I'll Fight For You

I waved quickly to Joe, Kevin and Nick as I rushed into their dressing room to quickly change out of my traveling clothes. Mike's hand rested securely on the mid of my back as we walked threw the craziness of the meet and greet. I could almost feel a slight sense of tension in the air but I couldn't place it.

As soon as I walked in to the dressing room I was greeted by Felicia. After a quick hug she dove into the boys agenda and what they had done today as I began to change into my clothes.

"KAELYN!" Joe yelled from outside and screams followed shortly after, Felicia and I froze. Our eyes meeting for a split second as panic filled both of our bodies.

"No!" I yelled as I ran out of the room not caring that the only thing I had on was a bra and underwear. As soon as I opened the door Mike grabbed my arm as he pushed us threw the crowd. All I could hear were screams and panicked voices and I silently prayed that this was just a dream. I prayed that I had miss read the voice of panic that stung my ears.

Everything seemed to slow down and I looked around at the faces. Their faces only making me panic more. Within seconds we approached the line of security that had formed to block the very scene that we were running towards. We pushed past the line and my breath hitched in my throat.

Everyone's eyes turned to me and I froze.

What happens when someone you love is on the brink of death?

What happens when everyone looks at you to fix it, to save him.

What do you do?