Paper Bags and Toiletries

My family used to think that I was different, but still normal, at least the most normal one in our family. My older sister started going to therapy when she was seven, she had lots of issues, still does, stealing, lying, and other stuff that I am not allowed to mention for the sake of my families “pride”. My younger sister started ‘acting out’, as my mom called it, soon after we moved from sunny California to boring old, redneck Georgia. She, like my older sister had, started stealing, lying, hanging out with the wrong crowd, surprisingly, she is the first person in my family to go to juvy (though we have had a couple members go to jail). So, you can imagine my parents’ distress when I, the perfect, pretty, funny, carefree and loving middle child began to ‘act out’. Of course, it all started out in good fun, playing the part of a fool at school, and of course, hanging out with the “popular” crowd, then I got my first real crush, and had my first break up. I went to my first party, and fell in love with the atmosphere. Going to parties every night my grades began to fall, I eventually stopped coming to school period, but probably the worst thing is when I started doing drugs, mainly heroine. When my parents decided they had enough, they threw me out. I was sixteen, pretty, and in desperate need of love... not exactly what I was looking for.....
  1. Hate the sin, love the sinner
    Introducing... things are not always as they seem