Status: Finished :)

I've Got a Nice Big Vampire Problem

-Chapter Thirty- Meeting Mackenzie Again

Mackenzie's eyes were bright as she stared at me from over Falvor's shoulder. All her attention was on me as she subtly fought against Falvor.

Mackenzie was not what I was expecting. She was not scary, or intimidating, or horribly daunting. She was Mackenzie.

She looked like Mackenzie. A huge smile was on her face and her bright hair was slightly messed up from being thrown into the wall by Falvor. She was still gorgeous as ever, and she didn't look blood thirsty or dark.

It took one second for something else to happen. A horrible growl erupted in the corner of the room and suddenly Falvor was ripped off of Mackenzie, Gavin replacing him.

Falvor hit the wall and fell to his feet, growling as he crouched.

"Abby!" Mackenzie cried again, trying to push Gavin off of her. I stood, frozen in the doorway, not having any idea what to do. Mackenzie glanced at Gavin's ear in annoyance. Suddenly she growled, grabbed his sides and threw him viciously into one of the hospital beds, half way across the room.

My jaw quite literally dropped. She disappeared for one moment, Falvor disappearing as well. Suddenly I was tackled out of the room and Falvor was on the other side of the room, sliding out of the dent he had created.

The strawberry blonde hair in my face told me who I was being held by. Her arms were crushing my sides, removing all the air in my lungs.

"Kenzie?" I squeaked.

"Oh!" She cried and let go, pushing herself away from me. "Sorry," she giggled. "All this new strength is sort of shocking."

I stared at her, simply amazed. Where was this scary newborn vampire that was supposed to tear my throat out?

She sniffed me. "Wow, they're right, you humans smell fantastic! You know, if you weren't you I would totally eat you right now."

I had to laugh. It was too much for me. I grabbed her and pulled myself into her, since there was no way I could move her, and laughed over her shoulder. I pulled back and smiled. "You're not eating me," I stated, shocked.

She beamed brighter than she was. "You're damn right I'm not eating you." Then she turned to peer over her shoulder, sending a glare towards two frozen vampires, Gavin and Falvor, both standing side by side, staring at us. "I'm not going to eat her," she snapped at them, then turned back to smile at me.

"So, what has happened in the last two hours that I've been turning immortal?" She asked.

Yet another stab of pain. "You won't believe me if I told you," I muttered.

"Abby, I just turned into a vampire. I think right now I would believe just about anything," she commented.

I grinned. "That's true."

We moved into the hospital, sitting on the one bed Gavin hadn't completely destroyed. I noticed she now practically danced when she walked. I sat on the bed and Mackenzie remained standing right beside the pile of metal and sheets that used to be a bed.

"Hey, watch this," she giggled and grabbed one of the mangled bars and lifted the whole bed over her head with one arm. She twirled around, bed in hand, and stopped, setting it down. She inhaled deeply and beamed. "Man, that's cool."

She disappeared – out of the corner of my eyes I saw both Falvor and Gavin tense – and then reappeared in front of me, on the bed. Me, still in my shocked state, was only able to smile, eyes wide.

"Umm, Kenzie, are you sure you're okay?" I asked, remembering her looking terrible the last time I had seen her.

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, I'm fine. It kind of hurt, but I'd do that a thousand times over just to be like this for the rest of my life."

I cringed, scrunching my face up. "I wouldn't want you too," I said.

Mackenzie caught the momentary look on my face and her smiled faded. "Sorry, I-"

"No," I said, shaking my head. "No, don't say sorry, Kenzie. It's not in any way your fault."

She looked up at me guiltily. I frowned angrily, remembering her jumping in front of me. I smacked her arm, making my palm sting and glared. "I can't believe you would jump in front of me!"

"He was going to suck you dry-"

"No he was not!" I snapped, sitting up. "He told me, he would bite me, not anything else!"

A fire lit up in Mackenzie's eyes. "He told you if you turned out bad, he would kill you!"

"So you figured that by you dying it would save me?" I cried. "No! He would just eat you, and then move onto me! I would have died anyways!"

"But you didn't, did you?" Mackenzie snapped back. I glared, flustered for a moment.

"No, but if the situation was different-"

"It wasn't, was it?"

I glowered at her. She wasn't allowed to win this one. "That doesn't matter. It was extremely stupid of you to jump in front of me, and you could have died." My voice was stern and precise. I was trying to make it obvious I would not let her have this argument.

She sighed and ran her hand through her choppy hair. "Alright, yeah, okay. I'm sorry."

I nodded, straight backed and everything. "Thank you."

Gavin cleared his throat. Falvor was standing near the wall and Gavin was still standing in the middle of the room. Mackenzie turned her head gracefully to give Gavin a look I couldn't see. Though Gavin didn't smile, I could see the amusing spark in his eye.

"Yes, Gavin?" Mackenzie asked, an edge to her voice.

"You were asking me something before Abigail came, and I was wondering what it was," he said. The side of my mouth tugged upwards, knowing he was distracting us from our little fight.

Mackenzie scoffed, obviously not catching on to why he was asking her this. "Are you serious Gavin?"

He nodded. "Yes, I am completely serious."

She turned herself to face him. "You know, for someone who's lived thousands of years, you're surprisingly inpatient."

A shadow of a grin appeared on Gavin's face and his eyebrow rose, waiting for her to answer his question.

She sighed enthusiastically. "I just wanted to know where Abby and I would be staying."

Falvor stepped towards us. "I do not think it is a very good idea for you to stay with Abby, especially alone." Mackenzie turned to him, standing up.

"I haven't eaten her, or even tried to, so what's the problem?" She asked.

Gavin looked at Falvor.

"Really, I don't think we have anything to worry about," the elder stated. "She's got unusual willpower."

Falvor looked at me. I nodded. He gave bowed his head towards me and stepped back, surveying us all. Mackenzie smiled at me, then back at Gavin. "Damn straight."

"Well we have to talk to Sophia –" Mackenzie swiftly interrupted Gavin.

"Who is Sophia?"

"Sophia is the girl who takes care of all the accommodations. She arranges living spaces," Gavin answered.

Mackenzie shifted her weight on the bed, making it creak. "Alright, when can we see her?"

Falvor answered her question. "She should be in her little office, it's off Kings Hall."

"Where's Kings Hall?" I asked, though I was sure I knew where it was, I wanted confirmation.

"It's the hall that Salvador has his throne in," Gavin said absentmindedly. He was already thinking of where we could stay, I could see it reeling in his head.

Mackenzie stood. "Alright, let's go."

"Umm, I'm hungry, so I'm going to go to the kitchens. You go right ahead," I said, standing as well. "I don't really care where we stay, just as long as there aren't marble beds."

A bright smile lightened Mackenzie's face. "Alright, you go be human and I'll go set up a room. And I also want to meet this Salvador man."

I gave a big smile, perhaps a little too enthusiastic. "Have fun." Mackenzie turned and danced out of the room after Gavin.

The door closed and I didn't move, just sat there and stared at the sheets, feeling Falvor's stare.

"Are you going to cry again?" He asked.

I took a second to evaluate how I felt. "No," I responded, sitting up straight and looking at Falvor. "No, I'm not."

I wasn't sad anymore. Now I was angry.
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Hello :) Wanted to say thank you to xXBlowingKissesXx for being my best motivator.

I hope you enjoy!
Comments, if you don't mind