Status: Finished :)

I've Got a Nice Big Vampire Problem

-Chapter Thirteen- Shopping for Hair Dye

Conan and I pulled up to a drug store. I was sporting some big sunglasses and my hair was in a ponytail with a white baseball hat over it. The white sunglasses I was sure looked a little suspicious because it was about 2 in the morning. I had mentioned this to Conan and he seemed fine with it, just as long as no one could see me.

I hung my head as we walked into the store, not wanting two people crossing the street to notice me. Conan looked at me, though I couldn't see what facial expression he had because of the way my head was bent.

"You don't need to be completely obvious, Abigail," he said. My head snapped up to give him a glare. Then I realized he probably couldn't see through the sunglasses.

"I'm not being completely obvious," I said stiffly. "I'm acting like a very insecure girl who hangs her head."

We walked into the store. Conan's voice was low but amused.

"You're back is straight. Insecure girls walked all hunched, am I right?"

I shrugged, looking around for the hair dye.

"And besides," he continued. "You've got no reason to be insecure. Everyone can see that. So that just draws more attention to you."

I smiled against my will. I was still mad at him for making me dye my hair, but just like everyone else, flattery hits home. I moved away from him, towards the hair dye isle, hoping he wouldn't be able to hear my heart thump.

Conan followed me and we both started to look through the hundreds of colors of hair dye. I snatched a box up, seeing it was a midnight black. "Okay, come on, let's go," I sighed, moving past Conan to the cash register. Before I left the isle a hand grabbed my shoulder. Conan's iron hand swivelled me around to take the box right out of my hand.

He looked at the box, then at me. He frowned.


I gave him an incredulous stare. "What now?"

He held up the box, looking disapproving. "You're not going to get this color."

I groaned and placed my hands on top of my hat. I took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. First, he makes me dye my hair. Then he tells me that I'm not allowed to dye it the color I wanted. Mind you, I didn't really want black hair, but the moment he said no made me want it more than anything else. "Yes, I am."

He shook his head, stern now. "No, you would look a ghost with black hair."

"Well maybe if I didn't have to dye my hair we wouldn't have this problem," I snapped. He ignored me, putting the box back.

I frowned. I walked through the isle and picked up some cheap blue hair dye. "This one alright?" I asked sarcastically.

Though he didn't look at me, he said, "Abigail, put the blue hair dye back please. Come over here, I want to see if this would good on you."

Scowling, I put the blue hair dye back and walked over to Conan, my arms crossed, ready to disapprove of the color immediately.

He held the swatch of color up to my face. He frowned and put the color box back. I studied him as he leant over to look for another box. He looked like he was on a very important mission - like the color my hair was going to be was the most important thing in the world right now. I was sure that if a car drove through the wall right now, he would grab it right before it hit the hair dye isle and fling it into the apartment building across the street, then return looking for the perfect color.

I smiled at the thought. Conan picked another color and walked up to me, holding it up to my face. I fought my smile off, determined to look miserable. His hand started moving up to my face and I froze, having no idea what he was doing. He lowered my sunglasses carefully, studying the hair color and my eyes, before returning the box back to the shelf and taking my sunglasses with him. My back was to the cashier, so I couldn't turn around for fear she might recognize me.

The muscle in my chest thudded loudly and I blushed, knowing he could hear it. His face remained concentrated but I could see him tense up. I tried to get rid of my blush, knowing it was making him uncomfortable.

He grabbed another box, moved over to me and held the swatch up to my face, right beside my eyes. I looked down, frowning. I hated being affected by him like this - no, I hated being affected by anyone like this. And the worst part was that he knew it.

He cleared his throat and I kept my head down.

"Abigail, the insecure girl act doesn't work with you. I thought we already established that," he said. My mouth tugged itself into a small grin. His finger lifted my chin so I would look at him. Having no choice, I obliged. I couldn't even fight against his damn finger. My eyes met with his and he nodded. "Thank you."

After studying the hair color and my eyes, his blue and gold eyes darting back and forth, he nodded again.

"Yes, I like this color."

I placed my hand on the sunglasses in his hand, knowing I couldn't tug them out of his clutch. He let go and I put them back on, turning around to walk to the cashier.

She was a lady in her mid sixties with blue eye shadow, pink lipstick and enough cover up that give an elephant a beautiful complexion. She gave me a smile and I smiled back. Her eyes then turned to Conan, and during the whole buying process, not once did she look back at me.

As we walked out of the store into the dark air, I yawned.

Conan looked at me, confused and a little wary. "What was that?"

I smiled at him."It was a yawn," I said.

"Well, what does it mean?"

"It means I'm just a little tired," I explained. I didn't want to tell him I was really tired, because then that would mean every time I yawned he'd get really worried and make me sleep.

He nodded, seeming to think that this wasn't too odd. "Okay, we'll go get another room-"

"No, I'll sleep in the car," I interrupted him. We both got in the car, him looking at me sceptically. "I don't want to waste time because you think I need a comfortable bed. I want to find Mackenzie."

Conan slowly turned to the car out of the parking lot, onto the dark street. "So you will be okay?" I nodded. He was actually listening to me!

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

He stared out of the windshield as we drove around.

"How can you see?" I asked dramatically, crossing my legs.

A grin tugged at his lips. "I'm a vampire, Abigail."

"So being a vampire almost...upgrades your senses?"

As he nodded, his sandy blonde hair flowed with his movements.

"Does your hair ever grow?"


"Really?" I asked, intrigued now.


"So say I shaved one side of your head off, it would stay like that for the rest of eternity?"

His gaze went from the windshield to me immediately. I stared back at him innocently as he glared at me.

"Don't you dare cut my hair."

I just smiled at him. His glare deepened. He turned a corner without even looking on the road.

"Conan! Look at the road!" I said loudly, hitting my hand on the dashboard.

"I'll look if you promise me you won't cut my hair-"

"Fine! Fine! I won't cut your hair! Now look at the damn road!!"

"You promise?"


He looked back to the road and slowly, a very white smile flashed at the windshield. I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding. A little chuckle erupted in the back of his throat.

"You looked really scared," he pointed out. I shot him a short glare.

"Only because you're friggen crazy."

"Thank you."
♠ ♠ ♠
I would like to thank the pop shoppe, firemage442 and Ms. Sobriety for comments :D I love them lots!

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