Status: Completed



DISCLAIMER: I would advise re-reading the story from the beginning if you haven't yet, because I've changed the storyline thus far and have added a new character. Thank you! (: [1/12/11]

I held on tight to Natalie's hand as we hurried toward the main stage. All Time Low's set had already started, but we'd had a surprise visit from someone at the label and he hadn't left until a few minutes before. I would have felt terrible for making Natalie spend the morning on the bus, if it wasn't for the fact that John was there, too.

I flashed my laminate to the security guard and Natalie showed him her guest pass. I muttered "perv" as we walked by, as he'd been staring at anything but the glossy tickets on our hips. Jack had given me their latest CD when we'd returned last night, and I'd stayed up until 2 listening to it on repeat.

"It isn't our best," He'd told me sheepishly as he held out the CD case, "But it's what we're touring on now."

I'd taken it from his hands and smiled up at him, "I'm sure it's great."

Now as Natalie and I stood next to each other side stage, I recognized the chords Jack was strumming. They were playing Shameless, the song that I'd taken a particular liking for. I watched the guitarist I'd been getting to know over the last couple weeks hop around the stage, looking completely in his element. He fed off the crowd, and they seemed absolutely infatuated with him.

He threw a pick into the audience and as he made his way back to his mic stand to retrieve another, his eyes landed right on me. He was already grinning, but somehow his dark eyes seemed to sparkle a little more.

"Ya know what I've been thinking, Jack?" Alex asked into the mic, turning to the guitarist to his right between songs.

"Uhhhhh, about your dick?" Jack retorted with laugh.

"Well, that's on my mind every minute of every day," Alex grinned, "But you know what else?"

"Tell me, brother!" Jack yelled into the mic before taking a giant step back.

"I was just thinking how damn SEXY this crowd is today!" Alex looked out at the ever-growing mass of people.

The bassist I had come to know as Zack stepped toward his own mic stand smiling, "Texas' weather isn't the only thing that's hot."

The drummer, Rian, banged his drums for effect.

"In honor of your sexiness, we're going to play you one of our favorite songs," Alex told the crowd who somehow screamed louder, "It's an older one, but I think you might know it. It's called 'Jasey Rae.'"

The fans went wild as the song began, and I continued to watch the band in awe. There wasn't a second that passed that they looked like they wanted to be anywhere else. Suddenly Jack was jogging our way, and I watched as his long legs carried him closer. I stopped myself from thinking he looked adorable in his black basketball shorts and white tee. Continuing to play, he finally reached me. I smiled at him, surprise registering on my face.

He leaned forward, still strumming the electric guitar in his hand, "No one in that crowd has a thing on you."

Yet again, Jack Barakat walked away, leaving me completely baffled by his actions.

"What was that?" Natalie turned to me, a smirk playing on her lips and her manicured eyebrows raised.

I shrugged, my mouth clenched shut. This was starting to get old. It was my turn to play with his head.


Natalie and I were back at the Fearless tent, sitting in chairs and fanning ourselves to try to ward off the sweltering heat.

"I thought it wasn't supposed to get this hot until the end of the fucking month," Natalie swore nearly breathlessly.

"You'll survive, sailor," I looked down at my phone, willing it to buzz with a new text message.

"Who are you waiting on?" Natalie asked, noticing my eyes glued to my lap and my foot tapping impatiently.

"Pete," I chewed the inside of my lip.

"He told you he'd be back at 3," Natalie looked at her own phone, "It's barely past 2 right now."

"I know, I know," I stood up and put my phone into my back pocket.

"Please don't start pacing," Natalie rolled her eyes, looking up at my uneasy stance.

"Do you think Jack's messing with my head?" I questioned, not returning her gaze.

"What do you mean by that? Like, in a bad way?" She stood up next to me, still transfixed on my scrunched up face.

"I mean, like... Oh I don't even know," I threw my hands down hopelessly.

"I think he's pretty good at playing games," Natalie shrugged, "If you're that freaked out about it, either start playing or bow out. It's your call, chica."

I nodded my head, still deep in thought. I jumped when my phone vibrated.

"Pete says there's a party tonight. You down to go?" I asked.

"John actually already asked me," She admitted sheepishly.

"What happened to not wanting to have a thing with him?" I asked her, a little more accusingly than I meant.

"I'll tell him we can meet up later, Em," She offered, starting to type a text message.

"It's fine, Nat," I smiled, pushing the cellphone down, "This is something I have to do alone, anyhow."