Status: Finished :)

I've Got a Nice Big Vampire Problem

-Chapter Nineteen- The Interview

A visitor?

Mackenzie and I were trudging through the dirt tunnel, the two vampires behind us. The way he had said it sent cold shivers down my spine. Had Conan come to get me and gotten captured? He couldn't, he was our only chance of survival. They would kill him.

My stomach churned and I had a sudden urge to be sick. No, Conan would not die. He couldn't. I felt myself begin having a panic attack just thinking about it. My breath got caught in my throat and my airway started to collapse itself.

A warm hand laid itself on my arm. I looked back to see Mackenzie trying to inconspicuously comfort me. I gave her a nod and looked back. The warm hand disappeared.

Somehow I forced my breathing to return to normal. I needed to keep breathing, because me dead would not help Mackenzie get out of there.

We reached the end of the tunnel, neither Mackenzie nor I having any idea what to expect. Could it be Conan? Or what if it was the vampire that was supposed to turn me? My heart smashed into my ribs, creating a painful shockwave through my chest. Even if Conan was dead, I refused to be turned by Lysias' side. The world would probably fall into chaos.

One of the vampires growled behind us. "Hurry up."

I reached behind me, grabbed Mackenzie's hand and rushed forward. But then I started to think.

If I could get my heart to start acting up again, and get it to stay that way, it was definitely likely that one of the two vampires behind me would kill me. If Conan was dead and I was being brought to my doom, then I had no reason to live, did I?

But what about Mackenzie? No, I couldn't subject her to seeing that, then having to die as well. So even if I was turned into a vampire by the evil side, I would get her out of there.

I pushed the big makeshift steel door out of the way and walked into the huge hall, Mackenzie trailing me, close behind us the two vampires.

The one who had waved us into the tunnel paused beside us while the other walked up to the big platform, where two vampires sat on the farthest side. I couldn't see their face, the room was too dim, but I knew that whoever was up there held significant power.

The huge vampire gave a bow and waved his arm towards Mackenzie and me. They exchanged a few words and the huge vampire turned towards us, giving a nod. His twin pushed me away from Mackenzie, towards the table.

"Go on, you're wanted," he said, amused. I shot him a hearty glare, and then glanced at Mackenzie. She took a deep breath and nodded.

I turned and walked up to the table, my numb legs carrying me. I didn't have time to think anything of the two vampires waiting for me, I got there too fast.

I stood behind the chair, staring at the two vampires sitting across the table. One was wearing glasses and had slicked back blonde hair with a nice suit on, while the other was an Italian looking man, with black hair and deep brown eyes. I was surprised. Neither of them looked very intimidating.

The vampire with the glasses stood up and sent me a smile, holding out his hand.

"Good morning, Abigail. My name is Frebec, and this is Dalvar."

I blinked.

I had gone insane. Already. I had only been there for what, an hour? There was no way that a vampire in Lysias' clan would be so polite. Percy was in Lysias' clan; there was no way this...being could be in the same category. It must have been my mind demanding for civilization again, so it had thought up a polite vampire. Hmm. It was a pretty good illusion.

Frebec's eyes flashed to his open hand. I realized he wanted me to shake it.

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I should shake your hand," I said.

Frebec gave me an inquiring look. His hand slowly lowered to his side. "And why exactly is that?"

"Well, I think I've gone insane. Sir, not to offend you, but I don't think you're actually this polite in reality."

He grinned, looking a little stunned. "And why not?"

"Because you're a vampire. Because you're in Lysias' clan. You can't be polite."

Frebec then chuckled, waving his hand towards the chair in front of him. "Please, sit down." I did as he asked, wondering when this little vision was going to end. The moment I sat down, Dalvar leaned forwards on the table, staring at me as if I were something new and intriguing.

"You are Abigail?" He asked.


"How old are you?"

I considered the question. Is these vampires weren't real, then I was in a somewhat of a dream world, was I not? So I could be anything I pleased. I decided I would have fun with this.

"I'm twenty years away from being half a year older than my step-mother, who is five years from her oldest sibling, who loves pickles."

A shocked laugh echoed behind me. It was Mackenzie. I kept my eyes on the two vampires in front of me. I didn't know when this little vision was going to end, but I realized that once I snapped out of it, the vampires were not going to be nice.

But neither of the vampires looked furious, in fact just the opposite, so I found no reason to stop my nonsense.

Dalvar and Frebec exchanged amused glances.

"You do realize, Abigail," Frebec said, "that you did, in no way, answer my question."

I nodded, a bright smile coming to my face.

"Well, since you're too polite to actually exist, I thought I might throw something odd at you to see how you respond," I replied, intrigued.

Dalvar laughed, looking at Frebec. "At least she will be interesting to keep around," he said.

He was talking about keeping me here. My heart punched my ribs painfully. Both vampires straightened and pushed their chairs slightly away from me.

"No." My voice was filled with determination. These polite vampires were so much easier to stand up to. Both of them gave me disapproving glances. "I'm not going to be a vampire."

Dalvar shook his head. "I'm sorry Abigail, but-"

"My name is Abby." Abigail didn't sound right coming out of Dalvar's mouth. Only Conan could say it.

He nodded. "Well, Abby, you've got no choice."

I got an idea. My fury at being told I had no choice fuelled it into a full out plan in seconds. I did my best to keep my calm face on, and added a little bit of confusion to it, praying to every god out there that my lying would come through this time. "Well of course I've got no choice. You're a billion times stronger than me. But why in hell do you want to change me?"

Frebec nodded and folded his arms on the table. "That is what we're here for. You see, there was a prophecy made about a month ago and we believe you are the one it is talking about." I leaned forward, pretending to be interested. "It tells of a girl being born of a vampire, but being a human. And whichever side-"

"Lysias or Salvador, am I right?" I asked. Frebec nodded, seeming slightly impressed.

"Yes. Those are the two sides. Whichever side turns the girl – you – wins the battle between the two that has been going on for ages," Frebec finished.

Dalvar repositioned himself on the chair gracefully. I noticed that all these vampires, not just Conan, seemed to be quite good looking and move with astonishing grace. Though Conan beat out all of them in almost every aspect. Except for subtlety.

"Where, exactly, did you learn what you know?"

"I was told by the vampire who had been dragging me all over the place," I said, my natural attitude coming through at that moment.

"And do you know this vampire's name?" Frebec asked, leaning in slightly.
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I absolutely adored the comments :D Thanks guys!!
This ones out for you!!

I hope you enjoooyyyy!!