I'll Fight For You


After security came we were quickly ushered into a black SUV which then took us to the hotel. Everyone kept asking the same questions

Are you guys okay? hardly
Are you hurt?I don’t know ask me in ten minutes when the adrenaline wears off
What happened? I don’t even know
I’m sorry this happened... yeah us too

Once we reached the 25th floor of the hotel we were ambushed by the Jonas Family. Well all but Joe, they hadn’t found him yet. Apparently when he was spotted he ran and locked himself in a random room. The problem? It was random and Joe had no idea where he was. When I heard I couldn’t help but laugh. Leave it to Joe

To add to all the drama Erinn got a phone call telling her that her grandma’s health had rapidly decreased and wasn’t expected to make it until we got home 2 days later. Once Denise heard about the latest predicament she quickly got us red eye plane tickets to Seattle. Kevin and Nick followed us to help us quickly pack and before I knew it we were leaving the hotel. Before we left to get into the all to familiar black SUV Mrs. Jonas gave us her number telling us that if we ever needed anything to call her. As much as I appreciated the offer I wasn’t going to use it. I mean come on she has 3 rock star sons, a 6 year old, a husband and the press, the last thing she needed was me calling her for a favor.

Forget It.

Plus she had just paid for us to fly back home I think she was even to say the least. I just shoved the piece of paper into my wallet immediately forgetting about it the second it left my fingers.

We were then escorted to the airport by security (Per request of Mrs. Jonas) and we were on our way. As I walked down the terminal I couldn’t help but look back a small hole forming in my heart. I never got to say goodbye to Joe. Trying to save me some heartache I turned back around never looking back again.

I now sat in one of the many swivel chairs at the front desk of the maternity ward. It was 2 am and I had just finished my rounds. A small cup off coffee was securely fastened in between my two hands and I was staring at the most infamous pink blog everyone knew all too well. I couldn’t tell you how many times I had stared at its pages reading its words over and over again. The first article had appeared the very next morning after the “incident” which was now two very long weeks ago. And every time I read them, it felt more and more foreign to me.


Trouble In Paradise ???
File under: Jonas Brothers, Vacation

The Jonai and Family were on vacation in the Bahamas this weekend when Jonas Pandemonium broke out. Sources say Joe and Frankie were spending some quality Jankie time out an about when they were spotted and craziness ensued.

The Two were separated but Frankie wasn’t alone for long. Sources say two girls came to Frankies rescue. The identities of these two are known to be Seattle natives Kaelyn Roberts (19) and Erinn Preston (18). The two girls were previously seen with the Family at the beginning of the little vacation.

Where was Danielle?

Were not sure how the two know the Jonai and Fam but one thing is for sure keep your eyes out I think Joe and Nick are on a one way train out of single town.


The second article appeared 2 days after that.


Hot Bitches!
File under: Jonas Brothers, Love

You have to give it to the boys they definitely know how to pick them!

When asked about Kaelyn (Left) and Erinn (Right) the boys played coy simply stating
“They are just friends of ours and that’s it.”

Just friends? Yeah right. Last time I checked every time they have associated the words "Just friends" with a girl they always end up dating them... but who's counting?

So how long do you give it before Kaelyn and Erinn are spotted with the boys? I give it 2 weeks…


I sighed while shifting my glance towards the elevator. I had stared at that elevator praying Joe would walk through many of times and this one was no different. Hell, who was I kidding every door since the day I left I had been doing that. Let me be the first to tell you I never realized how many doors there are in this world until I wished Joe would walk through every single one of them. And every time he didn’t that hole in my heart grew a little. Joe hadn’t left my mind since I left the cove the first day we met, and I was beginning to think he was setting up shop there.

Come one walk through the elevator already![/i

]I was trying to focus really hard hoping by sheer will power he would appear and sweep me off my feet even though I knew it would never happen. Then Taylor Swift’s song “White Horse” came into my head shooting down all hope of my dreams come true.

“I’m not a princess that this ain’t a fairytale”

And she was right. I was a straight up idiot to think Joe even remembered my name let alone someone he would fly across the country for. However it didn’t stop me from dreaming, even if it was beginning to make me hate myself. So there I sat, pathetic and all, daydreaming. After a good 5 minutes I decided it was useless and began to reminisce on the craziness that had ensued at work since Perez. And for the first time I found a smile tugging at my lips and the cause wasn’t a boy.

Being a fan of Perez I knew tons of people read it daily. I mean I did, I always had my coffee with Perez on the side. That’s how it had always been but the actual reality of how many people read it never hit me until 2 weeks ago when the first article was published. Do you know how much a blog about you on Perez can change your life? No? Well let me tell you. I haven’t turned on my phone since about 4 hours after the article went up. Why you ask? Well, everyone and their dog was calling me. When people think you’re a love interest of one of the biggest pop sensations since the Beatles everyone wants to talk to you, or yell saying “You better not take my man!” it was ridiculous to say the least. Word got out quickly where I had worked and ever since then we’ve had random girls wandering the halls looking for me, it’s really bazaar. Usually they just wanted to take pictures with “Frankie Superwoman” or ask me to tell them about the boys and how amazing they were. Or better yet, my favorite, if I would give the boys their numbers when I talked to them next.

But my all time favorite story happened two days ago at about 8 pm and I was only a couple hours into my shift. There was this girl in the emergency room that had broken her foot for whatever reason and when the person came to put a cast on her foot the girl asked for me to do it. Me! I don’t even work in the ER let alone know how to freaking put on a cast! Apparently she freaked when she found out I wasn’t coming and refused to get a cast unless I came and did it. When I was told about what had happened I laughed out loud thinking it was just a prank and then after I realized it wasn’t they made me go down and talk to her and explain to her that I didn’t know how to put on casts. I had a real hard time making it through that one without laughing. Best believe I wrote that story down for future reference.

“What are you smirking at?” Robyn asked. She was a new intern at the hospital that had just started a couple days ago. It was extremely slow tonight and there was literally nothing to do.

“Hmm thinking about crazy cast girl” I said into my cup as I took a sip of my coffee.

Robyn let out a chuckle, “Yeah, you sure know how to cause a riot!”

“Yeah, what can I say? I’m just that lucky...”

“Uh huh, so… how are things

Oh god not you too! Within these 14 days I had learned that any sentence that started with how and ended in things, life, vacation or going were all precursors to “So do you really know the Jonas Brothers?” or some variation of it at least.

“Good.” I stated simply.

“Good? That’s all I get? One measly word?”

“What do you want me to say Robyn?”

“I want the truth!” I rolled my eyes and I slightly shook my head.


“Oh, you know…”

“No, I don’t Robyn.”

What? If she was about to make me want to punch myself don’t I get to have a little fun? I think I totally deserve it.

“You know… about the Jonas Brothers”

I groaned and hit my head against the table. As much as I saw it coming I couldn’t help but hope maybe for once someone really just wanted to know how I was. Ha! Yeah right…

“I think I have to go check on my patients” I said while placing my cup of coffee on the desk and getting up.

“What! Come on Kaelyn, were friends right? You can trust me! My lips are sealed.”

I just nodded unconvinced.

“Look Robyn, there is nothing to say. I met him once while I was on vacation I’m not his girlfriend, friend or anything else for that matter. Perez is just blowing nothing into something. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go”

Correction I needed to breathe because every time someone brought up the Jonas’ I felt suffocated.

I walked down the quite hall going in and out if each room. My hands were running on automatic while my brain was clouded with everything that had happened these past two weeks. People don’t realize how fame literally changes everything and I wasn’t even a rock star I was just a girl on a blog a very famous blog. None the less I couldn’t answer my phone because every time I did people found my number. I couldn’t go out because there were paparazzi and paparazzi meant more Perez. I was surrounded by fake people wanting to be my friend because of who I knew not who I was. Sometimes I wished I hadn’t gone on vacation to the Bahamas with Erinn only because I wasn’t ready to find out who my real friends were. I liked my ignorance… it was comfortable. And for the first time I wished Joe wouldn’t walk through my door.

Ugh… who am I kidding of course I still did. I would sacrifice it all if I could have one more moment with him. But that was just it, I wasn’t going to get another moment. It was over and I was living on something that wasn’t real. The connection I felt with Joe was a figment of my imagination.

Reality sucks.

By the time I finally realized where I was I had made it full circle and was now standing in the waiting area. I took a seat directly across from the elevator and stared the elevator down. It was taunting me.

The next second a high pitched Ding filled the room signaling the elevator stopping on my floor. I quickly looked at my watch 3:15 am. Who the heck it coming up that elevator? The doors started to open my heart rate gaining speed, my palms began sweating, the butterflies that I hadn’t felt in so long came back and when the doors fully opened they revealed…


Irony… you’re a bitch. I hate you.
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