Jet Black Heart

Jet Black is mean, cruel, sadistic, completely inhumane - she is basically a female, pureblood version of the Dark Lord himself.

Long ago, before Harry Potter was born, Albus Dumbledore died. Two days later, Tom Riddle applied for the Defence against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In this story, Jet becomes a student of Voldemort's, managing to get his attention through her amazing ability to pick up new spells almost immediately.

Harry Potter was killed along with his parents, and so was Neville Longbottom. Voldemort has subtly taken over Hogwarts, and is about to begin training young witches and wizards to become Death Eaters.

NOTE: Ron, Hermione, Fred and George have all graduated from Hogwarts, so will not be in this story.