Status: Completed



I immersed myself in selling CD's and t-shirts over the next few days. I hated awkward situations, and I knew if I saw Jack it would be nothing less than that. I didn't like him as anything more than the drunk kid I had nursed to sobriety, or at least that's what I kept telling myself. I knew if we saw each other again, we'd both be stuttering messes and just find excuses to walk the other direction.

Natalie and I had made a plan that she'd be there the first week of July and the first week of August. Her plane tickets were bought and I was already counting down the days.

I hadn't spotted Jack in at least two days when I finally saw him talking to a group of fans. He seemed happy. A little overwhelmed, but happy. The oldest girl didn't look older than 14, but he was basking in the attention.

"Did you guys already pick up the new CD?" I overheard him ask.

"Oh, yeah! I made my Mom drive me to get it the day it came out," One tiny brunette replied.

I kept myself from laughing and turned to fix one of the shirts that had become slightly wrinkled in the summer heat.

"I have to go help Jenn out for a little while. Will you be okay here alone?" Pete asked as he stood up and straightened out his own clothes.

"I'm a big girl, Pete," I chuckled, "Plus, I'm not going to complain that I get your chair."

I quickly seated myself in the fold out chair with armrests as he laughed and collected his phone and a schedule for the day before ruffling my hair and leaving the tent. I dug my phone out of my shorts and started texting Natalie.

"All alone?"

I looked up to see tan skin, dark brown hair, and matching eyes.

"Uhhh, yeah I guess so," I laughed and looked quickly around the tent.

"I know this is probably out of nowhere, but would you mind if I got your number?" He asked quickly and turned over the thin phone in his hand.

"I... Yeah, sure," I stuttered before reciting my number out loud.

I was surprised, but tried my best to not let it show. It wasn't the first time a musician on the tour had asked for my number, but most of them opted for the sluttier girls who made sure their chests were on display as much as possible. I thought Jack would have moved on by now.

"Do you think you'll be able to make it out to our set today?"

'I don't know when Pete's getting back," I answered honestly, "What time are you guys playing?"

"2:15 on the Main Stage," He smiled.

"I'll see if I can make it out," I smiled back, making a mental note to text Pete to cover for me.

"I have to go do a signing," He started backing away, still smiling, "But I hope you'll come to our set."

"I'll try," I told him.

"I hope so," He grinned, nodded and walked away.

I hit the 'new text' button on my phone, adding Pete as the contact, and texted him "I think Barakat is flirting with me? Can you cover me at 2:15 so I can watch their set?" He replied quickly, "Oooh la la. I'll be there at 2."

"Sorry I'm late," Pete told me as he made his way back into the tent.

I checked the time on my phone. 2:20. I could already hear the speakers blaring out pop-punk guitar riffs as I stood up to let Pete sit down.

"It's fine," I smiled, "I'll be back in like half an hour."

I made my way toward the stage All Time Low had already started their set on. I had gotten the hang of navigating my way through large crowds, dodging people as my destination came into sight. I flashed my laminate to a few security guards and made my way up the side ramp to stand side stage. Most of the space was already occupied, but I made my way over to Kennedy of the Maine who was standing and bobbing his head along to the music. He gave me a quick hug and I stood in front of him, knowing he'd have no trouble seeing over my short frame.

I saw Jack's head turn and freeze when his eyes landed on me. A smile formed on his lips as he turned back to the crowd and kept playing. Kennedy nudged me with a laugh.

"Shut up," I mouthed with a smile and turned back around quickly.

"Is this the start of a little somethin' somethin'?" Juliet asked, emphasizing the last 2 words and raising her eyebrows.

I looked at her with a smile on my face, "You don't know how much you just sounded like your father."

"Don't get all mushy, just go on!" Juliet laughed.