Status: Completed



"So why didn't you talk more to that guy you met?" Juliet asked, sipping her hot chocolate.

"I knew he had something to do with a band," I replied, setting down my own tea.

"Yeah, so?"

"I couldn't help but think of what my parents had said," I shrugged.

"Hm... Go on," Juliet looked skeptical.

It was two days after the burrito stand and I was sitting in the tent with Pete, fanning myself with one of the CD's that we had for sale.

"It's so friggin' hot," I said wearily.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," He laughed.

"Shut up!" I glared.

"That's a really scary face, Emily. Like, I'm thinking Freddy or Jason right now," He looked at me mockingly.

"You're such a smart ass," I laughed, "Did you get the lineup sheet for the day?"

He stood up and pulled a folded piece of paper out of his back pocket and tossed it to me, then sat back down.

"Thanks," I smiled and unfolded the sheet, scanning through the different names.

Pete grabbed a pen and took the paper from my hands, then circled the bands he was going to see that day.

"I'm glad we have different tastes in music," I laughed.

"Are you trying to say something!?" He asked, faking offense.

"Oh, nothing, nothing," I shook my head laughing.

"You better keep your thoughts to yourself, blondie. Or I might have to take you to the gun show!" He flexed and kissed his non-existent arm muscles.

"I'm scared," I told him, struggling to keep a straight face.

He was about to come back with what I'm sure would have been a witty retort when a young girl clad in barely anything walked up to the table.

"You're All Time Low's label, aren't you? They're so good. I'm probably their biggest fan," She gushed in a high pitched voice that couldn't belong to anyone over 12.

"No, we're not," Pete held back laughter.

"Two tents down," I pointed to my left and turned back to Pete as the girl huffed off.

"Niiiice," Pete laughed.

"I've heard of All Time Low, but I've never listened to them."

"Really?" Pete asked, his eyes widening, "I'm gonna have to change that."

He fished his iPhone out of the front pocket of his cargo shorts and hit a few buttons before pressing it to his ear.

"Hey, Pat. What're you doing? Oh really? Uh huhhh. That's nice. Come to the tent," And he pressed end on his phone.

"You're lucky that kid does everything you say," I laughed at his abruptness.

"It's like taking candy from a baby," He grinned, "Actually, it's a lot easier than that."

"You're terrible!" I cracked up.


"What'd you need?" Pat asked as he worked his way behind the table a few minutes later, seeming out of breath.

"I need you to watch the tent while I take Emily to All Time Low's set," He told him, standing up.

I followed suit and stopped myself from laughing at Pat's face.

"Dammit! I wanted to watch their set!" He whined like a girl.

"There's always tomorrow," Pete told him quickly and climbed over the table before he could protest.

I opted for walking around the table and followed Pete as he expertly navigated his way through the massive crowds. We both flashed our laminates to the security guard and walked behind a main stage, then up a ramp so we were sidestage. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. If my memory served correctly, they still had 5 minutes before they went on.

"This crowd is crazy," I muttered to Pete, gazing out at the never-ending crowd.

"Yeah, they're pretty big now," Pete nodded.

"So how go you know these guys?" I practically yelled in order to be heard.

"We've been good friends for at least two years. I used to work for their label until I was offered a higher position over at Fearless," He told me, glancing behind him and laughing before flipping someone off.

I turned around to see who he was giving the bird, only to find the guy who had paid for my burrito. He didn't see me at first, but when he did we locked eyes. He lifted his hand in a wave and I smiled as I waved back.

"You know Jack?" Pete asked with raised eyebrows when I turned around.

"I guess so," I shrugged.

It was halfway through All Time Low's set and I understood why Pete had taken me to see them. They were crazy, energetic, and couldn't seem to get enough of the screams they drew from the crowd.

"If there are at least 10 crowd surfer's during the next song...." The lead singer trailed off and looked to his right.

"Alex will have sex with every single one of you..." Jack promised the crowd, "But only if you're male."

The crowd screamed, and Jack turned toward side stage, "Petey, keep count!"

I couldn't help but laugh and watched as they launched into their next song. Fan after fan was pushed to the front of the crowd to be pulled out by security, and by the time the last note of the song was hit, they were still coming. Girls clambered to get close enough to the stage to scream "I LOVE YOU!" at the skinny boys playing their instruments.

"I think that's over 10," The bassist spoke into the mic, "Hold on though. Pete! Come out here!"

The band turned and stared toward the man standing next to me. He laughed and reluctantly found his way to the bassist.

"How many people did you count?"

"I counted over 35. Looks like all the guys in the audience are getting some Gaskarth lovin'," He smiled with a shrug as the crowd erupted into screams and he found his way back next to me.

"Okay, since I'm never one to go back on my word," The vocalist laughed and pulled his guitar over his head as a tech ran onstage to hold it for him, "but I'm also trying to help in the fight against the spread of STD's, I will be refraining from taking part in any sexual acts."

"I think we owe them a lil' somethin' somethin' for that amazing display of fandom, though," Jack proclaimed.

"I think you're right, Jack.... But just how can we please these beautiful people?" The lead singer's eyes scanned the ever-growing crowd.

A clearly audible, "TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!" came from someone in the sea of people.

"You take off your shirt, ho," The man behind the mic quickly retorted.

"Ouch," The dirty blond bassist proclaimed, laughing anyway.

"Alright, Zack's right. I apologize, but maybe this will make up for it: this next song is one off of our new album. If you know it, sing along. If you don't, just dance your ass off," He stepped away from the microphone and they started in on the next song.

I watched intently, unconsciously tapping my foot and nodding my head. When they were midway through the song, Jack started making his way to the side of the stage I was standing on. He was looking down at the ground and his hands as he strummed the chords, but he didn't stop walking until he was a couple feet in front of me.

He looked up at me and continued playing. He had a sly smirk plastered across his face as he looked between me and his guitar, making sure he didn't miss a note. I brought my hand lightly to my mouth to mask the giggles that were beginning to escape. He winked before turning around and finding his place on stage right again.

"You "guess" you know him?" Pete nudged my arm.

I laughed and shook my head. I had to admit, Jack was even cuter with a guitar in hand.

"Jack is totally my Dad!" Juliet exclaimed.

"You're gonna ruin the story if you keep interrupting," I laughed.

"Well, sorryyy," She replied sarcastically.