Status: Finished :)

I've Got a Nice Big Vampire Problem

-Chapter Twenty Nine- Getting a Cookie

Falvor stood in front of me, looking thoroughly confused and dominant all in one expression. I tried not to move while I stared at him.

"Why'd you bring me here?" I asked, completely horrified. He was going to eat me, I knew it. He hadn't eaten for fifty years, and he thought I smelt good, so I would be the one he ate after his long time without blood. Maybe he had heard the fight and decided that I would no longer be needed.

"You seemed to be distressed," he answered.

Oh, was I really? I thought sarcastically. I was too scared to say it out loud.

"You should know that I have no plan on eating you," he said formally. If I would have been any bit more relaxed I would have burst out laughing.

"Umm, what?"

"I'm not going to eat you."

"Well why the hell not?" I snapped. He raised his eyebrow at me. I immediately backtracked. "I don't have any problem with you not eating me, but didn't you go without blood for fifty years? Aren't you super hungry?"

Falvor sat on the couch across from me. "I have been without food for fifty years, yes, but ever since I had to stop myself from eating you and your friend, I have found that you no longer smell good. In fact, I can't smell you at all."

I was completely frozen. It took me a moment to force words out of my mouth. "So you're saying that after fifty years of torture, you no longer have a craving for blood?"

Falvor paused, and then nodded. "Yes, that is exactly what I am saying."

I slowly nodded. "Okay. Well, that's good," I said, my voice weak. As I got over what he had told me, I realized that my agony was starting to eat at me.

"Are you in pain?" He asked suddenly.

Unable to speak, I squished myself into a ball and shook my head. I tried to become as small as possible, so there wouldn't be so much hurt. There can only be so much pain in one body right?

"You look hurt," he declared. Through my clouded eyes I saw him suddenly straighten. "Did I hurt your feelings when I told you I wouldn't eat you?" He asked incredulously, seeming stunned and appalled at the same time.

I giggled as I cried. "No," I whispered. My air tube felt horrid. It felt like a cat was scratching my lungs and throat. The pain only increased my misery. I fell onto my side, still crunched into my small ball.

I tried to hide my head, not wanting to look stupid in front of Falvor. My bottom lip was stuck out, shaking, a deep frown creased on my face and more tears rolling down my face. It would be my luck to have snot on my face as well. Maybe no one would be able to bite me if I looked that bad.

Between my fingers I saw Falvor disappear. A wild sob chocked its way out of me and I squeezed my knees to my chest tighter.

How could I be so stupid? God, this was such a typical situation. Gorgeous boy rescues girl. Girl falls for gorgeous boy. Boy turns out to be an evil player. Girl gets heart broken. But what happens after that?

Well, seeing as gorgeous boy is a vampire, I guess I had a little bit of a dilemma. Normally in my situation the girl would drive away, tears in her eyes, leaving her shit boyfriend behind. In my case, I couldn't drive away because I didn't have a car. Where had Conan's car gone anyways? Another sob exploded out of my lungs as I remembered him kissing me in that car.

Falvor appeared in front of me, holding his hand out. I raised my head to see what was in his hand. A classic chocolate chip cookie.

I giggled again. "Falvor, why do you have a cookie?"

He straightened. "It's for you," he told me. "I heard you talking about how cookies are better when you sneak them. I don't know if it will still taste as good seeing as I didn't sneak it..."

I sat up and sniffed. I took the cookie, looking at Falvor. I wiped away the tears that strayed down my cheeks. "You got me a cookie?" I asked, my voice breaking.

He didn't reply, just stared back at me, glancing at the cookie.

I took a bite out of the cookie, trying to get over the fact that Falvor had gotten me a cookie. Though it might not seem like much, at the moment it meant the world to me. He had listened to me while I talked, and then put what I had said into play when I was obviously in need of a little comfort.

My tears had stopped. I grinned. "I think you stunned me out of crying."

His intense gaze lightened a little bit and he nodded. I quickly finished the cookie, suddenly realizing how hungry I was. I hadn't eaten in a good two days straight.

"Uh, Falvor?" I asked, looking up at him. He was still standing there, his hands folded in front of him, looking at me.


"Can I have some bread or something? I'm kind of hungry," I said. He nodded and started towards the door. I stood up and quickly followed him. "What do your kitchens have?"

"Mostly meat, but some vampires like some other things as well. Human food," he told me. "There is a good amount of chocolate, because that seems to be the favourite. But there is also fruit and bread for the few vampires who prefer those."

My stomach churned in anticipation. Chocolate? I hadn't had chocolate in around three weeks. Melted chocolate on some strawberries. My mouth began to water. I started to practically run.

Falvor kept up easily. "Why are you so excited?"

"I'm hungry," I said, beginning to skip. I waved my arms beside me to move faster, knowing I probably looked like an idiot. I felt Falvor studying me as I half ran half skipped through the hallway, towards the huge hall.

Falvor grabbed my arm and swung me onto his back. He rushed through the hall, through another hallway and stopped right before an empty door frame. I fell off his back onto my butt, dizzy. He turned and held his hand out to help me up. I took his hand and he gingerly lifted me.

"What was that for?" I asked as I steadied myself.

Falvor moved through the doorway. "It was clear you wanted to get here fast, so I decided to take it upon myself to help you."

"Yeah, obviously," I muttered. I stepped into the kitchen. The whole thing was marble black, just like the rest of the place, except the floor was white stone. The cupboards were something like I had never seen before. When you pushed one side of the cupboard, it opened for one side, and when you pushed the other, the other side opened. I was like everything in the cupboard disappeared when the other side was pushed.

"You said you wanted bread, am I right?" He asked. I nodded.

"Anything extra you can give me, I'll take."

Falvor took out some bread, peanut butter and the biggest block of chocolate I had ever seen from the cupboard. He took a knife from a small drawer beside him and slathered some peanut butter on the bread. Then, with the twitch of his fingers, he crushed half of the block of chocolate into little shavings and put them on the peanut butter. He gently lifted one piece of bread and squished it onto the other.

He got a plate out of the cupboard to his left and put the peanut butter and chocolate sandwich on it, placing it on the island and gestured towards it.

"Is that for me?" I asked breathlessly.

"Well yes, I suppose so. If you'd like it, you may have it."

Trying not to drool, I reached for the sandwich. I took one bite and I was hooked. It was possibly the best sandwich I had ever had in my whole entire life. I couldn't take my time eating it; it was too good to be drawn up. Once I was done it felt like a rock was sitting in my stomach.

"Did you enjoy the sandwich?" Falvor asked, the intensity on his face making it seem like he had just asked me whether I had a disease or not.

I smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah. That had to be the best food I have had, well, ever."

Falvor inclined his head. "I doubt that, but I'll take the compliment anyways."

I grinned.

"So where will you be staying?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I have no idea." I wouldn't be staying with Conan – random stab of pain in my chest – because that would be the most awkward thing of my life. I looked up at Falvor. "Do you think Mackenzie is okay to see now?"

"She would be done turning now, but you could not see her."

I frowned in defiance. "And if I told you I'm going to see her anyways?"

"I would go with you."

My frown disappeared and a slightly shocked expression took over my face. "You – really?"

He nodded. "Well, it is not my place to stop you from going anywhere. I will remove you from the room if the danger is too much for me to handle, but I won't stop you from going."

I turned on my heel immediately, walking swiftly out of the kitchen. I had no idea where I was, but I knew that once I found that huge hall I could find my way to the infirmary.

Falvor appeared beside me, walking with an easy stride, matching mine easily. "You are doing that fast walk again. Would you like me to carry you?"

I held out my arm and closed my eyes. He swung me onto his back as I walked. The wind was suddenly rushing by me, and then it stopped. I opened my eyes and slid of his rock hard back, wondering if I would be able to move that fast once I was a vampire, or if I would be so solid.

I reached for the marble door but was stopped by Falvor's hand on my shoulder. Literally. He didn't even have to put pressure on his clutch to stop me dead in my tracks.

"Wait," he told me. Like I had any choice. "I want to go in first."

He pushed open the door and a number of things happened very fast, almost too fast for me to see.

First, my name was called by a loud screech that I remembered vividly as Mackenzie's voice. Second, something in the room moved. Third, Falvor had Mackenzie pinned up against the wall.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's another cause I promised Ms. Sobriety I would :)
I really enjoyed writing this little bonding time with Falvor :D

Comments are ALWAYS loved and appreciated.