The Target

What's going to happen to me?

As we get farther from the fair grounds the man slows down and starts obeying traffic laws. Finally I speak up "Why me?
"cause you were the closest person to me"
I can tell he is still tense, "Why does he want to kill you?"
"I killed his brother, I didn't want to but I did"
"What's your name?" I asked
"Where do you live?"
"I'm taking you home." At these words I dident know if I should belive him or not but I wanted to go home badly.
"1202 Andrews Rd."
As he drove me home I saw the scare in his eyes, even thole he kidnapped me held me at gun point, I felt sympathy for him. He scared me for my life for one day, he has to be scared every day of his life.
Once we got to my home he opened the door for me, we got into the house and he told me to sit. At that time, he pulled out a small pistol. I was sure he was going to kill me. He handed me the pistol and asked me if i knew how to use it. I explained to him I had to shoot a few pigs once. He said "I have to leave this country. I have to go to denmark to excape these people. I'm sorry for having to scare you I don't want to hurt anybody and the man I killed it was me or him."
At that time I let my mind speak and not think bout it first "will I see you again?" I thaught why did I say that.
"If you see me again, I'm probably dead."
"Why would i see you againm then?"
"I was born here"