Status: Completed



"Alex seems like an asshole," Juliet told me bluntly.

"Juliet! Watch your language!" I scolded her.

"I'm just telling it like it is," She shrugged.

I had no idea why Pete hadn't returned yet and was dying to be relieved of my caretaker duties. I was currently stroking Jack's back as he hurled the contents of his stomach into the small toilet.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled as he scooted away from the toilet and tried to stand up, failing miserably and lowering himself back down, rubbing his temples.

"Headache?" I asked softly.

He nodded and I told him to hold on as I walked out of the bathroom and made my way back to the bunk area.

"You must be Emily," A girl my height with long, dirty blond hair stood with her hands full in front of Jack's bunk.

"That's me," I nodded with a small smile.

"I'm Lisa, Alex's girlfriend. He told me he left you alone and I informed him he was an idiot," She laughed, "I grabbed some stuff to help you out."

She glanced down at the bottles and various other things that she had bundled up in her arms. She handed me mouthwash, a bottle of water, aspirin, crackers, and a washcloth.

"Thanks. Really," I told her with a grateful smile.

"Yeah, of course. I know how it is to deal with Jack when he's intoxicated. I've spent many nights with him by the toilet," She smiled, "If you need anything, don't be afraid to come find me."

"Thank you again."

I made my way back to the cramped space and placed the items in my hands onto the bathroom floor. I opened the cap of the aspirin and shook a couple into my hand, handing them to Jack, then twisted the cap off the bottle of water. I handed both the aspirin and water to him, and watched while he painstakingly swallowed the pills.

He nibbled on a cracker, but tossed it in the trash instead of finishing it. He stood up, gargled mouthwash, and spit it into the the sink.

"I think I've thrown up everything I possibly could," He told me, turning around and leaning against the sink.

"Maybe you should just go to sleep, then," I offered, pushing myself onto my feet.

"Sounds like a good plan."

He walked slowly to his bunk, me following closely behind, ready to help him if he fell. Jack pulled himself into bed, situating himself under the blankets. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it from my back pocket, opening the text message. It was from Natalie, "Miss you!".

"Are you going to stay?" He asked innocently.

"I don't think so," I shook my head, sending typing a quick reply.

"Can you at least stay until I fall asleep?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

I hesitated, then agreed, wondering how many other girls he'd persuaded with that look.

I was always such a sucker for boys with all the moves.

"If you guys are gonna do it, I don't wanna know about it!" Juliet scrunched up her face.

"We're not gonna 'do it', Juliet," I rolled my eyes and continued.

"Lisa usually strokes my hair until I fall asleep," Jack told me with a smile.

"Are you sure all the alcohol is gone?" I asked, laughing.

"I'm serious!" His voice squeaked as he defended himself.

"Fiiiiine," I sighed and leaned against his bunk.

"I don't take up the whole bunk you know," Jack laughed and looked at the empty space next to him.

"You're extremely demanding," I smiled, only kind of joking.

"You'll grow to love me for it," He smirked and lifted the blankets for me to crawl under.

I took off my shoes and sat them neatly on the ground with my phone, then crawled cautiously under the blankets, keeping my distance from the warm body next to me. The lack of space made it hard.

"I bet I still smell like puke. Hold on a sec," He reached into a cubby hole above the bed, pulling out a can of axe and quickly spraying himself.

"Smooth," I laughed, feeling a little awkward.

He smirked and shrugged, "I don't bite, I swear."

"I know, but I barely know you," I told him, not moving from the spot I was in.

"Fair enough," He shrugged and closed his eyes with a deep breath, letting me smell the mint lacing his breath.

After a few minutes I slowly raised my hand up and brought it to his surprisingly soft dark hair. I didn't know why I was doing it, but I saw a small smile form on his lips as I ran my fingers over the hair that cupped his cheek. I didn't resist his touch as he brought his hand around my waist and scooted me closer to him. He was warm and we fit together comfortably.

I left my fingers lightly resting on his chest as I fell into a soft sleep.


I woke up with a start as I tried to remember where I was. Once the night had re-registered in my head, I wiggled free from Jack's grasp, trying hard not to wake him. I silently cursed as I looked at the time on the screen of my phone. 2:34 AM.

I pushed myself to my feet, grabbing my sneakers and doing a quick search for anything else I had brought. I tiptoed from the bus, closing the door as quietly as I could, not bothering to put on my shoes.

Bus call was at 3, and I walked quickly to the bus with my shoes clutched tightly in my hand. I dialed Natalie's number, raising the phone to my ear and hoping she'd be awake.

"EMMY!!!!" Natalie yelled.

"Hi Nat," I smiled at the familiarity of her voice, "I'm so happy you're still up."

"Just getting home from work, actually," She told me as I heard a car door shut, "What's going on?"

"I just fell asleep next to a guy I just met," I blurted out.

"Emily Rae, this is scandalous!" I knew she was smiling, "Tell me details!"

I told her the whole story as I walked cautiously across the gravel.

"Hold on, I'm putting you on speakerphone so I can change," I heard Natalie set the phone down, "Okay, so did anything else happen?"

"No, we just slept," I shrugged.

"And was he still asleep when you left?"

"Yeah, I didn't want him to wake up, really."

"Just don't forget that he was drunk, babe. You can't sober up all that much in less than an hour," She had turned the phone off speaker.

"I know."

"I hope that's not sadness I hear, or I'm going to have to kick this guy's ass," She sounded like the girl I'd known back in middle school.

"Probably won't talk to him again, so no worries there. But when are you going to come visit?" I could see the bus getting closer, and dreaded going inside seeing that almost every possible light was still burning brightly.

"Actually I was going to call you about that," She replied, "I've been working double shifts so I won't be losing money when I come to see you."

"Very responsible of you, Nat," I laughed.

"Well, thank you. I try," She laughed, "But I was thinking one week in July and one week in August, if that would be okay with you."

"I would absolutely love that, my dear," I grinned, pacing outside the bus door.

"Yay! We'll have to talk about exact dates tomorrow so I can get my plane tickets, but I'm going to sleep."

"Okay, I loooove you!" I told her, readying myself to go inside.

"I love you, too. I've got the day off tomorrow, so call me when you're on a lunch break or something."

"Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow, then."

"Okay, talk to you tomorrow!"

I hung up the phone, my hand resting on the cold metal handle. I knew as soon as I entered the bus and the door shut behind me - every inhabitant of the bus was awake.

"The walk of shaaaaame!" My head snapped in the direction of the couches in the front lounge.

"Trying to be all quiet and sneaky about it," The Maine's redhead guiarist, Jared, snickered.

I shook my head and looked around at the boys sprawled out around the couches and the floors.

"You guys are ridiculous. This isn't a walk of shame," I laughed and walked past them to my bunk.

"That's what they all say!" John piped up from his place on the floor.

"I swear to God!" I put my hands up in defense, "I have nothing to be ashamed of."

"She was just helping drunk Barakat," Pete quipped.

"Pete! What happened to you?" I asked, remembering he never came back with Jack's pants.

"I looked, I swear," He laughed, "The pants were nowhere to be found."

This caused the boys sitting in the front lounge to start laughing uncontrollably.

"How drunk are all of you anyway?" I asked, noticing the beers they had in their hands and the multiple empty bottles strewn everywhere.

"I'd say we're all pretty tipsy," Pete said a little too loudly.

"Well, I'm gonna get ready for bed, 'cause I have to be awake at 9 to lug boxes around and set up the tents. The driver should be starting the drive any time now," I checked the time on my phone.

"See you in the morning, dollface!" Pat yelled

I ignored the drunken comment as I grabbed pajamas and my toiletries bag from my suitcase and walked into the bathroom.

"Ohhhh, it's getting good!" Juliet snuggled further under the blanket she had dragged from her room, "I can't wait 'til Aunt Natalie gets there!"