Status: Completed



Juliet's POV

"You think he recognized you?" Leila asked as I slowly sat in the empty chair next to hers.

"I have no idea." I shrugged.

The way his eyes had stared into mine shook through me. I couldn't forget the hope I'd seen flash past his dark features, then the sudden anger that seemed to replace it. I tried not to think about how much I wanted to run out the door and never stop.


Emily's POV

I slowly worked up the courage to leave the house as I changed my outfit and fixed my appearance. Finally, after what felt like only a few minutes, I gave up on trying to make myself look any better. After glancing at the clock I realized it had been an hour, and quickly gathered up my keys and purse. Their office probably wouldn't stay open very late, and I knew I needed to get there before Alex or Jack left.


Jack's POV

I couldn't stop my knee from nervously bouncing as I impatiently watched the semi-performance in front of me. I knew I should be paying closer attention, but I couldn't take my mind off of the teenager I'd seen in the waiting room.

She had the exact eyes of someone I'd never forgotten, and didn't think I ever could. They were a deep blue that turned lighter when the sun hit them. I knew the closer you looked, the more they pulled you in. Those eyes had a hold on me, just as the woman they'd belonged to all those years ago still did.

I leaned forward in my desk chair, "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to reschedule this for tomorrow."

The young musician looked mortified, but agreed to the change. I felt bad, but I knew I wasn't giving him my full attention anyhow.

"You're great, you really are." I told him sincerely as I walked him to the door, "But I'm having a terrible time focusing right now and I don't want that to affect any future plans between you and our company."

"I understand." He nodded with a tight-lipped smile.

"Thanks. You can make an appointment with Gina, our receptionist." I held the door open for him and stepped out after a deep breath.

She was still sitting in the waiting room, and I could tell she was just as nervous as I was. Her knee was bouncing up and down, and she was biting her lip. Just like Emily always had.


Juliet's POV

Leila kept rattling off facts from the magazine she was reading, but I didn't care much. I knew she was only trying to make me feel better, but everything seemed to be getting on my nerves.

"Suri Cruise is pregnant." She announced, laughing to herself, "That chick is so messed up."

"Isn't she only, like, 18?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Something like that." She shrugged.

"That's about how old my mom was when she had me." I threw her a glance.

She rolled her eyes, "Your mom wasn't raised by Scientology freaks."

I didn't respond, instead bouncing my knee nervously. I checked the time on my phone, becoming more frustrated when I realized only a few minutes had gone by. Just as I was starting to feel like forever seemed short, the door Jack had disappeared into opened again.

The musician with his guitar stepped out with a fake smile and went toward the receptionist's desk. Jack took a little bit longer, but finally came through the door. He looked calm as his eyes fell onto me again, silently watching my every move.

I felt self-conscious, but he softly said, "I'll see you now."

I was surprised, frozen in place. Leila nudged my arm and I finally sprung out of my chair. Jack kept his face expressionless as he waited for me to reach him, then signaled me to follow him after he'd closed the door behind me.

We made our way down a long hallway. Offices and studios were labeled on their modern glass doors. I read all of them, only recognizing "ALEX GASKARTH" from my mom's stories. Jack stopped in front of the adjacent office, turning the handle and holding the door open for me. At least he seemed like a gentleman.

"You can take a seat." He gestured toward a chair in front of his desk, then sat behind it.

"Thanks." I answered softly, sitting in the cushioned chair.

He looked at me for a second, "What can I do for you?"

"I'm not sure exactly." I sputtered.

I hadn't really thought this part out, and I wasn't sure how I wanted it to go.

"Are you a designer?" He looked at me, confused.

I shook my head, "Um, no."

"Well, we are a clothing company." He ran his hand over his short hair, "But we've started a small label recently, as well."

"I'm not here to ask for a record deal." I shrugged.

"Then what are you here for?" Jack raised an eyebrow.

I took a deep breath, "My name is Juliet. Juliet Reed. I think you knew my Mom."

His face fell and his eyes somehow got darker. He didn't answer, but I knew from his expression that there wasn't a doubt in his mind about who my mother was.


Emily's POV

I walked through the doors to Alex and Jack's office after sitting in the car for 10 minutes, trying to muster up the courage. The receptionist was young and blonde, which was unsurprising knowing who her bosses were. She looked friendly enough as I approached the desk.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" She smiled.

I took a deep breath, "I need to see Jack Barakat."

"Oh, I'm very sorry. He's with a client right now. I can take a message or reschedule you for another day, though!" She offered.

"Actually, it's quite urgent." I bit my lip.

"I'll try to get into contact with him, but I can't promise anything. What's your name?"

"Emily Reed. I think you'll find that he's very willing to meet with me."

She smiled again, "Why don't you take a seat and I'll let you know what I find out."

I sighed and made my way to the waiting area. Only one chair was occupied, but whoever it was had a magazine nearly covering their face, but the purse at her feet gave her identity away.

"Leila, what are you doing here?" I asked sternly.

"Oh, Ms. Reed!" She looked frantic, "I'm just waiting for Juliet to use the bathroom! We got kind of lost on the way to the restaurant."

She was rambling, which I knew meant she was lying. If Leila was covering for Juliet, that meant she must be doing something wrong.

A sudden realization washed over me, "Did Juliet come here to meet Jack?"

"Don't be mad!" She set the magazine down cautiously, "I totally gave her the idea and drove her here and everything!"

"Shit." I muttered, sitting down as my face paled and my heartbeat quickened.

There were so many things I needed to tell Jack before he met Juliet. Now I had no power in the situation, and I could only hope that he was understanding.


Jack's POV

I sat back in my chair and felt like the room was closing in on me. Emily's daughter sat in front of me. Her eyes hadn't just been similar, they were an exact replica. There wasn't a day that went by in which Emily didn't flash through my mind, even when I'd been with other people. The last month I'd seen her still held the worst mistakes of my life.

My thoughts halted and I leaned forward, placing my elbows on the table, "How old are you?"

She'd been silent up to this point, staring at her hands, but she finally looked at me with those wide, blue eyes, "Almost 16."

I nodded, doing the mental math and becoming even more nervous. Emily and I had been together a little over 16 years ago, and I never heard a whisper about her being with anyone after Warped Tour. In fact, I'd heard nothing of her after that summer. It was as if she'd evaporated completely.

"I know what you're thinking." The girl in front of me, whose name I now knew was Juliet, spoke again.

I sighed, "What am I thinking?"

"You're thinking back to when you were with my Mom." She shrugged.

"You're just as smart as she was." I smiled.

"She still is." Juliet locked eyes with me.

Those eyes. I wondered if I'd ever see Emily's again. Whether or not they'd have an angry look to them, like the sea during a storm. I tried to stop focusing on my past and instead on the girl right in front of me.

"Why did you come here, Juliet?"

She scooted up in her chair, straightening her back, "I had to meet you."

"Why's that?"

But deep down I knew the answer, and it sent chills down my spine. She had my skin tone, my hair. Everything else was pure Emily, though.

"You're my father." She confirmed every doubt.

I was quiet for a moment before the silence was cut with Gina's voice, "Mr. Barakat, you have a woman named Emily Reed here to speak with you. She says it's urgent."

My palms began sweating and as I stood up, I could feel my legs were weaker than they'd been in years.


Emily's POV

"He'll see you, Mrs. Reed." The receptionist smiled at me.

"It's Miss." I told her gently as I stood up, throwing a disapproving look at Leila as I walked toward the desk.

"I apologize." She smiled some more and busied herself with paperwork.

I checked the vintage gold watch on my wrist and felt my knees shaking. I smoothed my clammy hand over my light hair and hoped my lipstick was in place. Jack hadn't seen me in years, and I wanted to look the best I could. My complexion was flushed, though and I couldn't shake the butterflies occupying my stomach.

The door opened and Juliet stepped out, followed quickly by Jack. I finally laid eyes on the man I'd fallen in love with when I was a teenager. We locked eyes, and I felt like sobbing. His features had barely changed, but his hair was shorter and his laugh lines were more prominent. Not a single gray hair occupied his head, and I hoped his carefree lifestyle hadn't escaped him. He looked more mature, but it fit him amazingly.

I could see Jack inhale before softly telling me, "Let's go to my office."

"Juliet, wait out here, please." I turned to my daughter and she nodded.

I smiled lightly and gripped my purse in my hands, thanking him for holding the door open and letting him lead me down the hallway as my heels clicked.

"Right here." His face was somber as he opened the door for me again and we walked into his office.

"I wanted to see you before Juliet did." I told him quickly as he pulled a chair out for me and took a seat behind his desk.

He shrugged, "She told me why she came."

"What did she say?" I bit my lip.

Jack looked directly into my eyes, "You know, I always thought it was weird that I never heard about your life after you left. John and the boys always kept quiet, but I assumed it was because they were pissed off that I hurt you."

"That was part of it, but -"

He held up his hand, "Just let me get this out, okay?"

I nodded and he went on, "I cared about you that summer - a lot. Honestly, I've never cared about anyone as much as I did about you. But I wasn't afraid to admit it. You started getting distant and I didn't think you felt the same."

"I cared for you, too."

"Emily, let me finish." He sighed, "It wasn't fair that you kept my daughter from me. That you didn't let me see Juliet grow up. That you didn't let me be part of her life. I would have given up everything for the two of you."

I felt tears sting in my eyes, "That's part of the reason I didn't want you know, Jack."

"Because you didn't want me there?" His voice was painfully strained.

"I wanted you there. I always, always, always wanted you there." Tears were starting to form, "But you had something else you were meant to do. You didn't need a family when you were so young. You needed to tour and make music and have amazing experiences. I didn't want to keep you from that."

"I could have done both, Em!" He cried out, running a hand through his hair.

I wiped a tear away, "The longer I went without telling you, the harder it became. Then whenever I asked about you, you'd be with a new girl."

"You have to know it was only to try and find what I had with you." He shook his head and looked at his hands.

"I'll never be able to say sorry enough." I took a deep breath.

He looked up and into my eyes, and I could tell he was on the verge of crying, too, "I don't want you to say sorry. I want you to say I can be in my daughter's life now."

I nodded and the tears fell again, "Of course you can. I want you there every possible minute."

Jack stood from his desk and walked toward me, pulling me from my chair and into his chest. His arms wrapped around me in a comfortingly familiar way, hugging me tightly as I sobbed into his black button-down. I could tell from his own sharp inhales that he was crying, too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooooo, I didn't really have time to write this, but I did it anyway. Please tell me what ya think. (:

I probably won't be able to able to write again until at least Thursday. Don't make me feel bad!