Status: Completed



"When's your friend set to come in tomorrow?" John asked as I laid down on the black leather couch opposite him in the front lounge.

"About 10," I told him, trying to sit up to watch whatever he had on the TV.

"How are you going to pick her up?" He went on.

"I was just thinking I'd go in a cab, then bring a cab back," I shrugged, glancing over at him, his eyes were transfixed on me.

"Hmmm..." He smiled.

"What's with all the questions?" I laughed.

"I was just thinking about a different plan," His lazy smile didn't drop, "We could rent a car and pick her up at the airport, then maybe take a mini-roadtrip to the shore."

"How long have you been thinking about this 'plan'?" I asked, sitting up on my elbows.

"Like 10 minutes," He shrugged, still smiling, "I've been itching to kind of get away from the band scene."

"Oh, I see," I nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. It was a lot of fun at times, but at others it could be totally suffocating.

"So what do ya think?" He asked, "I don't know what else we're going to do on our first day off."

"Sounds fine to me," I smiled.

"Good!" He grinned, standing up, "Because I'm inviting Barakat, too."

Before I could reply he was walking down the stairs and out the door. Wait a minute... Jack Barakat? Oh goodness, what had I agreed to.


"Hello, beautiful!" Natalie nearly crooned into the phone when she picked up.

I laughed, "Hey, girly. What're you up to?"

"Just finishing up packing. Need me to bring anything?"

"I don't think so, but thanks."

"You don't need any 'girl products'?" She pushed on.

"No, mom. I don't," I laughed.

"Whatever. I'm bringing you a girly care package, anyway. You've been with those boys for too long."

"Sounds good," I smiled, recognizing the stubborn attitude I loved, "But speaking of those boys, one of them came up with a plan for picking you up tomorrow."

"And that would be?" She asked.

"Renting a car and getting you from the airport, then driving the ten minutes to the beach and hanging out there for the rest of the day," I told her, biting my lip.

I had no idea why I was nervous. Natalie was the one who loved spontaneity, while I on the other hand loved to plan everything to the last note. That was until this summer...

"That would be so fun! God knows I need a tan," She laughed.

"Alright, I'll let him know," I smiled.

"Would it just be the three of us, then?"

"Um, actually no..." I hesitated. I don't know why I hesitated, but I did.

"Then who else? Spit it out, girl."

"Jack would come along."

She paused, "Wait... the drunk one?"

"I mean, he's not always drunk... But yeah, the guy who was drunk that one night," I shrugged.

"He better not try any funny business" was all she said and changed the subject. I didn't understand why. It seemed when it came to matters involving Jack, I didn't understand a whole lot. Maybe Natalie was on the same page as my parents and thought musicians were a waste of time. I couldn't help but be wary, too. Falling for anyone whose heart belonged to the road completely terrified me.


The car rental went off without a hitch, and the drive to the airport was about half an hour. Jack had let me take shotgun, even though his long legs were obviously cramped in the back seat.

"You're taking the front on the way to the beach," I told him as I turned around, looking at his uncomfortably spread legs.

"It's fine, I swear," He looked up at me from the iPod he was shuffling through to find a new song to play.

"I want to sit next to Nat anyway, so no worries," I smiled, turning back to face the front.

He returned the smile and looked back down at the device in his hands.

"What's your jam?" He asked.

"What?" I turned back around.

"You know, like the song you blast in the car and sing along to? Your jam!"

I couldn't help but laugh at the explanation and serious look on his face, "Do you have any Tech N9ne?"

"Psh, do I ever!"

Before I knew it "The Beast" was pumping through the speakers. Little did Jack know that junior year Natalie and I had made it our goal to memorize the song from beginning to end. He stared wide eyed at me as I jumped into the lyrics without missing a single word.

"I think I'm in love with this girl," He told John, who smirked in reply and quickly glanced away from the road at me.

By the time the song was through, we were pulling into the airport parking garage and I was completely out of breath. It was 9:45, and the last time I checked Natalie's plane was set to arrive on time. We paid the fee, rode the elevator, and navigated our way through the bustling airport.

"Seriously, though. Have you measured recently?" Jack asked his counterpart as we approached the receiving area.

"I didn't want to make you cry again," John laughed.

I shook my head at the conversation they'd been having for the last few minutes, craning my neck to see if I spotted her, checking my cell phone again for the time. It was a few minutes after 10.

"That was not crying last time. It was simply defeat registering within my emotions," Jack retorted.

"Exactly. Crying," John continued laughing, "Hey Em, what's your friend look like?"

"She's a redhead. You'll know when you see her," I smiled, excitement making me literally bounce on my toes.

Both boys were wearing brightly colored swim trunks and t-shirts. I relied on their height to spot her before I did, and sure enough John piped up.

"Whoa, I think I see her..." He trailed off.

Sure enough, Natalie finally came into view, winding her way through the barricades. I grinned when I saw her, and her eyes lit up when she spotted me. Instead of following slowly behind the elderly couple in front of her, she ducked under the ropes and ran towards us.

"EM!" She yelled.

"NAT!" I replied as we embraced tightly, both of us smiling huge.

When we finally let go I introduced her to Jack and John, who shook her hand a little longer than I would have expected.

She laughed and turned back to me, "I need to go grab my suitcase!"

"Okay, I think it's this way," We grabbed hands, and walked towards baggage claim.

The boys trailed along behind us, mumbling things to each other. John whispered something and Jack replied "calm down, dude".

"What are you two conspiring about back there?" I turned my head around to get a quick glimpse of them.

"Just guy stuff," John replied a little too quickly.

I laughed and quickened my pace, smiling over at my best friend. We reached the conveyor belts and partook in small talk about the flight. Apparently Natalie had been seated next to some creepy middle-aged guy who'd tried to flirt with her the whole time and had given her his number.

"He was balding and smelled so terrible," She laughed.

"Should've told him you were a lesbian or something," I giggled.

"Probably would have thought it was hot," She shuddered, "Oh, there's my bag!"

Natalie stepped forward to retrieve her blue suitcase, but John was faster and picked it up for her.

"I've got it," He smiled at her.

"Well, thanks," She turned back to me with a wide-eyed grin and eyebrows raised.

"So how long have you known Emily?" Jack asked Natalie as we made our way back down the elevator.

"Well in 6th grade I beat the shit out of this chick for her. So I guess since then," She laughed.

"Sounds like how Alex and I met," He smiled.

"He beat up a chick for you?" Natalie asked with a smirk.

"I was a scrawny kid, what can I say?" He laughed.

We found our way to the rental car laughing, and after Natalie's bags were loaded into the trunk and we'd filed into our seats, we headed to the beach.