Status: Completed



I laid in my bed that night, suddenly feeling empty without someone beside me, though it hadn't bothered me in years. I stretched my arm out to the empty, cold space to my right and smoothed my hand over the sheets. Could Jack have been occupying that space all along? Would we have stayed together through all the years if I would've simply told him what was going on?

My legs were restless and I swung them over the side of the bed that all at once seemed ridiculously huge and lonely. There was absolutely no way for me to know if Jack would have stuck around, or if we would have been married. My mind wandered to the idea of the family we could have been – a bigger house, more kids, different career paths.

I shook my head and began walking toward the bathroom, gathering my hair up into a ponytail once I stood in front of the mirror. My heart hoped he still loved me, even though my head was trying hopelessly to shake the idea. How in the world could he still love me after all these years, and especially after all I'd done? But I couldn't deny the fact that I still loved him, even after all the time that had passed.

I leaned over the sink and turned on the faucet, splashing cold water on my face and drying it off with a towel. For a split second I saw my 18 year old self in the mirror, and I took a deep breath in. I was so full of wonder and excitement, ready to take on the world, never taking a moment to stop and realize the consequences of my actions. My world was different now, weighing out most every situation and thinking about the consequences before slowly wading in. I understood things I didn't when I was 18, but I knew that I still had a plethora of lessons awaiting me.

I jumped as my cell phone began to vibrate, and I glanced at the screen to see a number I didn't recognize. It was past midnight, and I knew Juliet was probably sound asleep. I picked up the phone and pressed the answer button, thinking it was a client who needed late-night career advice.

“This is Emily Reed,” I spoke softly.

There was a short pause on the other line, “Hi, Em.”

I could have sworn my heart stopped before I breathlessly sputtered, “Jack?”

I knew he was smirking on the other end. He was always smirking.


“What can I do for you?” I asked after taking a quick breath.

“You don't have to act so formal, ya know,” He told me softly, but I knew he was still smiling, I could hear it in his voice.

“Sorry, you just caught me a little off guard.”

“I know it's kind of late,” Jack sighed. “I just can't stop thinking about everything...”

I sighed too, “Me either.”

“Put on a jacket and come outside,” He told me quickly, hanging up the phone before I could answer.

I glanced back up into the mirror, a perplexed look playing on my face. I didn't question his orders, and somehow managed to pull myself together a little more before walking downstairs. I figured putting on makeup or trying to fix my hair was pointless, because if Jack was already waiting outside, he knew I wasn't going to be all done up. My worn-in All Time Low shirt seemed to fit the occasion, and I still prided myself on how well I kept in shape, so I didn't worry about the Soffe shorts from my high school days that fit loosely on my hips.

My jacket was on the hook in the entrance, and I did my best to retrieve it quietly as not to wake up a (hopefully) sleeping Juliet. I unlocked the door as silently as I could, before stepping outside and seeing Jack's sleek, new BMW parked at the curb. He was leaning against the passenger side as I slowly pulled the door closed behind me.

I could see Jack's eyes dancing mischieviously, even in the darkness that separated us. The smile that played on his lips still managed to make my knees weak, and I walked toward him and wrapped my jacket tightly around me.

“Hey,” Jack said softly as I came toward him, standing up straight and taking his hands from his pocket.

“What are you doing up so late?” I asked, returning his smile.

“Had a lot of stuff to think about,” He laughed softly, looking up at the stars, “There's the big dipper.”

I glanced up too, “There's the little dipper.”

We locked eyes and Jack smiled sadly, “I would look at the stars nearly every night after you left, hoping you were doing the same.”

I broke our gaze and looked back toward the sky, “Juliet loves the night sky.”

“Probably has something to do with the fact that her parents fell in love underneath it,” He shrugged and took a step toward me.

I realized how guarded I was being, with my hands tightly kept on my waist, holding my jacket in place. My hands dropped to my sides and I looked at Jack again. His features hadn't changed all that much, though he seemed just as troubled as the last few days I had seen him the summer I was 18.

“I can never say sorry enough,” I sighed and looked toward the ground now.

“I don't want to hear that, though,” He shrugged and ran his hand through his hair.

I smiled at the familiar gesture, “You're still the same Jack.”

He glanced at me and dropped his hand, “In a few ways, yeah.”

I smiled and we stood in silence for a few minutes.

“Can I take you somewhere?” He asked, and I knew he'd been mulling over the question for quite some time.

“Juliet's still in the house, and I don't think it'd be a good idea to leave her alone,” I looked at the house quickly before turning and meeting his eyes.

“Oh, that's true. We have a daughter, don't we?” He blinked a few times, “That's going to take some getting used to.”

“I know,” I nodded and put my hand in the pocket of my jacket, “I think she'll be okay for a little while. Just let me lock up the house.”

He raised his eyebrows, “Are you sure? Maybe we should wake her up and let her know...”

“I think she'll be okay,” I shrugged, and walked toward the house.

I quickly left her a note on the kitchen counter and locked the deadbolt before walking back toward Jack.

“Is she still sleeping?” He asked.

“I think so. I didn't want to open her door and risk waking her up, though,” I paused a few steps in front of him.

“Are you willing to trust me to take you somewhere?” He asked, pulling out his keys.

“I never stopped trusting you, Jack,” I smiled up at him.


Jack's POV

She was as beautiful as the first day I'd met her all those years ago. Some things had changed about her, of course: she was guarded, more mature, strategic. So when she agreed to come with me and leave Juliet at home, I was filled with a higher level of excitement than I thought possible.

I opened her car door and let her slide in and get settled before gently closing it behind her. My feet took my to driver's side and I quickly found my place beside her. Being in such a close capacity to Emily was exhilarating, and I nearly burst with the realization that I'd been searching for this feeling ever since I last saw her.

“Where are we going?” She asked finally, letting her curiosity get the best of her.

Apparently, some things never changed.

I felt myself smiling as I turned the key in the ignition, “You'll just have to be patient.”

“That's not one of my best attributes,” She sighed.

“I know,” I smirked, and put the car into first gear.
♠ ♠ ♠
How is everyone!? I'm officially finished with my first year of college and summer has begun. There's been some family stuff going on, but it's all good. Starting in mid-June I'll be leaving for the East Coast for a job, so I won't be updating. I have one last chapter written and with (lots) of comments, I'll wrap up the story so everyone knows this couple's fate.

I want to thank you guys so much for your continuing support! (: