
Meeting Sandster

"Richmond, Virginia. This sure is an exciting city!" I said sarcastically to Brian, who was tossing his dog gently into the air.

"Well, I say we get off this tour bus and go do something interesting and weird." He replied.

"Dude, we're in a fucking rock band! How much interesting can it get?" I said gloomily.

Brian set Pinkly down on the ground and flipped open a Richmond times dispatch, newspaper.

"I got it!" He shouted with wide eyes."

"Got what, man?"

"That's it Zack! Let's go to a fortune teller!" He shouted once again as he placed the new paper on the floor.

"Nah, man I don't like that voodoo shit! And besides, my future is probably fucking' kick ass. I mean I have a beautiful girl, great friends, a dog, fame and fortune. What else is there to know?"

"Well I'm going! I like a new experience. Come with me! The ladies name is Sandy and she charges 60 bucks per hour." Brian was now stand in front of me with his arms folded.

"Okay, dude but I don't think anything cool will happen." I said, getting up to stretch.

"You don't know that. Something big might take place in your future."

Our tour bus parked in the parking lot of the coliseum. Brian called a cab to take us to this chick, Sandy's place. It's not that I'm scared of that stuff, I just don't believe in it or care about it. I mean how can somebody tell my future by asking me my name or looking at me? Yeah, it's bullshit. Brian is lucky I'm bored and the show doesn't start for another seven hours.

The cab pulled up to this little creepy shop. Brian rushed out and payed the driver. I, on the other hand, took my time walking behind him. The store smelt like a sweet incense and had chimes, charms, and other weird noisy thing dangling everywhere but it was calm. It was so peaceful that I felt like me and Brian's appearance was a nuisance to the place. We both sat down on two pillows and waited for the freak of nature to walk in. A lady, barely five feet tall, in a long purple dress sat down in front of us and smiled like she knew we were coming.

"You must be Zachary Baker and Brian Haner. Better known as Zacky Vengeance and Synyster Gates." Sandy said calmly. I've got to admit that when she said my name I was a little shocked but not impressed.

"Wow! How'd you know our names?" Brian yelled.

"Dude, we're famous! How can she not know our names." I said, stating the obvious.

"Oh, I see we have a non believer. It's okay if you find this all weird, Zacky. But by the time you leave you'll find it true." Sandy spoke, while she lit more incense.

I rolled my eyes and drowned my senses into the burning incense. She read Brian's future and everything she said, was right on the dot, but it's still a load of bull to me. She probably googled his name for information.

"Your turn, dude!" Brian said.

"I told you I'm not doing this shit, Brian!" I shouted. Brian mouthed the word 'Pussy' at me and that's when I knew I had to do it.

"Okay, work your magic, Sandster." I said, trying to poke fun at her.

"Zacky? You have a girlfriend right?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah. What do you want to fuck me or something?"

"No, but I must tell you that she's not the one for you."

"Who the hell are you to tell me that Gena isn't the right woman for me!" I shouted, enraged at her nerve for saying that.

"There will be someone else!"

"Who? Huh?" I said, relaxing a little bit.

"In one of your other lives, you were in love with a beautiful young woman! She has black hair, tan skin, and an eye color much like your friend over here." She said point her head towards Brian.

"Okay, cool! Maybe she's meant for him then."

"No, oh no, Zack! She has been yours and will be yours! You can feel it deep inside your heart and you know it!"

Truth was, is that I did always feel like there was someone else....Who wasn't Gena.

"Oh Wow! When will I meet this girl?" I said, faking my enthusiasm.

"Soon! Maybe tonight, tomorrow, or even a year from now. But very soon my child. Don't be fooled though! You will see many girls but don't be easy deceived into thinking that one of them will be her! Wait for her, you'll know." She spoke sharply.

"Well can you give me this bitches name or something?" I laughed.

"It will start with B and she's 23, making her one year younger than you."

"Great Sandy. What a fabulous plate of bullshit you just feed me! Well looks like "B" will have to find another man because I have a great girl back home in Cali." I said standing up to leave.

"Your heart will tell you. You will know." She whispered.

We didn't pay because Sandy refused to take our money. We got in the cab and drove back to the Coliseum just in time for the before show Meet & Great. We all sat at a table with sharpies and posters to sign. Brian was talking to Johnny, Matt, and Jimmy about the whole fortune experience. I saw a bunch of fans rush in to get in line before everyone else showed. Maybe my mystery girl will be here.
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