Status: Finished :)

I've Got a Nice Big Vampire Problem

- Chapter Forty Nine - The Fall

As I fell, one thousand things passed through my mind. Panic and horror being the most dominant at first, but what came second was amazement. I had just jumped one hundred and fifty feet from the ground. If I had been running and jumped on an angle, I probably could have doubled that space.

I lowered my head and angled my body so I could see what was below me. I tried to look for something that would break my fall through my panic. All I could see were the tall and probably very fragile trees that stuck out of the ground.

I was nearing fast. Seventy feet, sixty feet, fifty feet.

Through the trees, I saw that Conan was standing right under me. Immediately I flew into a panic in the middle of the air.

I was going to crush him! Like, literally!

I could not land on him. That was already a fact. I would do anything I had to not to land even near him. I would have yelled at him to move, but by the time I was done screaming it I would have already crushed him.

So I improvised. The moment the trees were in reaching distance I grabbed one. The tip of it followed me towards the ground. As I realized it would not save Conan by itself, I planted my feet onto the thick trunk, and a third of a second later, I had propelled myself off the now very broken tree and through the forest. I was aimed downwards, so I didn't go as far as I would have normally.

My side crashed into a tree, cracking the tree in half and shoving all the air in my lungs out my wind pipe. I was sent tumbling through the air, eventually hitting the ground. The moment I hit the ground, I felt the ground tear apart underneath me as I skidded across its surface. I tried my best to keep myself in a ball to decrease the damage.

The moment I stopped rolling, I uncurled myself and looked down. I still had to overcome the shock of pretty much destroying half the forest and still being conscious, but from what I could feel, I was fine.

I shot up and looked around for Conan. He was running towards me. No part on his body was damaged. In fact he looked as perfect as usual.

That's when I became furious.

It boiled through my skin, threatening to take me over and hit something- no, not just hit, destroy.

Conan stopped two feet in front of me and started to move towards me. He stopped once he saw the expression on my face.

"You IDIOT!" I was shaking uncontrollably. My whole body was quivering.

Conan shot me a wary look and started to speak, but I cut him off.

"Why would you stand UNDERNEATH ME, when I am FALLING AND NEAR INDESTRUCTABLE? DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH? I swear to God, if I would have killed you I would have never forgiven myself." I shook my head, my hands entangling themselves in my dirt filled hair. "I can't believe you did that!"

Conan gave me an even look. "Abigail, I'm just as indestructible as you are."

"STILL! Like I would want to LAND ON YOU!" I roared. "What were you going to do? CATCH ME?"

"Actually, yes. Why?"

I gave him my worst glare and turned to storm back to the house.

"Where are you going?" Conan asked, following me.

"I want to see Mackenzie."

Seeming to get the hint that I was angry with him, he became cross. "Fine."

I ignored him. He would soon finish being insufferable and by then I would be a little calmer. When I reached the deck, the back door ripped open and Mackenzie came flying through it, slamming into me with all she had. If I would have been human, I would have been dead on impact.

She was laughing. I smiled, loving the sound. I hadn't heard it in so long.

She pulled back and smacked my shoulder, as if to prove I was actually made of stone now. Her bright smile was almost overwhelming to me. "Look who's a vampire!"

Conan walked past us, saying, "We've got to talk about that."

I glared at his back, my temper flaring up. "What does that even mean?"

"Come inside."

I growled- which was awesome, I could never growl before- and stalked in the house behind him, Mackenzie following close behind. She looked confused.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"With me or with what he just said?" I asked, stopping in the door way.

"You, clearly," she said, smiling a little.

"Conan asked me to jump, so I did, and then he decided to stand right underneath me."

"Well, Abby, he was probably going to catch you."

My eyes then narrowed at her and I pointed at my hair. "Well, clearly, I made sure that didn't happen. And how was I supposed to know he was going to catch me? The first thing he said when he saw me when I woke up was, 'jump.'"

"That's not true," he called from the kitchen.

"Pretty much!" I snapped. "Maybe a little communication would have been in order before you made me break the friggen ozone layer."

I followed Mackenzie into the kitchen, seeing Gavin sitting at the island. Mackenzie took the spot beside him as Conan lent up against the stove.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, my temper still going.

Conan opened the fridge and pulled out a fresh looking rack of meat. He then proceeded to wave it in front of my face.

I grimaced and stepped back, saying, "What's your problem?"

I looked at Mackenzie, expecting her to demand that Conan stop being ridiculous, seeing as he wasn't listening to me, but no. She just stared at me, her brow furrowed as it always is when she's thinking about something. "What?"

"Abigail, this is fresh meat," Conan said. "Still full of blood and everything. And you're cringing away from it."

My mouth formed an 'o' and I looked at the meat. I sniffed the air. Nothing.

"Well..." I said, and having no clue what to say next, I just stopped.

Conan put the meat back to the fridge and nodded. "That is why I looked at you like I did. I was holding a dead deer over my shoulder and you made no move towards it. Hence why I asked you to jump, to make sure you had actually gone through the transformation."

He started to prepare cereal while he talked.

"It might be that you're only attracted to human blood, though I've never seen or heard anything like that. Did you even smell anything when I pulled that meat out? Or when I had the deer?"

"No," I answered.

He handed me the bowl of cereal, a spoon already in the bowl.

"Thank you," I said and took a big spoonful of Miniwheats. Then I saw the expectant look on Conan's face. I looked down at the food. It was human food. I was no longer human. I was enjoying Miniwheats while being a vampire.

I swallowed my food and giggled at the thought. "I guess I'm kind of the world's worst vampire then?"

Conan's lips twitched upwards into a smile. Mackenzie freaked.

"So wait!" She jabbed her finger at my Miniwheats. "You're enjoying those right now? Like you like them?"

I nodded, taking another spoonful, only realizing how hungry I was.

Mackenzie grimaced at my food. "So what, she gets the benefits of being a vampire without the downside?" She snapped at Conan.

Conan shook his head in what seemed to be amazement. "Yeah, I guess so."

I frowned after swallowing some more Miniwheats. "Well then what am I? Because no one bit me, I just changed by myself. And where's Falvor?"