We all sat around the dining room table after Natalie and John had laid both kids down for a nap.

"Are you going to tell me the rest of the story?" Juliet asked expectantly, sipping apple juice.

John laughed, "You're really eager to hear this, aren't you?"

"I've been waiting a while, Uncle John," She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Oh, she stuck her tongue out. She means business, Em," He chuckled and sipped his coffee.

"Alright, better start the rest of this up, then," I smiled and launched into the next part.

"Okay, keep an open mind when I ask you this," Jack told me seriously a few mornings later after he'd bounded onto the bus.

I looked at him with wide eyes and a smile, "Lay it on me, babe."

He grinned, "My mom and sister are coming today and I was wondering if you'd want to meet them?"

I let out a laugh, "I thought you were going to ask something scarier than that."

"Is that a yes, then?" He looked at me hopefully.

"Sure," I nodded.

"Thank you!" He hugged me, "I know it's a little soon, but my mom's been asking about you and I want you to meet my sister!"

I smiled up at him, "Of course! When will they be here?"

"About noon, I think," He let me go and pulled out his phone, "But they might be earlier."

"Okay, well I'll talk to Pete about catching your set and hanging out with you guys for a bit. Today's supposed to be crazy, though," I told him.

He smiled, "All business."

"I know, but all the time I've taken off for my concussion and stuff has been adding up," I shrugged.

"I understand, Em."

"Good," I grinned, "But I've got to go set up the tent."

I gave him a quick peck on the lips and and jogged off the bus, making my way through the empty grounds to the tent Pete was starting to assemble.

"Hey, little one!" He smiled as I made my way towards him.

"Hey, Petey," I ruffled his hair and went to the other side of the tent so we could hoist it up together.

"I'm meeting Jack's family today," I told him as I pulled a box of shirts under the now shaded area and he flipped the table over.

"Things are moving pretty fast with you two," He commented, glancing up at me as he pulled the legs of the table out.

I set the back board up and turned to him, "I know... Do you think I should slow stuff down?"

He flipped the table right-side-up and hopped on top of it, "I'm not the one who can tell you what to do with your relationship, Em. Until you came along, Jack was completely wild. If you think it feels right to keep going the way you are, then who cares what other people think?"

I smiled at him, "You always know what to say, Pete."

"It's a gift," He laughed, "Now let's get these shirts up!"


I stood side stage beside Jack's sister, May, and his mom. They were both so nice when Jack had introduced me, and we all got along so well.

"You guys are fucking awesome," Alex yelled into his mic, the crowd screaming back.

"Hey, Alex! Watch your language. My mom's here," Jack laughed into his mic.

"I'm very sorry, Mrs. Barakat!" He looked at Jack's mom and gave her a big grin.

She just laughed and shook her head. I smiled and watched Jack as they launched into their next song. I felt completely in my element with Jack's family, somehow. That feeling was only cemented when we all went to dinner that night.

"So Emily, what will you be going to school for?" Jack's mom turned to me after we'd all ordered.

"Right now my intended major is business management," I smiled, taking a sip of my water.

"What would you do with that?" May asked as the waitress sat drinks in front of us.

"Hopefully work at a record label," I told her, "Which is why I'm really grateful that I got the internship this summer."

"She's awesome at it, too," Jack piped up, smiling at me.

I smiled back, blushing a little. He really was too cute.

"So Jack still hasn't told me how you two met," Jack's mom looked at her son and I.

Jack put his hand on my thigh and glanced at me, "Basically Emily was a damsel in distress and I totally was her knight in shining armor."

I laughed, "Not exactly. It was more along the lines of me not having enough money for lunch and him being at the right place at the right time."

May laughed, "That's how he lives most of his life!"

We spent the rest of the night that way: laughing.


Jack and I walked across the empty grounds after dinner, hand in hand.

"Thanks for inviting me," I smiled over at him as gravel crunched below our feet and the bus came into sight.

"Thank you for coming," He smirked, "And for being fucking amazing."

"I don't know about that part," I laughed.

He slipped his arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head, "That part is definitely true."

"You're such a sweet talker, Barakat," I laughed as I pushed him away playfully.

"It got me you, didn't it?" He grinned.

"I suppose it did," I admitted as we reached the bus.

He smiled and turned to me, "Good night?"

"Not that quickly," I smirked, pushing Jack against the bus and kissing him.

"Ew ew ew," Juliet wrinkled her nose, "I don't want to know about the gross stuff."

Natalie smirked, "How do you think you were made, darling?"

"I can stop now," I shrugged, looking at Juliet.

"Ugh, fine!" She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Ah, to be a teenager again," John smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooooh, VERY good stuff to come next chapter. (;

What I need before that: 5 comments. If I get them tonight (Tuesday), then I'll update again tonight and tomorrow. If I get them by tomorrow, then I'll update tomorrow. So it's either 2 or 1! Haha. You guys decide!

Keep checking out my Kennedy Brock story and my Zack Merrick one-shot! I appreciate it, guys! Lots of love!