Status: Completed



I had felt nauseous all morning, but I attributed it to how hot it had been all day. The tent's shade didn't help much, either. It was actually hotter underneath than outside.

"I think we're going to pack up at like 4 today," Pete told me at noon.

I nodded, fanning myself frantically. It was pointless.

"I'm going to go get some more ice for the cooler," I told him, standing up and grabbing the red cube.

"Will you grab the Gatorades while you're on the bus?"

"Yeah, no problem," I smiled and quickly left the tent.

My tan arms were sweating and I wiped more moisture from my forehead. It wasn't even the hottest point in the day yet. I was in for hell.

"Emilyyyy," A voice behind me called, and I turned around to see John jogging up.

"Hey, John," I smiled as he fell into stride beside me.

"How was your little date last night?" He smirked, looking at his phone.

"So good," I grinned thinking about the night before.

"Tell me more," He laughed.

"You totally already know what you want me to tell you!" I laughed.

"Jack may have told me something that happened."

I laughed at his "I'm really innocent" expression, before telling him what had happened.

"So much love going on this summer!" He reached his hands toward the sky.

"Speaking of love," I laughed, "Not much time before Nat gets here."

John grinned and looked at me, "I'm stoked."

"You're not all freaked out about being tied down?" I asked, looking at him.

"I've told you before, and I'm sure I'll tell you a billion more times, but Natalie makes me feel so much different than any other girl," He shrugged.

"I hope it stays that way," I smiled at him as we passed through the gates to the bus lot.

"Me too, girl," He gave me a crooked smile and unlocked our bus.

I gathered ice from the small freezer and put waters and Gatorades into the cooler. Before I left, Jack texted me, "Missing your beautiful face. :)" I couldn't help but grin all the way back to the tent, even though the heat was only getting worse.

"What're you all smiley about?" Pete asked as I wandered in dreamily.

"Life is just good right now," I laughed as he grabbed a drink and spun the lid off.

"Yes it is," He nodded, leaning back in his chair.


I spent the next morning throwing up in the toilet, extremely light-headed and more annoyed than ever. Garrett brought me saltines and water, but it took me half an hour to start feeling okay enough to brush my teeth and make my way to the tent.

"You don't look too good, Em," Pete commented when I sat down shakily.

"Thanks, Pete," I said sarcastically, pulling my hair into a ponytail.

"That came out wrong," He laughed, "I mean to ask how you're feeling."

"Well, I feel pretty shitty, honestly," I took a deep breath and sipped on my water.

He was silent for a moment, looking at me nervously.

"What, Pete?" I questioned his expression.

He hesitated, "I've just been hearing some stuff about Jack."

"Like what?" I think I would have cared more if my stomach wasn't rolling again.

"Someone told me that Taylor the Terrible has been bragging about talking to him," He really everywhere but at me.

"She says that shit all the time," I waved the thought away, "I've even heard her bragging about it before."

"No, but this is true," He insisted, "They told me Taylor actually showed them the texts."

I glanced over at him, "And they said what?"

"He didn't tell me, but it doesn't sound like something a boyfriend would want his girlfriend to know about."

Any words I wanted to say were caught in my throat and I bit my lip, completely confused. Jack had told me only a couple nights before that he loved me, and the way he had treated me over the entire summer didn't make me think he would go and do something like that.

"I need to take a walk," I told Pete, standing up and making my way out of the tent.

"Emily," He stood up, "Don't freak out about it! I'm sure it's all bullshit."

I ignored him and started walking away, "It's fine."

My stomach was still killing me, but I kept walking down the rows of tents. They'd already started to get busy, and I dodged fan after fan as I figured out where I was going. The tent came into sight and I put my hand over my stomach as it started hurting again.

Taylor was standing with her back to me, talking to her friends. The small one I knew was named Maryjoe pointed at me and mumbled something as I came closer, causing Taylor to turn around and plaster a smile faker than anything on her face.

"I hoped you would come around!" She told me sweetly, all the other girls watching intently.

I stood in front of the table, standing as tall as I could, "Not for the reasons you had in mind, I don't think."

Her smiled faltered for a second before being restored, "What for, then?"

"Oh, ya know," I shrugged, "I've just been hearing a few things."

She shook her head, throwing a glance to her friends, "Like what?"

"Just that you've been texting my boyfriend in ways that you shouldn't text a guy with a girlfriend," I smirked at her as her smile turned into a glare.

She paused and flipped her hair, "It's a free country. I can do whatever I want."

"Keep thinking that, honey," I laughed, "Because the next time I hear about you trying to get your grimy paws on Jack, I'll make sure it's the last."

I turned on my heel and walked away, leaving her with an open mouth and her friends whispering to her. I had won, at least this time. But I had a terrible feeling there would be a next time.

"God, I hated that girl," John mumbled.

Natalie laughed and nodded her head.

"You have no idea," I shook my head, just getting angry at the thought.

Juliet looked at me, "You should've kicked her ass."

Natalie, John and I laughed, knowing how it all played out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just to clear things up: yes, it is August in the story. Lol.

I'm sitting in my friend's room while she's in class, and she should be back any time now! So I wrote this in less than an hour, so don't kill me if it's bad. Ya knowwww!

Comments appreciated as always! You guys are seriously the BEST. :D