Status: Completed



Jack's lips didn't leave mine as we stumbled up the stairs onto the bus I already knew was empty. The boys were out doing an interview with some magazine and wouldn't be back until a couple hours before bus call.

"Where is everyone?" Jack mumbled into my lips.

"Interview," I muttered back, sliding off his hoodie.

I pushed him onto the couch in the front lounge and straddled his lap. Our kissing only becoming more heated. Seeing Jack with his family and how inviting he was with me had solidified how strongly I felt for him.

He ran his hand through my hair, then pulled away from the kiss, breathing hard, "What are we doing?"

"You seriously have to ask?" I replaced my lips on his and

"Okay, I know this was how I was made, but this is so gross," Juliet mocked vomiting.

I laughed, "I gave you the talk when you were 13, I think you can handle it."

I lead Jack to my bunk, "Do you have a condom?"

"Holy shit, this is really about to happen, isn't it?" He looked at me, surprised.

"Do you not want it to or something?" I asked, annoyed. This was totally breaking my mood.

"Hell yes I do," He told me, "But I just want you to be ready."

"Just stop talking!" I rolled my eyes and pulled him into the bunk.

He undressed me with gentle hands, and continued treating me softly throughout. I'd only had sex once before, with the ex who had cheated on me, so I felt awkward and inexperienced. But he guided me through all of it without laughing.

He even offered to stop when he saw I was in pain. But we had gone this far, why stop? It all went wrong at the end, though.

"I think the condom just broke," He looked up at me with frantic eyes.

And as we discovered, the condom had in fact broken, "I'm on birth control. I'm sure it's fine."

He took a deep breath and I laid beside him. Both of us sweating and tired.

He stroked my hair, "I really care about you."

I looked up and smiled at his sincere eyes, kissing him softly and settling onto his chest. The mishap was the furthest thing from our minds.


"Em, I really think you should try to find some Plan B," Natalie's voice sounded concerned.

"It's seriously, fine," I laughed, "Birth control has like 99.99% effectiveness."

"Even so...." She trailed off.

"You're being such a mom right now."

"Well I don't want you to actually become one!" She said defensively.

"It'll be alright, Nat," I smiled, "But I'll call you tomorrow!"

"Okay... Just think about what I said!"

And I did, but not enough to take action. I knew there wasn't a pharmacy anywhere close, and the only girls I knew at Warped weren't my biggest fans. So I eventually stopped thinking about it all together.

"That was my immaculate conception?" Juliet asked, monotone.

"Come on!" John laughed, "You were conceived on a tour bus! That's bad ass!"

"Because of a broken condom!" She rolled her eyes.

Natalie chuckled, "More people were conceived that way than you'd think, Jules."

"I try not to think about people getting pregnant," Juliet laughed.

"I just hope this is all a good reason for you to not have sex!" I told her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is short, BUT I might update again tonight. If you guys tell me what you think you'll see next. (: I need 5+ comments giving predictions about what you think is going to happen. I think it'll be entertaining to see what you guys think, since I've already got it all planned out!
This WILL guarantee an update tonight

I have a break from school, so I'm going to visit my best friends at their school! It should be a weekend full of all sorts of illegality. Probably won't update again until Sunday, if even. Sorry guys.